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Monday, July 7, 2014

Sir Philip de Wyke & Maud de Wengham

16778020. Sir Philip de Wyke & 16778021. Maud de Wengham

~1270, Philip de Wike born in England, s/o 33556040. John de Wyke.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

1278, Maud born in Steventon, Hampshire, England, coheir & d/o 33556042. Walter de Wengham & 33556044. Maud de Sancto Mauro.

4/1290, Maud’s mother Maud died. An assize of Mort d’Ancestor was brought by the coheirs of Walter de Wengham against Simon de Ludgate and Laurence de Sancto Mauro. Because of the minority of Maud and Joan, the case was delayed 2 years. (S) House of Yvery, V1, Anderson, 1742, P358.

1294, Philip’s father died.

1299 at Wells, Philip de Wyke, knight, was a witness to a grant of lands and tenements from John de Lynforde, to Sir Richard de Emneburghe, knight. (S) Ancient Deeds, V3, 1900, Somerset, A.4432.

~1300, Philip married Maud.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

12/22/1317, Philip de Wyke and Maud his wife; and Sir Maurice de Berkelee, son and heir of Sir Thomas de Berkelee. … Philip and Maud have granted to Maurice one third of the manor of Kingestone Seymor with a third of the advowson of the church. Witnesses: Sir John de Clyvedon, …, Sir Thomas de Gorneye, Sir Geoffrey de Hautevile, knights, … (S) UKNA.

4/17/1318, Laurence de Sancto Mauro, … and Sir Maurice de Berkel', … Laurence has quitclaimed to Maurice, his heirs and assigns one third of the manor of Kyngestone Seymor with the advowson of one third of the church, viz. the third which Philip de Wyke and Maud his wife held. Witnesses: Sir John de Clyvedone, …, Sir Geoffrey de Hautevyle, knights, … (S) UKNA.

6/28/1318, Philip de Wyke was a witness to a grant from Simon de Asschton, knight, to Sir Maurice de Berkeleye. (S) UKNA.

1320, Philip de Wyke, s/o John de Wyke, held Withiel-Flory, Somerset.

1320, Somerset. Philip de Wyke and Maud his wife plaintiffs; John de Bourbon and Joan [Maud’s sister] his wife deforciants; a messuage and 80 acres of arable land … in Old Kyngston and Weston-Gordein … Kyngston to Walter de Wyke, son of the said Philip, … remainder to John de Wyke, brother to Walter, and his heirs …  Weston-Gordein to the said John de Wyke, son of Philip, … (S) House of Yvery, V1, Anderson, 1742, P385.

1321, The manor of Kingston St. Maur allotted to the daughters of Walter de Wengham with the advowson on alternate presentation. The daughters were married to Laurence de Sancto Mauro, Philip de Wyke, and John de Boudon.

By 1324, Philip died.

(S) Collections for a Parochial History of Wraxall, Master, 1900, P14. (S) Let the Stones Talk, Steed, 2011, P77. (S) Collections of a Parochial History of Chew Magna, Wood, 1903, P77ff.

Children of Philip and Maud:

i. Walter de Wyke, born ? in Somerset, England.

ii. John de Wyke (8389010), born ~1300 in Somerset, England.
