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Friday, May 29, 2020

Duke Simon I of Lorraine & Duchess Adelaide of Leuven

1513002724. Duke Simon I of Lorraine & 1513002725. Duchess Adelaide of Leuven

~1083, Simon born in Lorraine, s/o 378220820. Duke Thierry II of Upper Lorraine & 3026005449. Hedwig von Formbach.

By 1095, Adelaide born in Leuven, d/o 3026005450. Count Henry III of Brussels and Louvain & 378220821. Gertrude de Flandre.

By 1113, Simon married [his stepsister] Adelaide de Louvain.

12/30/1115, Simon succeeded his father.

8/5/1122, Mathieu named as the son of Simon in a charter.

4/11/1126, Charter of Duke Simon which refers to his ‘deceased mother’ Gertrude.

3/30/1130, ‘Simon ... dux Lotharingiæ et marchio’ made donations to the abbey of Bouxières-aux-Dames, in the presence of ‘soror mea domina Hara abbatissæ.’

4/10/1132, ‘Lotharingiæ ducem Symonem’ excommunicated by ‘Alberonis Archiepiscopi.’

By 1138, ‘Simon ... Lotharingorum dux’ renounced claims over property of ‘ecclesia de Sancti-Remigii-Monte’, brought by ‘patris mei beatæ memoriæ ducis Theodorici’, with the support of ‘uxore mea ... ducissa Adelide ... cum Matthæo ... unico  nostro filio.’

1/1139, Simon died; buried at Sturzelbronn.


Adelaide retired to the Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame du Tart, near Dijon.

10/1155, ‘Judit Romaricensis ecclesie abbatissa’ donated property at the request of ‘Aledis mater ducis Mathei.’

Children of Simon and Adelaide:

i. Matthias I of Lorainne (756501362), born 1119 in Lorraine.

ii. Agatha of Lorraine (378236603), born ~1123 in Lorraine.

Agatha married 378236602. Comte Renaud III of Burgundy.

Child: Empress Beatrice of Burgundy (189118301).

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