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Thursday, August 13, 2020

Baron Bartholomew Toret

 486788018. Baron Bartholomew Toret

~1160, Bartholomew born in England.

By 1195, Bartholomew succeeded his father, §§Peter fitz Toret. (S) Hist. of Shropshire, V11, 1985, Lawley.

1195-96, William son of William fitz Alan at the petition of Fulk fitz Warin has granted … Witnesses: John Strange, …, Bartholomew de Morton, Richard Corbet (243394008), Roger his brother, … (S) UKNA.

1205, Bartholomew Toret succeeded his mother.

1215, Bartholomew 1 of 7 Salopian barons to oppose King John. (S) Trans. of Shropshire A&NH Soc., 1889, P158.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta. [King John soon after repudiated the document.]

10/19/1216, Henry III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England.

11/4/1217, Bartholomew Turet returned to fealty and service to the crown.

1217-25, Richard Corbet, with the council and assent of his friends, conceded all of Kynwerton to Buildwas abbey, as his 6 feoffees had already given, ttested by Bartholomew de Morton.

1229, Bartholomew de Moreton a Shropshire knight.

By 1235, Bartholomew of Moreton died.

Child of Bartholomew and ?:

i. Johanna Moreton (243394009), born ~1185 in England. [Heir]

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