~1205, Roger
born in Sedgley, Staffordshire, England, d/o 973530512. Ralph de Someri & 973530513. Margaret Crassus.
Nichole born in England, d/o 973530514.
William D’Aubigny & 973530515. Mabel
of Chester.
Gilbert born in England, s/o 486752696. Stephen de Segrave & 486752697. Rohese le
1211, Roger’s father died; his brother
William Percival de Somery succeeding. [his mother surviving and re-marrying to
Maurice de Gaunt.]
1212, The
Great Inquisition granted the wardship of the estates of Ralph de Somery of
Dudley, Worcestershire to the earl of Salisbury. (S) Historical Intrepretation,
Bagley, 1973, P109. [Roger de Somery accounted for 50 fees of the old
Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.
Amabil born in England, d/o §§Robert
de Chaucombe & Juliana ?. (S) Magna Britannia Antiqua & Nova, Cox,
1738, P590. [Robert s/o §§Hugh de
Chacombe & Amabel ?.]
Roger’s brother William died; William’s son Nicholas de Somery suceeding.
[–––Roger & Nichola–––]
~1225 at
Barrow, Leicestershire, Roger married Nichole.
Roger’s nephew Nicholas de Somery died as a minor without heirs.
1229, Roger
succeeded to the family estates and did homage for the lands.
Allowance of the agreement between Maurice de Gaunt and Roger de Sumery …
manors of Duddeleg and Seggesleg to Maurice for 7 years … and the said Roger
shall not marry within the said term save with the consent of the said Maurice.
(S) CChRs. [Maurice de Gaunt is Roger’s step-father.]
7/4/1229, Roger de Sumeri confirmed an agreement between Margaret his mother
and William de Englefeld [his nephew, son of his sister Isabel] concerning a
grant and exchange of lands at Bradfield, Berkshire.
Stephen son of Guy gives half a mark for having a pone against Roger
de Somery, concerning land in Elmdon [Essex.] (S) FRsHIII.
Roger de Somery, who holds half a fee of the king and 2 fees of the honour of
Boulogne , £10 for the same and so that he is not made a knight. (S) FRsHIII.
Maurice’s step-father died; his mother surviving.
Order to make respite of the demand of 92£ from Roger de Somery for a debt of
his father. (S) Cal. of Fine Rolls, Dryburgh, 2007, P433.
Because at this Pentecost last past Roger de Somery did not come to the king so
that he could gird him with the belt of knighthood, order to the sheriff of
Worcestershire to take the honour of Dudley and the other
lands of the same Roger. (S) FRsHIII.
By 8/1233,
Roger de Somery made peace with the king. (S) Peter des Roches, Vincent, 2002,
P403. [Roger gave a hostage, the son and heir of Simon of Frankley.]
Roger de Somery fought with the royalists during the “The Marshall’s War.”
Mandate to Walter de Bello Campo to deliver Ralph de Frankelegh to Roger de
Sumery. (S) CPRs.
William de Englefeld paid 2 marks in aid, for marrying the King’s sister Isabel
to Frederick, emperor of the Romans, for his fee in Middlesex of the honor
of Roger de Somery. (S) Delafield, V2, 1945, P804.
1238, A “monstrous and inhuman race of men”, with a
leader called Khan, began to overun far eastern Europe.
10/1238, The
men of Alrewas give 20 m. for having a certain writ against Roger de Somery,
their lord. (S) FRsHIII.
1240, Roger
co-inherited land of his paternal grandmother Hawise Pagnel in Staffordshire:
‘Gervasio Paenel cuidam Hawisie sorori et heredi’, to her grandsons: ‘Radulpho
cuidam Willelmi et fratri et heredi, et de Willelmo cuidam Nicholao … filii et
heredi, et de Nicholao isti Rogero ut avunculo quia non habuit heredem de
corpore sua.’
Lichfield. Roger de Sumery, complainant, vs. Philip de Ruleg. (S) Collections –
Staffordshire, V4, 1883, P236.
Protection for the following so long as they are on the king’s service beyond
seas … Roger de Sumery … (S) CPRs.
