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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Sir Christopher Wroughton

 237644. Sir Christopher Wroughton

1455, Christopher born in England, s/o 475288. John Wroughton.

5/11/1471, Edward IV regained the crown after the Battle of Tewkesbury.

3/2/1475, Parties to Indenture: Indentures between the king and the following, retaining them for service in his invasion of France, Christopher Wroughton. (S) UKNA.

6/1475, King Edward landed his army at Calais, France. Negotiations led to the Treaty of Picquigny.

8/1/1483, Latton, Isabel, late wife of John Horn. … witnesses, John Wroughton the elder, …, Christopher Wroughton, …, John Wroughton the younger, esquires. (S) UKNA.

8/22/1485, Henry VII succeeded Richard III as King of England.

5/10/1488, IPM of John Chokke, esq. … He gave the other under-mentioned manors and lands to John Seyntlo, knt., John Byconyll, Christopher Wroughton, …, esqs., … to the use of his will. (S) CIsPM.

1/10/1495, IPM of John Harwell. … were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c., and demised them to Thomas Grene, esquire, Christopher Wroughton, …, to the use of the said John Harwell and Anne, his wife, who survives, … (S) CIsPM.

1495, Christopher knighted.

3/12/1495, Charter of Feoffment to Uses. John Chokke … John Seyntlo, Christopher Wroughton, knights, … (S) UKNA.

8/16/1496, Chirstopher’s father died.

10/14/1496, IPM of John Wroughton. He was seised of the under-mentioned manors and land in fee, … Alexander Darell, esq., who survives and is solely seised thereof in his demesne as of fee. He died on Tuesday the morrow of the feast of the Assumption last. Christopher Wroughton, knt., aged 40 and more, is his son and heir. Somerset: Manor of Mourton, worth 100s., … Manor of Washford, worth £4 6s. 8d., … 4 messuages, 40a. land, 10a. meadow, and 20a. pasture in Edeston, worth 40s. (S) CIsPM.

10/22/1496, IPM of John Wroughton. … Christopher Wroughton, knt., aged 40 and more, is his son and heir. Wiltshire: Manor of Henton Columbers, worth £10, … Manor of Henton Wase, worth £6 13s. 4d., … Manor of Medeburne, worth 100s. … Manor of Odehill, worth £6 … Manor of Beversbroke, worth £10 … (S) CIsPM.

9/19/1497, Grant by Richard Beauchamp, knight, lord of St. Amand's, Robert Wylloughby, knight, lord Broke, Walter Hungerford, knight, … Witnesses:- John Cheyne, knight, Christopher Wroughton, knight, John Seymour, knight, … Wilts. (S) UKNA.

10/28/1497, IPM of John Wroughton. One John Caraunt, … were seised of the under-mentioned manor, &c. in fee, … by a certain charter … gave them to the said John Wroughton and one Margaret [Christopher’s step-mother] then his wife, … Christopher Wroughton, knight, aged 41 and more, is his son and heir, … Gloucester: Manor and advowson of Dudmerton, worth 10 marks … (S) CIsPM.

1498-1500, Plaintiffs: Christopher Wroughton, knight, son and heir of John Wroughton, esquire. Defendants: Margaret, late the wife of the said John Wroughton. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to the manor of Alvington and to lands in Wodehouse. Devon. (S) UKNA.

3/1/1504, Lease for lives: Sir John Chokke knt., son and heir of John Chokke esq., Christopher Wroughton knt. and John Staunton, feoffees … (S) UKNA.

6/28/1507, John Ernele esquire of Canynges co. Wilts, to Edward Darell and Christopher Wroughton knights, … Charter confirming gift with warranty of the manor of Palestholt, … (S) CCRs.

2/1/1509, IPM of Robert Brent, esquire. Somerset: … Ameadow in Bawedrip containing 12a., worth 10s., held of Christopher Wroughton … (S) CIsPM.

4/21/1509, Henry VIII succeeded Henry VII as King of England.

6/19/1510, Quit claim to a tenement called Warennys. Witnesses; Christopher Wroughton, knight, William Wroughton, esquire, John Wroughton, gentleman, … (S) UKNA.

9/20/1510, Grant by Christopher Wroughton, knight, to Robert Willoughby, lord Broke, Walter Hungerford, …, knights, … his manor of Brodehenton …  Witnesses:— John Seymour, knight, … [Wilts.] (S) Cat. of Ancient Deeds, V6, 1915, C5209.

1512, Sir Christopher Wroughton, Kt, of Broad Hinton, High Sheriff of Wiltshire.

5/14/1515, Bond of Christopher Wroughton, knight, to Thomas York esquire, for 300 marks. Defeasance; the bond to be void if Wroughton make a sufficient estate in writing to York, of the custody, ward, and marriage of William Wroughton, son and heir of the said Christopher, and also of his manor of Brood Henton, with lands, tenements, … Wiltshire. (S) Cat. of Ancient Deeds, V1, 1890.

1515, Christopher died.

(S) Bawdrip: Manors, A Hist. of Somerset: V6: Andersfield, Cannington, and North Petherton Hundreds, Bridgwater and neighbouring parishes, 1992, PP184-188.

Child of Christopher and ?:

i. William Wroughton (118822), born ~1480 in Wiltshire, England.

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