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Sunday, September 6, 2020

Vicomte Geoffroi de Porhoët & Ctss Hawise de Bretagne

 39979728. Vicomte Geoffroi de Porhoët & 39979729. Ctss Hawise de Bretagne

By 1079, Geoffrey de Porhoet born in France, 2nd s/o 79959456. Vicomte Eudon I de Porhoët (b.~1045, d.1079) & & §§Ctss. Emme de Léon. (S) Henry II, Warren, 1973, P75.

~1100, Hawise born in France, 3rd d/o 639672180. Duke Alain de Cornouaille &  639672181. Duchess Ermengarde d'Anjou.

~1119, Geoffroi married Hawise.

1120, Hawise’s father died.

1120, Geoffrey given the lands of Porhoet west of the river Oust. [Geoffrey’s older brother Alain given the lands on the east.]

1127, Geoffrey founded the fortress and city of Rohan [Rennes].

6/15/1130, Gaufredus vicecomes, Eudo filius eius … witnessed a charter under which Donald Bishop of Saint-Malo confirmed a donation to the monks of Saint-Martin de Josselin. (S) FMG.

1142, Geoffroi, vicomte de Porhoët and de Rennes, died.

(S) The Gentlemen’s Mag., 1827, V97, Pt1; V141, P487.

Family notes:

·         Many genealogies give Eudon I (b.999) as s/o §§Duke Geoffrey I of Brittany (b.980, fl.992, m.by996, d.11/20/1008) & 5117377445. Duchess Hawise of Normandy (b.~973, fl.1008, d.1026). The timeline is pushed to have Geoffroi born by 1079, much less have for Eudon I to have been born in 999. There has to be 1 or more generations missing.

·         1008, Viscomte Guéthenoc Porhoët, founded the 1st fortress, on the river Oust, which would take the name of his son Josselin. [By timeline there will be at least 1 generation missing.]

·         1066, §§Vicomte Eudon I at the Battle of Hastings with William the Conqueror.

Children of Geoffroi and Hawise:

i. Vicomte Eudo II de Porhoët (79959028), born ~1120 in France. [1st son]

ii. Alain de Porhoët la Zoche (19989864), born ~1140 in France. [3rd son]

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