Roger de Someri a member of the army of King Henry III in France at war with
King Louis IX. The 2 armies met at the battles of Taillebourgh [6/19] and
Saintes, with the superior sized French force winning.
‘Rogerus de Sumery in Bradefeld i. feodum ... Margareta de Sumeri in Bradefeld
unum feodum predicti Rogeri ... Willelmus de Englefeld in Englefeld unum feodum
de eodem feodo.’
… lands late of H. earl of Arundel … to Robert de Tateshal … manor of Bukenham
… to John son of John son of Alan … castle and manor of Arundel … to Roger de
Sumery, who espoused Nicholaa … manor of Barwe … to Roger de Muthaud who
espoused Cecily [sister of Nicholaa] … castle and manor of Rysinges … the king
has taken their homages … (S) CPRs.
Roesia de Verdun sued Roger de Sumery over a convention made about land in
Seggeslega. [Roger did not appear.] (S) Collections – Staffordshire, V4, 1883,
Tenements in Northwood were held by John Rumyn, and his service fee was
assigned to Roger de Somery and Nicholaa his wife, third coheir of Hugh
d'Aubigny. (S) Hist. of Sussex, V4, 1953, Stoughton.
1244, Roger
summoned to receive knighthood; but did not attend. The king seized Newport
Pagnell for his refusal [given to William de Beauchamp (9994918) & Ida
Roger de Somery gives 3 m. for having a writ [to remove a plea] from the county
court of Gloucestershire before the king [coram rege] against Maurice of
Berkeley. (S) FRsHIII.
Mandate to … by letters close … Hugh de Venables, Henry de Aldithelegh, Thomas
Corbet, John fitz Alan, Ralph Basset of Periton, Roger de Sumery … D. son of
Llwewlin has given seige to the castle of Dissard … to rescue the said castle.
(S) CPRs.
Order to the sheriffs of Warwickshire and Leicestershire and Staffordshire to
place in respite, … the demand that they make … from Roger de Somery for the
aid generally granted to the king to marry his first-born daughter from the
knights’ fees which he does not recognise. (S) FRsHIII.
Agreement made at Leycester, … between Roger de Quincy, earl of Winchester, and
Roger de Somery, … park of Bradgate … (S) Fragmenta Antiquitatis, Blount, 1784,
Grant to John Maunsel … manor of Bilsington … gift of the heirs [of H. de
Albyniaco, late earl of Arundel] … John son of Alan, Roger de Sumery, and
Nicholaa his wife, Roger de Monte Alto and Cecily his wife, … (S) CChRs.
Roger granted a market and fair, and free warren, at Chipping Campden,
Gloucestershire. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs.
The king has pardoned to Roger de Somery 130 m. of the £100 at which he was
amerced before the king (coram Rege) for the default which he made in the
king’s court (curia Regis) against the abbot of Titchfield. (S) FRsHIII.
4/16/1249, A
royal charter confirming previous charters of Hugh de Gondeville; Ranulph, earl
of Chester; and Roger de Somery.
Nichola died. (S) Reports and Papers – Lincoln and Northampton, V29, 1907,
missing] IPM of Nicholaa, late wife of Roger de Somery. Buckingham: Partition,
between Maud de Erdinton, Ralph de Crumwell, Walter de Sutleye and John le
Estraunge, heirs of the said Nicholaa, the morrow of St. Andrew, 12 Edw. I.
(defective and defaced.) Olney. The manor (full partition with the names of
tenants and of many cultures, meadows &c.), including the wood of Waldhey,
the keepership of the wood of Olney, ½ knight's fee in Emberton, 1 knight's fee
in Shenle, ½ knight's fee in Woketon, and 1 knight's fee in Alecote. (S) CIsPM.
Appointment of Roger de Sumery and Robert de Grendon to take inquisition
between Thomas Corbert, plaintiff, and Hugh de Say, … deforciants, touching the
rescue of the booty in the land of the said Thomas and his man killed; and
mandate to the sheriff of Salop, John Lestrange, and John son of Alan to have
[a jury of 12 men.] (S) Patent Rolls, Lyte, 1908, P115.
