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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Count Thierry of Alsace & Countess Sybil of Anjou

 189110410. Count Thierry of Alsace & 189110411. Countess Sybil of Anjou

~1105, Thierry, born in Alsace, s/o 378220820. Duke Thierry II of Upper Lorraine & 378220821. Gertrude de Flandre.

8/3/1108, Louis VI crowned King of France.

3/19/1114, ‘Theodoricus ... Lotharingorum princeps, dux et marchio’ made donations to Saint-Dié in the presence of ‘suorum filiorum ... Simonis, Theodorici, Gerardi, Henrici.’

1115, Thierry’s father died; his older half-brother Simon succeeding. (S) The Murder of Charles the Good, Bruges, 2005, P315.

~1117, Sybil born in Anjou, d/o 189110272. Fulk V of Anjou & 189110273. Erembourg of Maine.

1119, Baldwin, son of Robert II, count of Flanders died; starting a war of succession between Thierry’s 1st cousins William of Ypres and Charles the Good [successor]. Thierry was [apparently] too young to be considered a contender.


1123, Sibylla married to William Clito, s/o Duke Robert Curthose, eldest s/o 378220548. William the Conqueror.

1124, Sibylla’s marriage annulled on grounds of consanguinity, requested by King Henry I of England, and accepted by Pope Honorius II.

3/2/1127, Charles the Good, count of Flanders murdered; a 1st cousin of Thierry – son of his maternal aunt Adele.

4/1127, Baldwin IV count of Hainault, Thierry of Alsace, and William of Ypres [1st cousin of Thierry, s/o his maternal uncle Philip of Loo] were all considered to succeed Charles the Good as count in Flanders. [There were others with less claim.]

4/12/1127, King Louis of France in Bruges, Flanders, to revenge the killing of his cousin Charles the Good. Louis supported William Clito as the new Count of Flanders.

1127, Thierry of Alsace was backed by King Henry I of England as an heir to the Count of Flanders. King Henry’s nephew, Stephen of Blois, a Flanders baron, formed an alliance with the Godfrey, duke of Lower Lorraine, Baldwin of Hainaut, Thomas de Coucy, count of Amiens, and William of Ypres against William Clito’s alliance with King Louis. (S) Conqueror’s Son, Lack, 2007, P184. [Most likely all received money from King Henry. Baldwin received 100 marks. William of Ypres, known to have a force of 300 knights, received 500£.]

8/1127, William Clito began a campaign against Count Stephen. William and Stephen, kinsmen, agreed to a 3-year truce.

1128, Sybilla was with her father on his pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

4/26/1128, William Clito captured William Ypres; and appeared to be winning the contest for the title.

5/1128, King Louis convoked a council in Arras in which the archbishop of Reims excommunicated Thierry of Alsace and his sympathers, a contender for the title to Flanders. (S) Henry I, Hollister, 2001, P321.

1128, St-Omer, Ghent, and Bruges turned from William Clito and gave support to Thierry of Alsace. [Based on pledges of freedom from tolls and taxes in England.] Thierry’s commitment to St. Omer: “I order that the commune that they have sworn will endure and I will allow no one to dissolve it.”

6/1128, William Clito defeated Thierry in battle at Tielt and Oostkamp. Thierry had to flee to Bruges.

6-7/1128, William Clito began a siege of Thierry at Bruges.

1128, Thierry unsuccessfully besieged for 6 days by King Louis VI at Lille.

7/28/1128, William Clito, supported by  Henry, duke of Lovain, began the siege of Alost against Thierry’s forces. William Clito died of a hand wound. William Ypres was released from captivity.

1128, Thierry of Alsace defeated William Ypres in battle and was recognized as count of Flanders. Henry, King of England, Stephen, Count of Bologne, and Thierry, Count of Flanders were all in peace with each other.

1129, The communal knights of Liege besieged the fortifited castle at Duras and put to flight the men of Godfrey of Brabant and Thierry of Alsace. (S) Art of Warfare, Verbruggen, 1997, P154.


