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Friday, August 28, 2020

Lord Hugh de Polsted & Hawise de Chandos

 94561604. Lord Hugh de Polsted & 94561605. Hawise de Chandos

~1180, Hugh born in England, s/o 189123208. Hugh de Polsted & 189123209. Cecilia ?.

~1195, Hawise d/o §§Hugh de Chandos & Anselina de Grandcourt.

1198, Hugh and his son Hugh vs. Geoffrey de Maisil in Somerset.

1199–1202, Hugh’s father died.

5/27/1199, John crowned king of England.

1203, Henry de Taiden granted to Hugh de Polsted lands pertaining to the marsh of Derflet, co. Essex, which he had previously held of Hugh. (S) Transactions of Essex, 1937, P87.

10/1204, Cecily de Polsted engaged as plaintiff defended a mort d’ancestor about an estate at Prittlewell by pleading that she held there only in dower, and vouched her son Hugh II to warrant. (S) 1235 Surrey Eyre, V2, 1979.

1206-7, A jury confirmed that Ascelina de Candos, mother of Hawise wife of Hugh de Polstead, was seised at her death of 1 carucate of land with appurtenances in Burnham, given to her at her marriage by William de Grancurt, her father; Juliana the wife of William de Gimingham was Ascelina's coheir. (S) Curia Regis Rolls, V4.

Aft. 1208, Hugh’s mother died.

[––Hugh & Hawise––]

By 1209, Hugh married Hawise.

5/3/1209, Hugh de Polstede and Hawys his wife, William Jernegan and Julian his wife, divided the estate as heirs of the Grandcourts. (S) Norfolk Feet of Fines.

1215, Hugh granted to the monks of Waversley, Surrey, his wood called Inwood at his manor of Compton, with liberty to enclose it.

1215, Hugh in rebellion against King John.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

1216, King John sent to Engelard de Cygoney, who was in charge at Windsor Castle, bade him deliver one Hugh de Polsted to John de Warfield, brother of Elye de Warfield, unless he should meanwhile be ransomed. (S) Baltimore, Biography, 1912, P336.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

1220, Norf’. – Assisa ultime … inter Willelmum de Stutevill’ pentntem … Roberti de Massingeham Hugonem de Polsted' Petrum de Alto Bosco et Walterum de ham. (S) Curia Regis Rolls, 1971, P250.

1229, Hugonem de Polstede and Hawise his wife, sued by Richard de Argentein and Joan his wife, regarding one third part of lands with rent in Polstead. (S) CCRs.


1230,  Willemus de Amblie, Hugo de Polsted, Robertus de Hulmo et Hugh Talemasch justiciarii ad assisam nove disaisine … (S) Patent Rolls, 1903, P354.

1232, Hugh de Polsted appointed to a Surry grand assize jury. (S) CPRs.

11/20/1233, Fines for the army. Suffolk. Hugh of Polstead of the honour of Rayleigh , who holds 5 fees, gives the king 30m. (S) FRsHIII.

1235, Hugh de Polsted appointed to a Surry grand assize jury.

1235, Sir Hugh de Polsted and Sir William de Gimingham holding 2 fees of the honour of Haughley, assessed aid on the marriage of the king’s sister Isabella to Emperor Frederick II of Germany. [Henry gave £25.]

1236, Hugh died.

(S) A supplement to The Suffolk traveler, Page, 1844, P959. (S) Essay … County of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P745. (S) Essay … County of Norfolk, V7, Blomefield, 1807, Burnham Norton, Burnham Wesgate.

Family notes:

·         Anselina de Grandcourt, d/o §§William de Grandcourt (b.~1150)

·         3/26/1124, At the battle of Bourgtheroulde, William de Grandcourt [ancestor of this William] captured Amaury de Montfort (319832088).

Child of Hugh and Hawise:

i. Hugh de Polstede (47280802), born ~1215 in England.

12/12/1236, Suffolk. The king has taken the homage of Hugh, son and heir of Hugh of Polstead , for 5 knights’ fees . (S) FRsHIII.

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