“Rogerus de Somery, tenens manerium de Barewe post Mortem Nicolae …” (S)
History and Antiquities of Charnwood Forest, Potter, 1842, P17.
King Henry left for Gascony from Portsmouth with 300 ships. Roger accompanied
the King on the expedition. (S) 13th Century England, Durham
Conference, 2003, P45.
Henry’s army in camp at Benauge, France [east of Bordeaux].
Roger de Somery granted a fair at Clent, Worcestershire. (S) Gazetteer of
Markets and Fairs.
Henry’s army in camp at Bazas, France [southeast of Bordeaux].
Henry’s army in camp at Meilhan, France [south of Bordeaux, near the Spanish
Henry’s retinue in camp at Bordeaux, France.
Henry’s retinue in camp at Orleans, France.
1/1255, King
Henry returned with his army to England.
Gilbert granted the town of Kegworth by Simon de Montfort, lord of
The king has granted the manor of Newcastle under Lyme to Gilbert of Seagrave,
with the castle , and all lands and tenements in the external vills pertaining
to the manor, with the advowson of the church of Stoke and its other
appurtenances, without any retention, to have and hold from the king and his
heirs to Gilbert and his heirs forever at fee farm, rendering £20 each year
[Ranulf, earl of Chester and Lincoln, died without heirs]. (S) FRsHIII.
Leicestershire. The king has pardoned to Gilbert of Seagrave the 5 m. that are
exacted from him by summons of the Exchequer for a prest made to him in
Pledges for the Bishop of Exeter having the custody of the land and heir of W.
d’Avranches: Earl Roger Bigod for 100 m. … R. earl of Cornwall for 100 m. …
William, count of Aumale, for 100 m. … Geoffrey de Dynham for 40 m. Robert
Marmion for 100 m. Gilbert of Seagrave for 40 m. … William Longespée for 100 m.
Elias Gifford for 20 m. Upon the barony of the same bishop, 300 m., by the
king. (S) FRsHIII.
& Amabil–––]
By 1237,
Gilbert married Amabil.
The king has granted to Juliana, who was the wife of Robert of Chalcombe , all
chattels that Robert left to her in his testament … in part payment of the debt
that Robert owed the king, unless Juliana can show that Gilbert of Seagrave
ought to acquit Robert of that debt. (S) FRsHIII.
Order to place in respite the demand from Gilbert of Seagrave for 21½ m. of a
prest. (S) FRsHIII.
4/1239 in
London, Fine levied … whereby Ralph Basset [of Sapcote, Lincolnshire] and
Milicent his wife, convey to Juliana “que fuit uxor Roberti de Chauycumbe,” a
carucated of land in Stroby [Lincolnshire] in return for which Gilbert de
Segrave and Amabel, his wife, sister of the said Millicent, and co-heir of
Robert de Chaucumbe, grant to the said Ralph and Millicent 100s worth of land
in Chaucumbe [Northamptonshire.] (S) Descr. Cat. – Berkeley Castle,
Fitzharding, 1892, P85.
John de Neville has made fine with the king by £50 for the
trespass of the king’s forest … Pledges for this fine: William de Ferrers,
Nicholas de Molis and Gilbert of Seagrave. (S) FRsHIII.
Gilbert succeeded to his father’s estates [Gilbert’s older brother John died in
Gilbert de Segrave appointed governor of Kenilworth castle. (S) CPRs.
Gilbert de Segrave appointed justice of the forests south of Trent. (S) CPRs.
Gilbert de Segrave hekd ½ fee in Raunds of the honor of Peverel. (S) Honors and
Knights’ Fees, Farrer, V2, 1925, P204.
Nichole coheir to a fourth of the Albini estates of her brother Hugh.
6/1243, A
final concord between Gilbert de Segrave and his step-mother Ida. (S) Studies
in 13th Century Justice, Meekings, 1981, P106.
Northampton and Leicestershire. The king has given respite to Gilbert of
Seagrave from the £40 which are exacted from him by summons of the Exchequer
for several demands. (S) FRsHIII.
