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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Lord William de Albo Monasterio

 47280420. Lord William de Albo Monasterio

~1190, William Blancmunster born in England.

10/19/1216, Henry III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England.

8/29/1228, William appointed a justice of assize of novel disseisin. ‘Willelmus Pantulf de Hales, Vivianus de Roshal, Willelmus de Albo Monasterio et Willelmus de Bromleg constituti sunt justiciarii ad assisam nove dissaisine capiendam apud Salopesbiry.’ (S) CPRs.

6/7/1233, Vivian de Roshale, William de Albo Monasterio, Robert de Wudeton and Hugh the Forester, assessors and collectors of the 40th in the county of Salop. (S) CPRs.

11/15/1235, Walter de Beauchamp and William de Albo Monasterio have mainperned for Geoffrey son of Warin. (S) FRsHIII.

3/8/1238, William de Warren de Albo Monasterio, lord of Whitchurch, summoned by Writ Close to attend the king at Oxford on April 20th to confer on a truce with Wales. [The truce was soon to expire.]

1240, The castle of Album Monasterium held by William, son of William de Warren de Albo Monasterio. (S) Memorials of Old Shropshire, Auden, 1906, P42.

1240, William died leaving a son and heir William of full age.

 (S) Early  Yorkshire Charters, Farrer, V8, 1949, P35. (S) Antiquities of Shropshire, Eyton, V10, 1860, P19ff.

Child of William and ?:

i. William de Albo Monasterio (23640210), born ~1215 in England.

4/1/1240, William gave 20 marks for his father’s lands.

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