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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Duke Conan IV of Brittany & Duchess Margaret of Huntingdon & Baron Humphrey de Bohun

 79959022. Duke Conan IV of Brittany & 189118337. Duchess Margaret of Huntingdon & 189118336. Baron Humphrey de Bohun.

~1140, Conan born in Brittany, France, s/o 159918044. Alan Penteur & 159918045. Bertha of Brittany.

~1140, Humphrey born in England, s/o 378236672. Humphrey de Bohun & 378236673. Margaret de Gloucester.

~1144, Margaret born in Scotland, d/o 159916060. Henry of Scotland & 159916061. Ada de Warenne.

9/15/1146, Conan’s father died; his mother Bertha returned to Brittany.

1148, Conan III [Conan’s grandfather] disinherited his son Hoel as illegitimate on his deathbed, leaving Conan’s mother Bertha as heiress to Brittany. [Hoel retained the county of Nantes.]

1153, Bertha, heiress & d/o Duke Conan III, and widow of Alan, gave her son Conan IV her claims to the honour of Richmond and the duchy of Brittany. Her 2nd husband, Odo [Eudo] de Porhoet refused to give up control.

12/19/1154, Henry II crowned king of England.

1154-58, Writ of King Henry II to Conan, earl of Richmond, directing Roald the constable should hold the land which had belonged to Hervey fitz Morinus, as count Stephen, earl of Conan’s grandfather, had given it. (S) Early Yorkshire Charters, Farrer, 1936, P99.

By 1155, King Henry supported Conan’s claims to Brittany, subject to his loyalty.

9/1155, Conan, earl of Richmond, passes from England to Little Brittany.

1156, Conan, earl of Richmond, crossed to Brittany, besieges Redon [Rennes], and expels his stepfather, Vicomte Eudo. Conan is accepted as the Duke of Brittany. (S) Henry II, Warren, 1973, P76.

7/26/1158, King Henry’s brother Geoffrey died and Conan claimed possession of Nantes, which King Henry claimed as Geoffrey’s heir. Conan claimed Nantz had been separated from Brittany by rebellion and was his right.

8/1158, Conan captured Nantes with the support of King Louis VI.

9/8/1158, King Henry of England summons the army of Normandy to muster at Avranches against Earl Conan.

9/1158, King Henry then captured Nantes and occupied the country between the Loire and the Vilaine.

9/29/1158 at Avranches, Conan surrendered Nantes to King Henry.

[–––Conan & Margaret–––]

1160, Margaret married Conan IV, Duke of Brittany and earl of Richmond. This marriage was part of a peace settlement with King Henry. (S) Henry II, Warren, 1973, P183.

1162, Eudon, viscount of Porhoet [Conan’s stepfather] and Raoul de Fourges siezed the castles of Dol and Combourg from Conan. Conan sought help from the Queen of England, Eleanor of Aquitaine. (S) Archaeological Journal, V46, 1889, P125.

1163, Duke Conan intervened with force in a dispute between a local baron and his son.

1/1164 at Clarendon, England, Conan, Comte of Brittany, present at the signing of the Constitutions of Clarendon. [An attempt by King Henry to restrict ecclesiastical privileges and curb the power of the Church courts.]

1164 at Wilton, Conan, duke of Brittany, issued a charter in the curia of the Earl of Leicester. (S) The Beaumont Twins, Crouch, 2008, P93.

8/1164, King Henry accused Conan of being either unwilling to discipline his vassals, or incapable of subduing them. (S) Henry II, Warren, 1973, P101.

1165, Conan, duke of Brittany and earl of Richmond, issued a charter witnessed by Hervey fitz Akaris. (S) Irish Pedigrees, V2, O’Hart, 1892, P104. [Humphrey’s father also a witness.]

1166, Margaret instigated a grant to the Cistercian abbey of Sawtry, Hertsfordshire, for the souls of herself, Duke Conan IV, and ‘our children.’ [This possibly indicates a male heir had died leaving Constance as the heir.] (S) Charters Duchess Constance, Everard, 1999, P96.

6/1166, in Bretagne, Vicomte of Porhoet and the Lord of Fougeres were in rebellion against Conan le Petit, Duke of Bretagne, King Henry’s ally [who marched against the rebels from Chinon.]

8/1166 at Rennes, King Henry and Duke Conan made an agreement to let his daughter Constance succeed to the duchy. Conan retained the barony of Treguier and was granted the honour of Richmond. (S) Brittany and the Angevins, Everard, 2000, P43. [Constance was to be married to King Henry’s son Geoffrey, which occurred in 1181. Geoffrey died in 1186 leaving a daughter Eleanor, and a son Arthur of Brittany – later murdered by King John of England.]

1167, King Louis VII of France protested the marriage of Geoffrey and Constance to the Pope on the grounds of consanguinity, but the appeal was rejected.

By 1167, Grant of ‘Marg Ducissa Britanie Comittsa Richemondie’ of half the mills of Rochefort at Guingamp to the canons of Ste-Croix de Guingamp. [A witness to Conan’s confirmation of this charter died 8/2/1167.]

Aft. 1167, Duke Conan IV found the abbey of Carnoet.

Bef. 1169, Conan duke of Brittany and earl of Richmond confirmed the gifts of Robert, his chamberlain, to St. James, St. Leonard, … (S) Feudal Cambridgeshire, P190.

2/20/1171, Conan ‘Conanus le Petite’, Duc Britanniae, and Earl of Richmond, died.


