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Monday, August 24, 2020

Baron Ralph de Sudleye & Isabella ?

 243393856. Baron Ralph de Sudleye & 243393857. Isabella ?

~1170, Ralph born in England, s/o 486787712. Ralph de Sudeleye & 486787713. Emma de Beauchamp.

~1175, Isabella born in England.

1192, Ralph’s father died. [Seal: ‘SVDLEIE’]

[––Ralph & Isabella––]

~1193, Ralph married Isabella.

1198, Ralph de Sudeley paid 300 marks for livery of his lands as heir or his older brother Otuer.

4/6/1199, John succeeded Richard I as King of England.

1199-1209, Ralph de Sudeley granted the monks of Winchcombe to make a ditch which brought water to their mill in a strait course for 8d.

11/1209, King John excommunicated by Pope Innocent III when over refusing the Pope’s appointment in 1207 of Stephen Langton to Archbishop of Cantebury. [King John had seized the churches and his revenue from the churches.] When the mandate was implement, the abbey of Winchcombe was closed, the dead were deprived of Christian burial, marriages were conducted in church yards.

1213, Robert, abbot of Winchcombe, involved in the removal of the abbot of Evesham. [Likely supported by Ralph.]

1215-16, Ralph a rebel baron.

5/5/1215, Revolting Barons formally renounced their allegiance to King John and invited the King of France to invade England. [The barons in revolt together held more castles and knights fees than John did as King. Intervention by the King of France prevented by the Pope. King John then arranged for all of the opposing barons to be excommunicated – starting a civil war.]

1215-16, King John ravaged the lands of opposing barons, including those of Ralph.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

10/19/1216, Henry III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England.

[Description of Baron Ralph de Sudleye by Hume: “The great baron was one who considered himself as a kind of soverign within his territory ; and was attended by courtiers and dependents more zealously attached to him than the minister of state and ther great officers were commonly to their soverign. … establishing a justiciary, constable, mareschal, chamberlain, seneschal, and chancellor, … it was found necessary to restrain his activity … He had the poser, with the king’s consent, to exact talliages even from free citizens who livied within his barony …”]

2/1222, Ralph died.


4/30/1242, Imenia, who was the wife of Ralph (121696928) of Southleigh , has made fine with the king by 1000m. for having the custody of all lands formerly of Ralph and of his heirs, together with their marriage, to have and hold until the legal age of the same heirs, and that she might marry herself to whom she will wish. … Order to the sheriff of Gloucestershire … Order to the sheriffs of Warwickshire and Worcestershire … The king has also granted to Imenia that if Isabella , who was the wife of Ralph of Southleigh, father of the aforesaid Ralph, happens to die before the aforesaid heirs come of age, Imenia is to have the custody of the lands which Isabella holds in dower of the gift of the aforesaid Ralph, and then she is to render £100 per annum … (S) FRsHIII.

Isabella died.

 (S) Annals of Winchcombe and Sudeley, Dent, 1877, P92ff.

Child of Ralph and Isabella:

i. Ralph de Sudeley (121696928), born ~1195 in England.

2/26/1222, To the sheriff of Gloucestershire. Ralph, son and heir of Ralph of Sudeley has made fine with the king by £100 for his relief of the lands formerly of Ralph, his father, which he ought to hold of the king in chief and which fall to him by his inheritance, and the king has taken his homage. (S) FRsHIII.

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