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Monday, August 24, 2020

Earl William Fitz Duncan & Countess Adeliza de Rumelli

 189129290. Earl William Fitz Duncan & 189129291. Countess Adeliza de Rumelli

~1090, William born in Scotland, s/o 378258580. King Duncan II.

11/12/1094, William’s father killed in an ambush of King Donald III (378251846).

1114-4/1124, Earl David has founded an abbey at Selkirk. Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.


~1115, William 1st married ‘Aliciam filiam Roberti de Romeney’.

~1120, Adeliza born in England, d/o 638798810. Baron William Meschines & 638798811. Cecilia de Romeili.

4/24/1124, David I crowned King of Scotland.

[Undated] King David (319832120) conferred the houours of Skipton and Craven on William. (S) Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, V1, Agnew, 1893, P60.

4/1124-8/1138, Cospatric the earl, brother of Dolfin, has granted and given to St Cuthbert … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

5/1128-4/1131, Robert, bishop of St Andrews, for Kelso Abbey … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

1130-35, Sisters Adeliza (189129291), Avicia (319399405) and Matilda (39979457) coheiresses of their brother Ranulf.

1131-1/1141, King David has given and granted to the church of St Kentigern, Glasgow … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

12/22/1135, Stephen of Blois succeeded Henry I as King of England.

Aft. 1135, at Northallerton, Robert de Bruce, a Yorkshire baron, asked King David to allow the northern England barons to make terms with King Stephen. William his [half] nephew in a great fury charged Robert de Brus with treachery, and dissuaded the king. (S) Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, V1, Agnew, 1893, P52.

1136-37, King David has granted and given to Arnulf, his knight, Swinton … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

8/16/1139, King David has given and granted Edrom and Nisbet to the church of St Mary and St Cuthbert … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

[––William & Adeliza––]

~1140, William married Adeliza.

1143-8/1147, King David has granted and given to St Mary's … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

4/1144-3/1145, King David … land of Lesmahagow … to Kelso Abbey … Witnesses: … William son of King Duncan II. (S) POMS.

Bef. 1147, William son of Duncan controlling the Gallowidians. (S) Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, V1, Agnew, 1893, P49.

[Undated], ‘Willielmus filius Dunecani nepos regis Scotiæ … et Aeliz de Rumeili uxor mea’ confirmed donations of property to Bolton Priory. (S) FMG.

By 1151, William Fitz Duncan, Lord of Allerdale, Earl of Moray, died.


1151, “Adeliza de Rumelli consensu et assensu Willelmi filli et heredis nei et filiarum mearum …” witnessed by “Willelmo filio meo de Egremont”. [Adeliza Rumelli with the consent and approval of William, the heir and the children of my sons … William my son of Egremont.] Adeliza of Romille granted the site at Bolton for the Canons’ Priory at Embsay.

1154-55, The priory was built. 2nd charter of Adeliza. Son William is not mentioned in the 2nd charter.

Adeliza married 2nd Alexander fitz Gerald.

[Undated], Donations to Southwark priory, including “cheese at Badleking in the manor of Kingston Lisle in Berkshire” made by Alexander Fitzgerald and confirmed by Alice de Rumeley, wife of Alexander. (S) FMG.

(S) Upper Wharfedale, Speight, 1900, P294-5, P466. (S) Lower Wharfedale, Speight, 1902, P491.

Children of William and Adeliza:

i. William fitz Duncan, born ? in Scotland.

By 1160, William died. [According to the Orkneyan Sagas, “William fitz-Duncan was a good man; his son was William the Noble, whom all the Scots wished to take for their king.” (S) Hereditary Sheriffs of Galloway, V1, Agnew, 1893, P62.]

ii. Amabil Fitz Duncan (94564645), born ~1145 in Scotland.

iii. Avicia fitz Duncan, born by 1147 in Scotland.

Avicia married William de Paganel, lord of Leeds.

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