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Saturday, August 8, 2020

Baron Hugh de Gournay & Lady Millicent de Coucy

 40003892. Baron Hugh de Gournay & 40003893. Lady Millicent de Coucy

~1092, Hugh born in France, s/o 80007784. Gerard de Gournay & 80007785. Ediva de Warren.

Aft. 1104, Hugh’s father died; Hugh a ward of his stepfather Dreux de Monceaux.

Hugh educated in the court of King Henry I. (S) Collectanea Archaeologica, V2, 1871, P186.

8/3/1108, Louis VI crowned King of France.

[–––Hugh & Beatrice–––]

Hugh 1st married to Beatrice, born in France, d/o Count Hugh de Vermandois & Adele of Vermandois.

1112, Hugh confirmed donations to the abbey of Bec made by his father, grandfather, and grandmother.

1118, Hugh joined Stephen, Count of Aumale, in support of William Clito, son of Robert, Duke of Normandy, on the throne.

6/1118, In a marriage arranged by Hugh, his sister Gundreda, “La belle Gondree” married Neil de Albini.

6/1118, Hugh, in open rebellion, attacked the castle of Plessis and imprisoned the governor. [King Henry recovered the castle.]

1118-19, Hugh fortified his castles of Gournay, La Ferte, and Gaillefontaine and made forays into Pays de Caux. He took many persons, including women and children, captive for ransoms. King Henry countered with an attack into Pays de Brai with a thousand men, and unsuccessfully layed siege to la Ferte.

8/20/1119, At the battle of Bremule, France, King Henry defeated the alliance of French forces. Between the two sides a thousand knights were engaged. This battle solidified Henry’s claim to Normandy. (S) Dictionary of Battles, Eggenberger, 1967, P61.

1120, Amaury de Montfort and Hugh made peace with King Henry.

1120, Hugh pardoned for his revolt by King Henry I.

~1120, Millicent born in France, d/o §§Seigneur Thomas de Marla of Coucy & Milisende [Grand aunt of 47277615. Yolande de Coucy] d/o Guy de Crecy.

[–––Aleaume & Millicent–––]

Millicent 1st married to Aleaume Fitz Adam.

1127, Hugh founded the Cistertian abbey of Beaubec, near Forges.

1130, Milicent’s father died.

1134, King Henry made Hugh and William de Roumare commanders of the frontiers.

12/26/1135, On the death of Henry I, and in a coup, Stephen de Blois became King of England, throwing the country into civil war.

1136, King Stephen granted Hugh the manors of Wendover, co. Buckingham and Houghton Regis, co. Bedford.

After King Stephen was perceived as favoring the Flemings, Hugh and other Norman barons opposed Stephen in support of Geoffrey of Anjou. [A 3-year peace was concluded between Geoffrey and Stephen. The peace did not last. With the support of Louis VII of France and Hugh, Geoffrey captured most of Normandy.]

1137, King Stephen arrested Hugh de Gournay at Pontaudemar.

8/1/1137, Louis VII succeeded as king of France.

1138, Hugh was in England in support of King Stephen at the siege of Shrewsbury. [Hugh witnessed a charter of King Stephen at this time to Buildwas abbey.]

4/7/1141 at Winchester, Empress Matilda acknowledged as “Lady of England and Normandy” by Bishop Henry.

12/25/1141, Stephen again crowned King. [The civil war would continue for 12 more years.]

Beatrice died.

[–––Hugh & Millicent–––]

~1143, Hugh married 2nd widow Millicent de Coucy.

1144, ‘Gornacensis dominus et … Hugo filius meus’ donated property to Saint-Leu d´Esserent, for the soul of ‘Beatricis … uxoris meæ.’

6/1147, Hugh accompanied King Louis VII of France to the Holy Land on crusade, going by way of Worms, Germany, then overland through Byzantium.

12/25/1147, On Christmas day on the coast of modern-day Turkey, encamped by a river, a tremendous storm washed away much of the supplies of the French. They decided to take a route over the mountains to Antioch.

1/4/1148, The crusaders fought in a battle at Laodicea against the Turks.

1/20/1148, After additional battles, the crusaders reached Atalya.

3/19/1148, The crusaders reached Antioch.

1148, At Damascus, due to heat, lack of water, and disagreements on plans, the seige failed after 4 days. King Louis, sending most of the forces back.

1149-55, Hugh witnessed a charter of his nephew Roger de Mowbray.

1151, When war erupted between Henry, duke of Normandy, and King Louis of France, Hugh sided with Louis. Henry, duke of Normandy [future Henry II of England] captured La Ferte and destroyed the fortress.

12/19/1154, Henry II crowned king of England.

1172, Hugh and his wife conceded to the Abbot of St. Sauveur the property of Neuville-Ferrieres.

1173, Rebelling against his father King Henry II, young King Henry captured the castle of Gournay, taking 166 prisoners including Hugh and his son Hugh.

1180, Hugh died “at a great age” in the Holy Lands; Millicent surviving.

(S) The Record of the House of Gournay, Gurney, 1845, P84.

Family notes:

·         Thomas de Marla, lord of Coucy, attended the 1st crusade in 1096; married 2nd Dame de Montaigu.

·         Thomas, s/o §§Seigneur Enguerrand of Coucy [died 1116] & Ada, d/o Letard de Roucy, heiress of Marla.

·         Enguerrand, s/o Dreux de Boves, s/o Alberic I, lord of Coucy and Boves.

Children of Hugh and Millicent:

i. Gerard de Gournay, born ? in England.

1151, Gerard died.

ii. Hugh de Gournay (20001946), born ~1145 in England.

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