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Monday, October 12, 2020

Lord John Dygge Esq. & Juliane de Northwode

 625042. Lord John Dygge Esq. & 625043. Juliane de Northwode

11/1359, John born in Kent, England, heir & s/o 1250084. Roger Dygge & 1250085. Albina ?.

~1360, Juliane born in Kent, England, heir & d/o 1477558. Lord John de Northwood & 1477559. Joan Hert.

3/1362, Agnes held the manors of Yokes and Wichling ... in dower of Roger de Northwode, knight, ... with the assent of John de Northwode, his son and heir, and the reversion of the manors was granted ... to John son of Roger Digge, and Juliana his wife, and Christopher [Agnes’ new husband] and Agnes attorned to them. (S) IPM of Agnes, widow of Christopher Shuckburgh, formerly wife of Roger de Northwode, knight, 5/28/1405. [Marriage contract of John and Juliana.]

3/1369, Due to an outbreak of the plague in London, the royal court was moved to Windsor.

9/16/1375, John a legatee of his uncle John Digge: “I leave John Dygge son of my brother my silver and gilt cup with cover and six silver dishes (scutellos) and a silver covered cup of the better king and 24 good spoons and "pipam deauratam" [a small vessel] with cover, and a little hand basin and I will all these to remain with my executors until the full age of the said John. I wish that everything that remains in my disposition by the will of Roger my brother shall be disposed by my executors. I will the foresaid John Dygge have the great brass ‘campaneam’ and three other good brass.”

9/4/1376, John’s father Roger died.

1377 [bef. 6/21], IPM of Roger Digge and John Digge, clerk. Gillyngham. A marsh, held by Roger Digge by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of Albina his wife, of John Northwode, knight, ... It descended to John Digge, son and heir of Albina, a minor in the wardship of the said John Northwode. Wykham by Ledes. The manor, held by the said John Digge, clerk, uncle of the said John son of Roger, ... John died on Thursday before Michaelmas, 50 Edward III, and Roger on Monday after the Assumption in the same year. John Digge, son of the said Roger, aged 18 years and more, is kinsman and next heir of John Digge, clerk, to wit, son of Roger his brother. (S) IsPM, Kent, File 41.

6/21/1377, Richard II succeeded Edward III as King of England.

5/26/1378, Debtor: John atte Well, of Canterbury of Kent. Creditor: John Digge, of Barham [Kinghamford Hundred, Kent]. Amount: £10. (S) UKNA.

2/27/1379, Juliane’s father died.

10/27/1379, John son of Roger Digge & wife Juliana by Thomas Kenefeld guardian of Juliana, quenents. Roger son of John de Northwode knight, deforciant. Manors of Yoke [in Frinsted] and Wychelynge, except the advowson [see 3/1362] of the church of the vill of Wychelynge held by Christopher Shukkeburgh and wife Agnes for the life of Agnes of the inheritance of Roger with reversion to Roger and his heirs. To hold after the death of Agnes to John and Juliana and the heirs of their bodies, of Roger and his heirs, paying yearly a rose at the Nativity of St John the Baptist. Reversion to Roger and his heirs. John and Juliana gave £200. (S) Feet of Fines, Kent.

11/1379, John, esq. of Diggs Court, Barham, Kent, married Juliane acquiring the manor of Wichling, Kent.

2/14/1380, IPM of John’s father Roger: At Sythyngbourne, Kent. He held the under-mentioned land and marsh for life by the courtesy of England in right of Albina, his wife, the reversion belonging to John, his son by the said Albina. ... John, his son, aged 21 years on Sunday after St. Martin last, is next heir of him and the aforesaid Albina. (S) IsPM, Richard II, File 8.

1/1384, John Digge, querent. John Gate senior and wife Mary, deforciant. 50s 4d rent in Bereham. Quitclaim from John Gate and Mary and the heirs of Mary to John Digge and his heirs. Warrant against the heirs of Mary. John Digge gave £20. (S) Feet of Fines, Kent.

6/16/1385, Appointment, during pleasure, of John Digge of Berham and Adam Bruscombe to receive by indenture all victuals in Dover castle, … (S) CPRs.

7/6/1388, William Rykhill, … and John Dygge … (S) CPRs.

1389, Robert Dane sold the reversion of Heyghe Thorne [Eythorne] to John Dygge of Berham. (S) England’s Topo., Ireland, V3, 1829, P277.

9/30/1399, Henry IV succeeded Richard II as King of England.

2/14/1402, Writ to: Sheriff of Kent. John Dygge, Sheriff. (S) UKNA. [Multiple similar records.]

11/12/1403, Commission of array … Thomas Colpepyr, ‘chivaler,’ …Valentine Baret … John Dygge, … in the county of Kent. (S) CPRs.

5/22/1406, Commission of array … Thomas de Erpyngham, constable of Dover castle, … John Dygge, … in the county of Kent. (S) CPRs.

1/1420, John died.

1/16/1420, Order to the escheator in the county of Kent to take into the king's hand and keep safely until further order all the lands in his bailiwick whereof John Dygge, esquire, who held of the king in chief, was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death. (S) CFRs.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry: P249, P282.

Child of John and Juliane: [1 son, 3 daughters]

i. Elizabeth Dygge (312521), born ~1380 in England.

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