Because Gilbert of Seagrave was bound to render £37 6d. to Deodona, son of
Deulecresse of Nottingham, for Hugh de Didiswurth … order to the justices
assigned to the custody of the Jews to cause him to have
respite from the same debt. (S) FRsHIII.
The king has granted to Gilbert of Seagrave and Amabilia, his wife, daughter
and heiress of Robert of Chalcombe that, for the debts that Robert owed to the
king, for which he made fine … to render £10 each year at the same terms at
which Robert was accustomed to render them. (S) FRsHIII.
Pledges for Richard of Dover [on a fine of 2000 m.] … earl of Gloucester for
£1000; … Gilbert of Seagrave for 100 m.; … Enguerrand de Fiennes for 50 m.; …
and John de Balliol for 50 m. (S) FRsHIII.
Quitclaim, for a fine of 100 marks which Gilbert de Segrave has made … of all
manier of trespass of the forest done when Gilbert was justice of the forest.
(S) CPRs.
Gilbert de Segrave a justice of the king’s bench at Westminster.
Baldwin de Vere, heir & s/o Robert de Vere of Addington, in the custody of
Gilbert de Segrave [and would marry Gilbert’s daughter Margaret.] (S)
Genealogical Memoirs – Chichley, V1, Waters, 1878, P50.
6/24/1251 at
Clarendon, Gilbert de Segrave witnesed a royal charter. (S) Royal Charter
Witness Lists, V292, 2001, P49.
Gilbert de Segrave appointed a justice for pleas of the city of London, to be
heard in the Tower of London. (S) CPRs.
Bef. 1/1252,
Gilbert de Segrave hearing pleas in the city of London.
2/11/1252 at
Windsor, Gilbert de Segrave witnesed a royal charter. (S) Royal Charter Witness
Lists, V292, 2001, P59.
Protection for the following going with the King to Gascony … Gilbert de
Segrave … (S) CPRs.
at Beauge, Normandy, Gilbert de Segreave a witness to a charter of King Henry
to William de Sancto Homero. (S) CPRs.
at Bazas, Normandy, Gilbert de Segrave a witnessed a royal grant to William de
Cantilupo. (S) CPRs.
The heirs of Ralph Earl of Chester … John de Baylliol, Henry de Hasting, Robert
de Bruce, who are of the eldest line …
the heirs of Arundel and Robert de Tattershall, first; John fitz Alan,
second; Roger de Somery, third; Roger de Monhaut and Cecilia his wife, … (S)
Staffordshire Hist. coll.’s, V4, 1883, Plea Rolls.
9/1254 at
Bordeaux, John de Plessis, earl of Warwick, obtained letters of safe conduct
from King Louis IX of France and made a trip through Poitou, in the company of
Gilbert de Segrave and William Mauduit. (S) DNB, V15, 1909, P1307.
at St. Macaire, Normandy, Gilbert de Segrave a witnessed a royal grant to
Walter, bishop of Worcester. (S) CPRs.
Letters of credence in favour of Gilbert de Segrave, whom the king has sent to
the King of Scotland. (S) CPRs.
1254, While
traveling through Poitou, Gilbert de Seagrave and his companions captured and
imprisoned, even though they had letters of safe conduct.
11/11/1254, After being released from prison in France, Gilbert died on return
to England.
Grant to Hugh de Nede, king’s yoeman, of the marriage of Amabilia late the wife
of Gilbert de Segrave, or the fine due if she marry an other than the said
Hugh. (S) CPRs.
Licence for Amabilia late the wife of Gilbert de Segrave to marry this time
whom she will, she having satisfied Hugh de Nede, king’s yoeman, to whom the
king granted her marriage.
[–––Roger & Amabil–––]
1255, Roger
married 2nd, Amabil de Chaucombe, widow of Gilbert de Segrave.
1255, Roger
de Somery held the manors of Seggesle and Swineford in Staffordshire. (S)
Staffordshire Hist. Coll., V5, Pt1, 1884, Seisdon Hundred.
