47281996. Baron Hamon Pecche & 47281997. Lady Eva ?
~1197, Hamon born in England, s/o 94563992. Gilbert
Pecche & 94563993. Alice fitz Walter.
~1200, Eva born in Europe. [Eva a “foreigner.” Evidence
indicates a possible Lusignan connection.]
Bef. 7/9/1212, Hamon’s father died.
1/1/1213, Hamon’s custody given by the King to Hugh de
7/21/1213, ‘Alic Pechie’ [Hamon’s mother] gave ‘Aliciam
filiam suam’ as a hostage when ‘Roberti filii Walteri fratris sui’ was freed.
(S) FMG.
10/19/1216, Henry
III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England.
[––Hamon & Eva––]
~1218, Hamon married
1218, Hamo Peche paid scutage on 17 knights’ fees of his own
barony and on 5 knights’ fees of the barony of Brunne.
1221, Wikham, que vacat etc., cujus advocacionem Eularia
Trussebut per atornatum suum clamat versus Hamonem Peche. (S) Curia Regis
Rolls, 1949, P243.
1/27/1223, Cambridgeshire. Roger of Torpel gives half a mark
for having a precipe against Hamo Peche and others, concerning the
customs and services that Roger exacts of them from the free tenement that they
hold of him in Bourn, and from other vills. (S) FRsHIII.
7/12/1223, Hamo Peche received £20 out of the king’s
Wardrobe as a prest upon all of his lands. (S) FRsHIII.
4/8/1224, Suffolk. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk to place
in respite the demand for 1 hawk that he makes from William of Felsham …,
because Hamo Peche has mainperned for him. (S) FRsHIII.
12/28/1224, Order to the sheriff of Suffolk to place in
respite the demand that he makes from Hamo Peche by summons of the Exchequer of
one sore goshawk for pledging William of Felsham. (S) FRsHIII.
1226, Hamon Peche vs. Hugh abbot of Ramsey, tenant. (S)
Feudal Cambridgeshire, P94.
5/28/1228, Hamo Pecche requested land of "Gilbertus
Pecche pater suus" from the abbot of Ramsey. (S) FMG.
1229, The king has granted to Hamo Peche that, of the 100s
which are exacted … for the prest made to Gilbert Peche, his father, in Ireland
in the time of King John, … he may render 2.5m to the king per annum, … (S)
4/20/1230, Hamo Pechie received protection to travel
overseas with the king. (S) CPRs.
4/30/1230, from Portsmouth, King Henry invaded
Brittany in hopes of recovering Normandy. They established their camp at
Nantes, and captured a small castle. [Returning in October.]
9/1232, Hamo Peche habet literas domini regis patentes de
licentia transfretandi ad partes transmarinas ad visitandum teras suas ibidem.
(S) CPRs.
9/2/1234, Mandatum est Richardo de Muntfichet quod havere
faciat Hamoni Peche duos damos in balliva sua, de dono regis. (S) CCRs.
2/19/1235, Roger de Quincy, …, has made fine with the king
by £100 for his relief for all lands …, and he has found the king pledges for
this, namely Hamo Peche for £50 and Ralph fitz Nicholas for £50. (S) FRsHIII.
1236, Robert Mile holds 1 fee in Brunne of Hamon
Peche of the honor of Peverel. (S) Feudal Cambridgshire, P164.
1237, Hamo settled a property dispute with the abbey of
Ramsey that had its origins in his father's preparations for the 3rd
crusade. [They thought Gilbert had died and had granted away the land.]
1238, Robert de Peche held 1 knight’s fee of Hamon de Peche.
(S) Octavo Pulbications, Vs1-8, 1851, P21.
1238, Hamo Pecche was granted a weekly Thursday market
and 3 annual fairs. (S) A Lincolnshire Village, Steel, 1979, P24.
2/26/1239, A charter of King Henry III dated at Westminster
in favour of Hamo Pecche. (S) CChRs, 2/20/1316.
12/24/1239, Walter fitz Robert has made fine by 300m for
having seisin of the lands formerly of Robert fitz Walter, his father … Pledges
for this fine … William Longespée for 60m. Hugh Wake for 40m. Thomas de
Furnival for 40m. Gerard de Furnival for 40m. Hamo Peche for 40m. (S) FRsHIII.
6/10/1240, Hamon left left on the 6th crusade,
headed by Richard, earl of Cornwall, brother of King Henry. (S) FRsHIII.
10/8/1240, The
crusaders arrived at Acre; fighting no battles, but managing to negotiate for
the release of prisoners, and the burial of crusaders killed at a battle in
Gaza in 1239. They also helped the Duke of Burgundy rebuild the defenses at
Ascalon, and secured Jerusalem for the Church.
By 6/1241, Hamon Pecche, Knt., of Bourn and Cheveley,
Cambridgeshire [and Norfolk, Suffolk, Lincolnshire, Kent and Essex], died in
the Holy Land. (S) FRsHIII. [The date when the crusaders started their return
11/4/1241, Order to the sheriffs of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk
and Suffolk to take into the king’s hand all lands formerly of Hamo Peche and
to cause them to be safely kept. (S) FRsHIII.
1/15/1247, Eva Peche gives 20s. for having a record of an
assize of novel disseisin relating to the county of Cambridgeshire before the
justices of the Bench. (S) FRsHIII.
(S) Antiquities of
Shropshire, V9, Eyton, 1859.
Family notes:
Gilbert moved the remains of his grandparents,
Gilbert and Alice Pecche, to Barnwell Priory where he was patron.
Liber Memorandorum Ecclesie de Bernewelle names
"Gilbertus primogenitus, Hamon, Hugo, Robertus, Thomas et Willelmus"
as the children of Hamon Pecche and his wife. (S) FMG.
i. Gilbert Pecche
(23640998), born ~1220 in England.
12/10/1241, The king
has taken the homage of Gilbert Peche, son and heir of Hamo Peche, for all
lands formerly of Hamo which fall to him by hereditary right. Because Gilbert
has made fine with the king by 200m for having seisin of the aforesaid lands
and for his relief. (S) FRsHIII.
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