~1130, Thierry married Saunhilde ?.

9/14/1131, Sybilla with her father Fulk, as he was crowned King of Jerusalem.

1132, Thierry’s 1st wife, Saunhilde died.

[––Thierry & Sybilla––]

1134, Thierry married to Sybilla. [Possibly arranged through her brother Geoffrey, married to Matilda, d/o King Henry I of England, parents of future King Henry II of England.]

12/1/1135, King Henry I of England died in Rouen, Normandy. [King Henry’s only heir was Matilda, married to Sybil’s brother Geoffrey.]

12/22/1135, Stephen crowned King of England.

8/1/1137, Louis VII succeeded as king of France.

7/1139, Thierry, on pilgrimage to the Holy Land. (S) Crusader States, Barber, 2012, P361.

1140, Queen Matilda of England made gifts to Thierry’s foundation of Clairmarais, and in return, Thierry took no action against Boulogne or Lens.

1140, The counts of St. Pol and Hainaut conspired [possibly with Count Stephen of Bologne] against Thierry.

1144, Enguerrand of St. Pol attested 2 charters of Thierry.

1/1144, Thierry, count of Flanders, brought 1400 knights to the aid of Geoffrey, duke of Normandy, [Sybil’s brother] at the siege of the castle of Rouen, being held by forces of William, earl Warren.

1144-45, Thierry attacked Aubigny, land of Enguerrand of St. Pol, an ally of Baldwin of Hainaut.

Aft. 3/31/1146, Thierry took the vow of a crusader. (S) Encyclopedia Britannica, V10, 1910, P479.

6/1147, Thierry accompanied King Louis VII on crusade.

1147, Baldwin, count of Hainaut, attacked Douai and was repelled by the forces of Sybil, wife of Thierry of Alsace. (S) Aristocratic Women in Medieval France, Evergates, 1999, P123.

12/25/1147, Christmas day on the coast of modern-day Turkey, encamped by a river, a tremendous storm washed away much of the supplies of the French. They decided to take a route over the mountains to Antioch.

1/4/1148, The crusaders fought in a battle at Laodicea against the Turks.

1/7/1148, In the area of Mount Cadmus, at night, King Louis was in the rear guard which was surrounded and attacked. King Louis decided to return to his water route.

1/20/1148, After additional battles, the crusaders reached Atalya. There was not enough money for ships for everyone, and Louis left 7000 infantry in Satalia, Greece. [They were never heard of again.]

3/19/1148, The crusaders reached Antioch, who’s ruler was Raymond of Antioch.

6/24/1148 at Acre, at a High Court of Jerusalem, King Louis, Emperor Conrad III, and Baldwin, King of Jerusalem met. The Council decided that the best move in defense of the holy lands would be to retake Damascus. Thierry was a part of the Council.

1148, At Damascus, due to heat, lack of water, and disagreements on plans, the seige failed after 4 days. Louis sent most of the forces back.

By 1149, Thierry was back from the crusade.

1149, Enguerrand of St. Pol attested a charter of Thierry.

1149-50, Thierry attacked Baldwin IV, count of Hainaut ; capturing Hesdin.

3/4/1152, Frederick Barbarossa elected King of Germany.

1154, Thierry and Sybil travelled to England for a family gathering.

10/25/1154, at Dover, King Stephen of England, meeting with Thierry, Count of Flanders, died of a stomach problem.

11/1154, Thierry and Sybil met with their nephew Duke Henry at Dover.

12/19/1154, Sybil’s nephew crowned King Henry II of England. Both Thierry and Sybil attended the coronation.

1154-57, Enguerrand of St. Pol attested a charter of Thierry.

1156, King Henry met with Thierry and Sybil in Flanders. Thierry received several grants of lands and pardons on payments owed in England.

1157, Thierry made his son Philip a co-regent of Flanders.