1255, Sir
William de Parles acknowledged that he owed Roger de Somery, Baron of Dudley,
service of one knight's fee and suit of court at Dudley.
“From: William of Bloodden, … To: Roger de Somery 1½ acre of land at
'Borgham'.” (S) UKNA.
Roger mustered for King Henry at Glamorgan under the command of Stephen Bauzan
to serve in Wales.
Roger’s forces were attacked at Coed Llanthen by Maredudd ap Rhys and lost many
of their provisions. The next day at Cymerau, the Welsh forces defeated the
English and killed their Welsh commander.
10/1/1257, …
in Wales in the service of Edward the king’s son and have protection … Roger de
Somery. (S) CPRs.
1258, Roger
again in service against Llwelyn ap Gruffudd in Wales.
6/1258, King
Henry signed the Provisions of Oxford. These limitations by parliament [led by
Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester] granted money to Henry in exchange for
administrative reform.
Commission to Peter de Monte Forti, Hugh le Despenser, Roger de Clifford, …
touching contentions which have arisen between James de Audithele and Roger de
Somery … (S) CPRs.
10/1259, The
Provisions of Westminster remedied most of the complaints associated with the
Provisions of Oxford. Roger de Sumery chosen as 1 of 12 Commissioners of
Parliament, and 1 of 24 Commissioners of the Aid. (S) Constitutional History,
Stubbs, 1896, P85.
Roger held 1 knts. fee of Stanford Manor, Berks.
1260, William
de Beauchamp died; Roger re-acquired possession of Newport Pagnell.
Roger de Somery one of the vassals to the crown summoned to muster at
Shrewsbury with horses and arms against Lewellyn ap Griffith. (S) Antiquities
of Shropshire, V7-8, 1858, P26.
Roger de “Sumery” granted a market at Dudley, Staffordshire.
1261, Roger
suffered the King’s indignation for castellating his manor house at Dudley
without permission.
3/1262, King
Henry repudiated the Provisions of Oxford.
1262, Roger
again in service against Llwelyn ap Gruffudd in Wales.
William of Birmingham impleaded by Roger of Somery, lord of Dudley, regarding
the extent of services owed for his lands. (S) Staffordshire Hist. Coll.’s, V4,
1883, Feet of Fines, Warwick.
Simon de Montfort returned to England to lead a rebellion of young barons.
Roger fortified Dudley castle in Warwick.
Roger de Somery [one of many] to come to the king at Wyndesor with the horses
and arms … (S) CPRs.
Roger de Somery captured with King Henry at the battle of Lewes, “at the Mill
of the Hide”. An estimated 2700 died. (S) Transactions – Bristol and
Gloucestershire, V9, 1884, P146.
Simon de Montfort effectively ruled England.
Overlord, Roger de Somery, remained true to the King.
Lord Edward escaped captivity.
Roger fought with Lord Edward, on the side of the King, at the battle of
Evesham, the defeat of Simon de Montfort. [And the end of the Baron’s War.]
Whereas … church of Staunton … lands of Nicholas de Segrave … belonds to Roger
de Sumery who married Amabel the mother of the said Nicholas, by reason of her
dower as her share … belonging to Gilbert de Segrave sometime her husband … the
king grants that his presentation shall not be to the prejudice of the said
Roger and Amabel in future voidances. (S) CPRs.
The Dictum of Kenilworth released to the public – Roger de Somery was one of
the 12 members who drew up the privisions.
Roger a peace commissioner between Henry III and Llwellyn ap Griffin. [Who had
conquered most of Wales.]
Commission to Robert de Nevile … disturbances … county of Warwick … [between] …
Roger de Clifford … Roger de Somery … [In a dispute over lands of William de
Birmyngham, who was killed at the battle of Evesham.] (S) CPRs.
Roger a peace commissioner between Gilbert de Clare and Llwellyn ap Griffin.
(S) CPRs.
Roger de Somery, Philip Basset, William of Valence, James de Audley and Roger
de Clifford [plus some earls and bishops] witnessed documents at parliament.
(S) 13th Century England, Coss, 1988, P101.