Bef. 9/29/1165, Humphrey de Bohun’s father, of Towbridge, Wiltshire; hereditary Constable of Scotland, died, his mother administering the lands [and using her own seal.]

1170, John, constable of Chester to Hugh de Kevelioc, earl of Chester, notified of the restoration to Humphrey de Bohun of the fee of Bisley.

[–––Humphrey & Margaret–––]

By 4/1171, Margaret’s marriage [2nd] to Humphrey de Bohun arranged.

10/1171, After the English Pope Adrian granted Ireland to King Henry, Henry landed at Waterford with 400 knights, 4000 men-at-arms, and 400 ships. Humphrey a baron of this expedition. (S) Irish Pedigrees, V1, O’Hart, 1892, P812.

1172, King Henry committed the castle of Waterford to Humphrey de Bohun. Humphrey’s apppointed lieutenants were Robert fitz Bernard and Hugh de Gundevil. (S) The Judges of England, V1, Foss, 1848, P235.

4/17/1172, King Henry sailed from Wexford for South Wales. [Likely Humphrey accompanied him.]

1172, ‘Humfridus de Boun’ with 2 knights and 2 knights ‘in Costentino’ [in his own service] in the duchy of Normandy. (S) FMG.

1172, Humphrey de Bohun appointed Constable of England. (S) FMG.

4/15/1173, K. Henry held his Easter court at Alencon. Notable supporters in attendance: … Hugh de Lacy, … Richard de Luci … Thomas Bardulf, Humphrey de Bohun. (S) Court Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II, Eyton, 1878, P172.

1173, Humphrey a supporter of King Henry II during the rebellion of the king’s eldest 3 sons.

9/1173, Humphrey, constable of England, and Richard de Luci are attacking Lothians in Scotland.

10/17/1173, Humphrey and Richard hurry south and join the earls of Cornwall, Gloucester, and Arundel. They then defeat Robert, earl of Leicester, leading an army with Fleming mercenaries, at the battle of Fornham, St. Genevieve.

1174, Humphrey accompanied Richard de Lacie, justiciary of England, into Scotland. (S) Magna Charta Barons, Browning, 2002, P91.

8/8/1174, Margaret, Comitissam Britaniae, had passage across the English channel.

12/1/1174 at Falaise, Normandy, Humphrey de Bohun witnessed the treaty with the King of Scots. [Humphrey also witnessed a charter later this month at Chivilli.]

8/10/1175, at York castle, Humphrey present when King William of Scotland swore fealty to King Henry II.

11/1175 at Westminster, Humphrey witnessed a royal charter in favour of Clerkenwell nunnery.

1175-80, Grant from Humphrey de Bohun, King’s Constable, to Maurice fitz Robert fitz Harding … (S) Charters and Records of Neales of Berkeley, 1907, P152.

4/1176 at Winchester, Humphrey witnessed a royal confirmation of a grant by Conan, Comte of Bretagne [previous husband of Margaret] to the abbey of Mont St. Michel.

12/25/1178, Humphey de Bohun, constable, attended the Christmas court of King Henry at Winchester. Humphrey witnessed the charter to the abbey of Waltham, Essex.

1181, Humphrey supported Henry the young King in his campaign against Philip of Alsace, count of Flanders.

9/1/1181 at Lichfield, Humphrey witnessed a royal charter to Wombridge priory, Shropshire.

1181, Humphrey died before his mother; buried at Lanthony priory, Gloucester [where his mother was also buried.]


1185, The pipe roll proves Margaret had by Humphrey a daughter. (S) Pipe Roll Society, V35, 1913, P84.

Aft. 1185, Margaret made a grant in perpetuity to Engeram, her butler, of a carucate of land at Forset, Richmondshire, for 5s rent annually and services.

1187, Margaret made a charter to Bradenstoke Priory, witnessed by her son Henry.

7/1188, Margaret de Bohun and King Henry II exchanged letters [Margaret’s a warning to King Henry.] (S) Giraldi Cambrensis Opera, Brewer, 2012, P378.

9/3/1189, Richard I succeeded King Henry II of England.

1193-95, Margaret made a grant to the priory of Bradenstoke of one mark of land in Wilsford, Wiltshire.

1197, Margaret visited the court of her daughter Constance, duchess of Brittany. (S) Charters Duchess Constance, Everard, 1999, P96.

Aft. 5/1200, Margaret made a grant to the abbey of Sawtry of the land at Thorpe, Norfolk, which she had bought from Christopher the pantler in return for her burial.

1201, ‘Margareta mater … Constantiæ, soror Willelmi regis Scotiæ, mater Henrici de Boum comitis Herefordiæ’ died; buried at Sawtrey abbey, Hertsfordshire. (S) FMG.

(S) DNB, P307. (S) Scotland’s Historic Heraldry, McAndrew, 2006. (S) Court, Household, and Itinerary of king Henry II, Eyton, 1878. (S) The Charters of the Duchess Constance of Brittany, Everard, 1999.

Family notes:

·         Margaret’s seal had the legend: ‘SIGILLVM MARGARETE BRITTANORUM DVCISSE’.

Child of Conan and Margaret:

i. Duchess Constance of Brittany (39979511), born 6/12/1161 in Brittany.

Children of Humphrey and Margaret:

i. Margery de Bohun, born ~1171 in England.

Margery married 121696966. Earl Waleran de Newburgh. [2 sons, 1 daughter.]

By 1198, Margery died.

ii. Henry de Bohun (94559168), born 1176 in England. [Heir]

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