189135170. Baron Richard de Camville & 189135171. Lady Eustacia Basset
Richard born in England, s/o 378270340. Gerard de Camvill & 378270341.
Nicola de la Haye.
Eustacia born in England, d/o 378270342. Gilbert Basset & 378270343.
Egeline de Courtenay.
& Thomas de Verdun–––]
Eustacia 1st
married to Thomas de Verdun [brother of Nicholas de Verdun.]
Richard I succeeded Henry I as King of England.
‘Gillebertus Basset … pro filia sua maritanda Tome de Verdun’ in Oxforshire.
(S) FMG.
1199, Thomas
died in Ireland.
Nicolas de Verdun heir to his brother Thomas. Richard de Camville and Eustacia, the widow of Nicholas's
older brother Thomas, also laid claim to the de Verdun lands.
5/27/1199, John succeeded King Richard I of England.
[–––Richard & Eusticia–––]
Gerard de Camvill gave a £1000 to the King for the guardianship of widow
Eustacia with her lands, and liberty to dispose of her in marriage unto Richard
de Camvill his son.
Nicholas de Verdun had gained official seisin of his lands in England when
Richard de Camvill and Eustachia, his wife, brought a plea against him over 40
librates of land which Eustachia claimed as her dower.
1207, The
prior of Kenilworth claimed that Nicholas de Verdun had allowed
presentation of a parson by Richard de Camvill and Eustachia, his wife, to the
church of Hethe. The right to present to this church, the prior argued, had
been given to his priory.
Richard and Eustacia in possession of Ardington. (S) A History of the County of
Berkshire, V4, 1924.
Eglina de Curthenai donated half her dower in her manor of Wretchwick, Oxfordshire,
which ‘predictus Gilbertus Basset bone memorie’ retained when ‘predictam
Eustaciam Basset’ married Thome de Verdun, to Bicester priory, witnessed by
‘Ricardo de Campvill, Eustacia Basset uxore ipsius, Thoma Basset, Alano
Basset’. (S) FMG.
1214, Richard’s
father died. (S) FMG.
1215, “Know
all … I Richard de Camville have given, and by this present charter have
confirmed, to God and the Church of St. Mary of Oseney and the Canons there …
one messuage with its buildings in my village of Erdinton, …” (S) History of
the Deanery of Bicester, Blomfield, 1882, P15.
Richard high sheriff of Lincolnshire.
By 2/1216, Eustacia
and Richard died; Richard leaving a son of the same name; who died soon after.
[See Family notes.]
(S) Bassets
of High Wycombe, Stewart-Parker, King’s College, Thesis, 2013.
Family notes:
Richard’s paternal uncle, Richard de Camville,
outlived this Richard. Richard, the uncle (d.1224), attended the 3rd
crusade with King Richard I, and appears in many records with Gerard, father of
this Richard.
The events surrounding Richard’s death leave open
several probable senarios: left a son that died [Eustacia dying in child
birth], lived until 1217 [possibly incapacitated in some way], … but ultimately
Iodine becomes his heir.
of Richard and Eustacia:
i. Idonea de Camville (94567585), born 1201 in England.
Order to the sheriff of Northamptonshire to place in respite, …, the demand of
£20 … from William Longespée and Idonea, his wife, for Richard de Camville, for
debts of the Jews. (S) FRsHIII.
ii. Richard de Camville , born aft. 1202 in
4/22/1216, Richard died; his sister Iodine became the heir.
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