Agreement between the lady Joan de Berkeley (9994833) and Sir Roger de Sumery (486765256),
of the one part, … William de Camvile (s/o Richard de Kamvill), and Joan his
wife, of the other part, … viz. that the said William and Joan shall receive
the manor of Torre Brione, with the advowson of the church, for part of the
dower of all the lands which formerly belonged to Sir Guy de Briona (94567466)
in the parts of Devon; reserving 2 parts of 5 foreign fees belonging to the
said [Sir Roger de Su]mery in the said parts. Witnesses:—Sirs Walter de Vernun
… (S) Ancient Deeds, Devon, V3, 1900, D.214.
Roger granted a market and fair at Newport Pagnell by King Henry III. (S)
CChRs, 1257–1300, P131.
“Grant by Sir Roger de Somery, to John de Englefeud, …, of licence to sport on
the water (ad riperiandam riperiam) called 'Pangeburn,' … John has released to
Sir Roger, all his right in the warren belonging to Sir Roger's manor of
Bradefeud …” (S) UKNA.
Commission to … touching the person who broke the park of Roger de Somery of
Neuporte Peynell, co. Buckingham, hunter there and carried away deer. (S) CPRs.
11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of
England. [While on crusade.]
Licence … to sell … to Roger de Somery all the debts wherein William Parles is
bound … (S) CPRs.
Roger de Somery, Ralph de Crumbwell and Margaret his wife, John Le Estrange and
Joan his wife, Walter de Sully and Mabilla his wife, Henry de Herdington and
Matilda his wife, appeared against Isabella Countess of Arundel in a plea …
between the said Roger and the other coparceners heirs of Nicholaa formerly
wife of Roger, respecting the advowson of the Church of Olney … (S) Plea Rolls
for Staffordshire, V6, Pt.1, 1885.
Roger died; held of Newport Pagnell of subsidy of £180 [This property eventually
inherited by sisters of grandson John Somery in 1322] and lands in 9 counties.
(S) Victoria Country House, Buckinghamshire, V4, P215.
Order to deliver to Anabel, late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief,
the manor of … [5 manors valued at over £100] …
assigned to her in dower … (S) CCRs.
Order to assign to Amabil[ia], late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in
chief, £15 yearly of
land in the manor of Seggesl[eye], which belonged to Roger, in full
satisfaction of her dower. (S) CCRs.
The manor of Swyneford, … the manor of Clent, [both in Northamton] … which the
king assigned to Amabilia, late the wife of Roger de Somery, tenant in chief,
to hold in dower. (S) CCRs.
Order to the escheator … to cause [to be sold] the underwood and dead wood of
the woods late of Roger de Somery, deceased, tenant in chief. (S) CFRs.
Order to the sheriff of Leicester to take into the king's hand the pourparty of
John (60845488), son of John le Estraunge, one of the heirs (grandson) of
Nicholaa, late the wife of Roger de Somery, of her lands in Barewe. (S) CFRs.
Protection for 2 years for Amabilla de Segrave, going beyond seas. (S) CPRs.
12/29/1278, Amabilla, late the wife of Roger de Somery, died. (S) CCRs.
(S) The
Reliquary, V1, 1888, P162. (S) Judges of England, Foss, 1848, P466. (S) History
– Newport Pagnell, Ratcilff, 1900, P220. (S) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.
Family notes:
In the manor of Sedgley, west of Dudley, Roger de
Somery possessed an iron mine and 2 ‘great smithies’ (grosse fabricae),
works. (S) History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, Schubert, 1957,
of Roger and Nichole:
i. Joan de Someri (121690977),
born ~1225 in England.
ii. Margaret de
Somery (243382629), born ~1230 in England.
iii. Mabel de Somery, born ? in England.
married Walter de Sully.
1285, Walter
1311, Mabel
iv. Matilda de Somery, born ? in England.
married Henry de Erdington.
married 2nd William de Byfield.
of Gilbert and Amabil:
i. Nicholas de Segrave (121688174), born 12/17/1238
in England.
of Roger and Amabil:
i. Roger de Somery (2498730), born 1256 in England.
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