756473368. Count Henry of Eu & 756473369. Countess Margaret de Sulli
~1075, Henry
born in Eu, France, son of §§Count
William of Eu & Ctss Beatrix de Busli, d/o §§Roger de Busli & Muriel ?.
Henry succeeded his father as Count of Eu, and lord of Hastings. [King William
II took over the governing of the Hastings Rape.]
8/5/1100, Henry I crowned King of England.
William de Warrene, earl of Surrey; Robert de Belleme, count of Ponthieu; and
William, count of Mortain, assembled in England in support of Duke Roberts
invasion of England. They were also allied with Henry, count of Eu; and
Eustace, count of Boulogne.
‘Henricus comes Augensis filius comitis Willermi’ came to Treport and granted
whatever his father William or his predecessors had given or granted to the
abbey of St. Michael of Treport.
1102, Henry,
count of Eu, in a writ associated with the Hastings Rape. (S) Liber
Poenitenialis, Flamborough, 1974, P210.
Margaret born in Sully-sur-Loire, France, d/o 1512946736. Count William de
Charter of Henry, count of Eu. For the weal of his sould and of his father and
mother … to St. Mary of Bec and St. Martin de Bosco … the manor in England
called Hou … [Henry’s seal used on this charter. (S) European Monarchy,
Durchhardt, 1992, P39.]
William, archbishop of Rouen, confirms, with King Henry’s assent, to St.
Mary’s, Bec, the church of Nortre-Dame of Ermentrudisvilla, … before the
archbishop, … Robert of Belleme; Robert, count of Meulan; Eustace, count of
Boulogne; Henry, count of Eu; and the archdeacons.
[–––Henry & Mathilde–––]
Henry 1st
married Mathilde ?.
‘Henricus comes Augensis’ made donations to the abbey of St Michel, Tréport
‘pro salute anime Matildis uxoris mee’ with the consent of "frater meus
Charter of Henry count of Eu, granting freedom from payments and tallage to his
brother Robert.
1107, Henry
founded Saint-Martin-du-Bosc.
Notification … Northamptonshire … if Henry, count of Eu has dissseised the bishop,
Aubrey the chamberlain shall restore seisin to him.
8/3/1108, Louis VI crowned King of France.
[–––Henry & Ermentrude–––]
married 2nd Ermentrude ?.
Gilbert fitz Richard attested the confirmation of the gifts of Henry, count of
Eu, to the church of St. Mary, Bec.
6/16/1110 at
Dover, Henry, count of Eu, a surety for King Henry of England to the Treaty of
Dover, between King Henry and Robert II of Flanders.
By 1113,
Confirmation, at the prayer of Henry, count of Eu, of all his gifts to the
church of St. Mary, Bec. Attested by the Queen; Ingram de Hastingues; Henry,
count of Eu; Gilbert fitz Richard, Ranulf the chancellor; William Peverel,
Humphrey de Bohun, William, earl of Warren.
Henry, count of Eu, with King Henry at Rouen.
12/1114 at
Rouen, Notification to Geoffrey, archbishop of Rouen, Henry, count of Eu, … and
the lieges of Normandy, of a grant to the monks of the Holy Trinity, Tiron.
[King Henry held Christmas court in Normandy, where he had the Norman barons
swear allegiance to his son William Adelin.]
Bef. 1116,
King Henry I confirmed the gifts of Henry count of Eu to St. Martin.
4/1116 at
Windsor, Confirmation to the monks of Battle of lands given, with the consent
of Henry, count of Eu, in the rape of Hastings.
1118, Henry
joined Stephen, Count of Aumale, in support of William Clito, son of Robert,
Duke of Normandy [brother of King Henry of England], to succession in Normandy.
10/1118 at
Rouen, Henry, count of Eu and Hugh de Gournai arrested by King Henry as
supporters of Amaury de Montfort. [Apparently reconciled soon after.]
