950, Lambert of Louvain, s/o §§Comte Reginier III of Hainaut (d.973 in Bohemia) & Ctss
Adela von Dachsburg (d.961). [The Annales Hanoniæ record the death in 961 of ‘Adela
comitissa Montensis … uxor Ragineri comitis’. (S) FMG. (S) Histoire de Hainaut,
V9, Jacobus, 1830, P384.]
~970, Gerberge born in Lorraine, d/o §§Duke Charles of Lower Lotharingia (~945, d.aft.991) &
Duchess Adelais de Troyes.
973, ‘Raginerus et Lantbertus’ returned from exile and killed ‘Guarnero
et Rainaldo’, who occupied their father’s county, near Perronam, and besieged
‘castello Buxude.’
[––Lambert & Gerberge––]
977, Lambert married to Gerberga.
998, Lambert’s brother Regnier IV gained control of Hainaut through a
gift of Godfrey of Lorraine.
1002, Baldwin IV of Flanders allied with Count Lambert of Louvain.
1003, Lambert ‘le Barbu’, [1st] comte de Louvain, in a charter.
1005, Baldwin IV of Flanders allied himself with Count Lambert [of
Hainaut], who had been passed over for a duchy by the King of Germany.
6/1006, Baldwin and Lambert captured the city of Valenciennes. (S)
Cambridge Medieval History, Vs1-5, Bury.
8/1006 at Meuse, King Robert II of France met with King Henry II of
Germany and formed an alliance against Counts Baldwin and Lambert.
9/1006, At a stalemate at Valenciennes, a truce called between the
waring factions.
1007, Count Lambert returned to favor with King Henrich II of Germany.
1008, Count Lambert attacked [unsuccessfully] Baldwin at Cambrai.
1013, Count Lambert attacked [unsuccesssfully] Baldwin at Valenciennes.
9/12/1015, Count Lambert died at the battle of Florennes [40 mi south of
Brussels]; succeeded by his son Henri (murdered 1038); succeeded by his younger
brother Lambert II [‘Baldric’, (d.1062).]
1/27/1018, Gerberga’s gift to Gembloux consented to by her son Henri.
Child of Lambert and Gergerge:
i. Mathilde de Louvain (1512883449), born ~995 in
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