1157, Sybilla traveled with Thierry on his third trip to the Holy Land, where she developed a relationship with Melisende, her stepmother.

1157-58, Thierry at the unsuccessful siege of the city of Shaizar.

1159, Sybilla separated from Thierry and refused to return; becoming a nun at the convent of Sts. Mary and Martha in Bethany. [Sybilla’s step-aunt, Loveta of Bethany, was the abbess – Order of Saint Lazarus.]

1159, Thierry returned to Flanders.

5/1160, In Normandy, a peace agreement between King Henry and King Louis attested by Theodoric, comte of Flanders.

1160, Thierry’s son Mathew abducted and married Marie of Boulogne, daughter of deceased King Stephen of England. Thierry did not approve of the marriage [which was supported by King Henry.]

3/1161, Thierry and son Matthew were reconciled by the aid of the Bishop of Cambrai.

1161, Sybil replaced her deceased stepmother in the royal household in Jerusalem, and in the affairs of the convent of Bethany.

1162, No payments were made by King Henry to Thierry.

3/19/1163, At Dover, Thierry’s relationship with England restored by the Treaty of Dover. Sybil was awarded a portion of the money fife agreement. Thierry’s son Philip was present. [Thierry, for King Henry, was to provide 1000 mounted soldiers for a money fief of 500 marks – essentially a restatement of an England-Flanders treaty of 1101.] (S) Mercenaries and Paid Men, France, 2008, P268. [Payments by King Henry did not resume until 1166.]

1164, Thierry returned to the Holy Land at Outremer, but did not participate in military operations.

11/1164, at St. Bertin monastery near St. Omer, Thierry’s son Philip received Archbishop Becket of Canterbury as an emissary from King Henry.

1165, Sybilla died in Bethany [in Anjou].


12/1165, Thierry was back in Flanders.

1166, Thierry adopted a seal using a date palm with a crown of laurels on the reverse.

1/17/1168, Thierry died at Gravelines; buried in the abbey of Watten between Saint-Omer and Gravelines.

(S) Families, Friends, and Allies: Boulogne and Politics, Tanner, 2004. (S) King Stephen, King, 2011. (S) The Crusades, Semaan, 2003, P108. (S) The Crusades, V4, Murray, 2006, P1174. (S) Court, Household, and Itinerary of King Henry II, Eyton, 1878.

Family notes:

Thierry known in Flanders as ‘Diederick van den Elzas.’

Child of Thierry and Suanhilde:

i. Laurette of Flanders, born bef. 1132 in Flanders.

Laurette married 1st Iwain, count of Aalst; 2nd Henry II, duke of Limburg, 3rd Raoul I of Vermandois, 4th Henry IV of Luxembourg.

1170, Laurette died in a nunnery.

Children of Thierry and Sybil:

i. Philip of Alsace, born ~1136 in Flanders.

1157, Philip named co-regent of Flanders by his father.

1159, Philip married Elisabeth of Vermandois, d/o Raoul of Vermandois & Petronilla of Aquitaine.

1167, Elisabeth inherited the county of Vermandois on the death of her brother.

1168, Philip succeeded as Count of Flanders.                              

1175, Philip had Elisabeth’s lover, Walter de Fontaines, executed.

1177, Philip left on crusade. [Returned 1179]

1179, Named guardian of Philip II, son of King Louis VII of France.

1183, Elisabeth died.

8/1183, Philip married Infanta Teresa of Portugal, d/o 94555154. King Alfonso Henriques I of Portugal & 94555155. Queen Mafalda of Savoy.

3/10/1186, Philip made a peace agreement with King Philip II and Count Baldwin V of Hainaut; being allowed to retain the title of Count of Vermandois for his life.

1190, Philip again left on crusade.

8/1/1191, Philip died a Acre.

ii. Matthew of Alsace (94555214) born 1137 in Flanders.

iii. Margaret of Flanders (94555205) born ~1145 in Flanders.

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