[–––Henry & Marguerite–––]
~1119, Henry
married 3rd Marguerite.
Baldwin, count of Flanders, killed in an attack on Henry, count of Eu. (S)
Abbrege des Derniers, Bate, 1651, P68. [Starting a war of succession for
Flanders between cousins William of Ypres and Charles the Good, and William
Clito, s/o Robert, Duke of Normandy.]
at Lisieux, Henry, count of Eu, attended
the marriage of Prince William, s/o King Henry. (S) Lordship and Community,
Searle, 1974, P209.
The battle of Bremule, France between King Henry I and King Louis VI of France.
[The English winning: Orderic Vitalis … William the Chamberlain also tried to
restrain Henry from a conflict, but William of Warenne and Roger of Bienfaite
urged him on … Henry, king of England, came down into it with 500 knights … 3
earls, Henry of Eu, William of Warenne, and Walter Giffard. Besides
these Roger son of Richard …, William of Tancarville and William of Roumare,
Nigel of Aubigny, and many more … William Clito, son of Robert duke of
Normandy, armed himself there … in the battle of the two kings, in which about
900 knights were engaged, only 3 were killed … King Henry purchased the
standard of King Louis for 20 marks of silver from the knight who had captured
it … ]
9/1119 at
Rouen, Henry, count of Eu, a witness to a charter of King Henry to the
monastery of Colchester.
6/1120 at
Rouen, Notification … barons of Yorkshire of the grant to the canons of St.
Oswald of a yearly fair at Nostell. … attested by Ranulf the chancellor; Henry,
count of Eu; … Humphrey de Bohun; Pain fitz John; Ralph de Todeney; …
Many young English-Norman Nobles died at sea when the ‘White Ship’ sank; including the heir of King Henry.
1121, Henry,
count of Eu, returned to England. (S) History of Hastings Castle, Dawson, V2,
1909, P551.
1125, Henry,
count of Eu, returned to Normandy. (S) History of Hastings Castle, Dawson, V2,
1909, P551.
Henry founded the abbey of Fecamp.
Charter of Henry I, with the abbot of Fecamp, and Henry count of Eu, by fine
and concord concerning the claim of toll for stalls and the pontage of
Winchelsea, which the count claimed against the abbot.
8/1131 at
Dieppe, Notification to the archbishop of Rouen … grant to St. Wandrille … a
market on Saturday … attested … Henry, count of Eu; Robert de la Hai; Geoffrey
fitz Pain …
6/1133 at
Winchester, Notification … grant to the church of St. John the Baptist and the
hospital of Falaise … attested … Geoffrey the chancellor; Robert de Sigillo;
Robert, earl of Gloucester; William, earl of Warren; Robert, earl of Leicester;
Henry, count of Eu; Hugh Bigot; Robert de Curci; Humphrey de Buhun; Robert de
Ver; Miles of Gloucester; Geoffrey fitz Pain; Pain fitz John; Aubrey de Ver;
Richard Basset; …
1135 at
Perriers-sur-Andelle, Notification to the bishop of Exeter, … confirmation to
the abbey of St. Martin-des-Champs, Paris, of the church of Barnstaple …
attested … Robert, earl of Gloucester; Henry, count of Eu; Baldwin de Redvers,
William fitz-Odo, …
12/22/1135, Stephen crowned king of England [usurping
Empress Matilda, d/o King Henry I, and starting a long civil war that would be
fought primarily in England.]
By 1139,
Henry had become a monk at Fecamp and turned over administration to his son
Henry died as a monk at Foucarmont [Fecamp, NW of Paris on the coast].
‘Margareta Augensis comitissa, mater Johannis comitis’ died; buried at Fecamp.
(S) Cal. of
Doc.’s Preserved in France, V1, Round, 1899. (S) Foundation for Medieval
Genealogy. (S) English Historical Review, V34, Creighton, 1919.
of Henry and Margaret:
i. John of Eu (378236684), born ~1120 in Eu,
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