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Monday, August 24, 2020

Baron Robert de Stafford & Lady Alice Corbet

 243382624. Baron Robert de Stafford & 243382625. Lady Alice Corbet

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

~1220, Robert born in England, 2nd s/o 486765248. Hervey de Stafford & 486765249. Petronila de Ferrers.

~1230, Alice born in England, d/o 486765250. Thomas Corbet & 486765251. Isabel de Valletort.

Bef. 6/20/1237, Robert’s father died, his brother Hervey succeeding; paying 500 marks for relief of his lands. (S) FRsHIII.

Bef. 10/3/1241, Robert heir to his brother Hervey. (S) FRsHIII.

10/24/1241, Robert fined £100 for relief of his brother’s lands. (S) FRsHIII.

1241-61, ½ mark to the lord Robert de Stafford for all secular services owed by Ralph … (S) UKNA.

4/26/1242, The king has granted to Robert of Stafford that, of all debts which he owes him, he may render at two terms each year. (S) FRsHIII.

10/15/1242, The king has granted to Robert of Stafford that he may render 100s., which he owes to him for his relief by reason of the bishopric of Coventry and Lichfield being in the king’s hand from one knight’s fee that he holds from the same bishopric. (S) FRsHIII.

5/10/1243, Final concord between David, Prior of Kenilewurth, complainant, and Robert de Stafford.

5/3/1244, The king has granted to Robert of Stafford that he is to render 20 m. per annum to him at the Exchequer, … from year to year at the same terms until the whole of the debt has been paid to the king, for the £336 17s. 1d. that he owes him for several debts. (S) FRsHIII.

1245, Robert fined £60 for 60 knights’ fees in aid for the marriage of the king’s daughter.

12/17/1246, The king has granted to Robert of Stafford that he is to render 100s. each year at Easter and 100s. at Michaelmas, until all money is paid to the king, for the £60 which are exacted from him by summons of the Exchequer towards marrying the king’s first-born daughter, and for the £314 7s. 1d. which he owes the king beyond those £60. (S) FRsHIII.

[––Robert & Alice––]

~1248, Robert married Alice.

2/3/1248, Final concord between Brother William, Master of the Hospital of St. John of Stafford, complainant, and Robert de Stafford. (S) Collections – Staffordshire, V4, 1883, P240.

1250, Robert de Stafford [unsuccessfully] claimed the wardship of Isabel de Mutton, d/o Ralph. (S) Victoria History of Stafford, V4, Page, 1958, P82.

1250, Robert de Stafford son of Hervey was accused of having entered by force into the manor of Clopton. (S) Victorian History – Warwick, Doubleday, 1945, P262.

1/20/1251, Final concord between Robert, son of Vivian de Stanford, complainant, and Robert de Stafford. [Robert acknowleged the marriage of Isabel de Mutton as the right of Robert, son of Vivian de Stanford.]

4/21/1252, Final concord between Ralph Basset, complainant, and Robert de Stafford.

5/6/1253, Inspeixmus … of a charter whereby Robert de Stafford, knight, conveyed to Master Robert de Stafford, his uncle, the manor of Wotton, to deliver from Judaism the said grantor in respect of 200 marks due from him to Aaron of York … (S) CChRs.

5/30/1253, Protection for the following going with the king to Gascony … Robert de Stafford …(S) CPRs

6/9/1253, Final concord between Ralph Basset, complainant, and Robert de Stafford.

8/6/1253, King Henry left for Gascony from Portsmouth with 300 ships.

10/23/1253, King Henry’s army in camp at Benauge, then Bazas, then Meilhan, then Bordeaux, then Orleans, France.

1/1255, King Henry returned his army to England.

Alice died.


Robet married 2nd Joan ?.

1256, ‘Noverint universi presens scriptum visuri vel audituri Robertus de Safford salutem. … quietclamasse … villa de Coppenhale. …’ (S) Collections for a History of Staffordshire, 1908, P129.

6/20/1256, Grant to Robert de Stafford that the execution of his will shall at no time be impeded by reason of any debts … (S) CPRs.

1258, Robert summoned to the king at Chester with horse and arms to go against the Welsh.

1259, Lord Edward led King Henry’s campaign against Welsh prince Llywelyn ap Gruffydd.

1260, Robert summoned to the king at Shrewsbury. [Prince Llywelyn had invaded the Marches of Wales.]

Bef. 6/4/1261, Robert de Stafford died; wardship of land and heirs assigned to Edward the king’s son. (S) CPRs

(S) The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Percy, 1838, P279. (S) Papers Relative to the Two Baronies of Stafford, 1807, P2. (S) Collections – Staffordshire, V4, 1883.

Children of Robert and Alice:

i. Nicholas Stafford (121691312), born ~1250 in England.

ii. Rosia de Stafford, born ? in England.

Rosia married Richard de Stretton.

7/30/1294, Richard testifed in the proof-of-age inquitision of Nicholas’ son and heir Edmund.

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