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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Baron Ralph de Gorges & Lady Eleanor de Caleshale

16778018. Baron Ralph de Gorges & 16778019. Lady Eleanor de Caleshale

1258, Ralph born in England, s/o 33556036. Ralph de Gorges & 33556037. Ellen ?.

4-8/1272, Ralph’s father died.

8/19/1274, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England.

~1280, Eleanor born in England, d/ 33556038. William de Caleshale & 33556039. Cicely ?.

5/10/1290 at Norham [on the Scottish border], King Edward called the Scottish nobles to him, for them to hear records read which documented the Scots’ kings paying homage to the English kings.

1287, Eleanor and Joan of Acre, daughters of Edward I, to John de Kirkby: assistance in ending the dispute between Hugh le Despenser, John Lovel the heir, Ralph de Gorges and John Lovel the bastard. (S) UKNA. [King Edward was in Gascony.]

6/14/1291, Protection with clause volumus, until Christmas, for the following staying in Scotland on the king’s service – John de London. Ralph de Gorges. (S) CPRs.

1292, Ralph’s mother died.

3/5/1292, Order to the escheator on this side Trent to deliver to Ralph de Gorges, son and heir of Ellen de Gorges, tenant in chief, the lands late of his said mother, he having done homage. (S) CFRs.

1/3/1293, Pardon to Ralph de Gorges, for a fine of 200 marks, of all trespasses in the forests, chaces and parks of the king or others. (S) CPRs.

1293, Ralph the Marshall of the Army of King Edward I in Gascony during which time he was captured by the French. [Philip IV was trying to make ties with the Scots, and Edward I was creating allies on the continent.]

1294, The Gascon War began between England and France, lasting 9 years.

1294, The King has received homage of Ralph de Gorges son and heir of Elen de Gorges deceased , of all lands and tenements which the same Elen his mother held from the King … (S) CPRs.

6/12/1294, Grant to Ralph de Gorges of what belongs to the king of the marriage of Sibyl, late the wife of Anselm de Gurney. (S) CPRs.

7/5/1294, Grant to Ralph de Gorges, going to Gascony on the king’s service, that if anything should happen to him there the executors of his will shall have free administration of his lands for 3 years after his death and free administration of his mother’s will, he said to be the executor. (S) CPRs.

9/10/1294, A fleet sailed from Plymouth for Gascony. John of Brittany and John de St. John were in command, with William Latimer, Raoul de Gorges (marshal) and Robert Tiptoft. (S) Guisborough, P244. [Another fleet left from Portsmouth the next month.]

1294-95, Ralph de Gorges, Marshall of the king’s army in Gascony. (S) Extinct and Dormant, Burke, 1841, P222. [Raoul commanded the Blaye garrison of the first expeditionary force, in which Simon le Roux served and for which he was awarded a Certificate of Service in 1296.]

1294, English forces going up the Gironde estuary seizing the towns of Castillon, then Macau, then Bourg and Balye.

11/1294, The English began an unsuccessful 10-day siege of Bordeaux. They then went upstream and captured Rions, Podensac and Villeneuve, then back to Bordeaux. [Captured 1/1295]

1294-95, King Philip IV captured many English-held lands in Guienne [southwest France.]

4/6/1295, Ralph de Gorges captured at Rouen by Charles of Valois, brother of King Philip of France, and taken to Paris. [5 “notable” English lords including Raoul, and 13 other knights with 33 squires were captured. One “notable” killed was Adam de Creting. Ralph would not be released for “several years” – by his own statements made in later petitions.]

3/18/1296, Commission of oyer and terminer … on complaint by Ralph de Gorges, touching the persons who, during his absence in Gascony on the king’s service, burned his houses and goods therein in Knyghteton, Isle of Wight, and assaulted and wounded his men. (S) CPRs.

1296, King Philip IV invaded and took possession of Gascony from the English. [King Edward was invading Scotland.]

5/24/1297, Order to the escheator on this side Trent to take into the king's hand the lands late of Ralph de Gorges, deceased, tenant in chief. Vacated. (S) CFRs. [It had been reported that Ralph had died in France, but then it was found that he had not, he was only taken prisoner.]

8/23/1297, Edward left England with 500 ships to attack France and assert his rights. Because of the refusal of many barons, Edward only had a small contingent of knights. The army sailed for Flanders to seek additional support.

11/22/1297, Pardon to Thomas de Berkeleye, for his services while staying lately with the king in Flanders, of 500 marks wherein he was amerced for trespasses … and as sureties Ralph de Sandwyco, Ralph de Gorges, … (S) CPRs.

4/2/1299, Protection with clause volumus, for Ralph de Gorges, for as long as he remains a prisoner of the king of France.

10/1299, King Philip IV of France finally ratified the Treaty of Montreuil with King Edward I of England.

1299-1300, Ralph released from capture.

4/4/1300, Commission of oyer and terminer … touching persons who fished the stews of Ralph de Gorges, king’s yoeman, at Knyghteton, co. Southampton, and carried away fish, while he was on the king’s service and under his protection beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

1300, Ralph at the siege of Caerlaverock castle in Scotland. “There more than once the new-dubbed knight, Sir Ralph de Gorges I saw, hemmed round, … ” (S) Siege of Carlaverock, Walter, 1828, P335.

[––Ralph & Eleanor––]

1300, Ralph married Eleanor.

1301, Ralph and Eleanor jointly enfeoffed in the manors of Bradepole, Luttone and Combe, and Bemynstre and Redehoue, the hundreds, Dorset. (S) IPM of Ralph.

1302, Petitioners: Ralph de Gorges. Gorges requests that the king will make restoration to him for the horses that he and his father lost in the king's service in Gascony in lands or by other means. [Remained open due to lack of information.] (S) UKNA.

1303, Ralph granted a yearly market at his manor of Siditon, co. Dorset.

7/26/1304, Commission of oyer and terminer …  complaint by Ralph de Gorges that Nicholas de Mandevill, … with others broke his park at Lyndinton, co. Dorset, hunted therein and carried away deer. (S) CPRs.

7/29/1304, Grant to Ralph de Gorges of the custody for life of the forest of Whittlewode. (S) CPRs. [Taken from Richard Dammory for a trespass.]

11/1304-11/1305, Grant by Hugh le Despenser, knight, to his servant, John de Handlo, of his manor of Swereford, …. Witnesses:- SIrs Ralph de Gorges, …, knights, … (S) UKNA.

4/9/1305, Licence, in consideration of a fine made by Ralph de Gorges before Westminster. W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, treasurer, for William de Caleshale and Cicely, his wife, to enfeoff the said Ralph and Eleanor, his wife, of a messuage and carcucate of land in Sturmenstre Mareschal, co. Dorset … the said Ralph to grant, for life, to the said William and Cicely his manor of Knyghton, in the Isle of Wight, held in chief. (S) CPRs.

1305, Sir Ralph de Gorges and Eleanor his lady sealed a deed with the Morville arms. (S) Historical Memoires of the House of Russell, V1, Wiffen, 1833, P137.

10/6/1305, Protection with clause volumus … going beyond the seas on the king’s business with Hugh le Despenser … Ralph de Gorges … (S) CPRs. [Possibly attending the coronation at Lyon of Pope Clement V, which was attended by King Philip IV on Nov. 14th.]

4/16/1306, Ralph de Gorges appointed High Sheriff of Devon [until 12/1307.]

11/4/1306, Licence for Otto son of John Ferre to enfeoff … manor of Totel … to grant to Guy Ferre … reversion in tail to Otto, with remainder to Ralph de Gorges and Eleanor his wife, and the heirs of the body of Eleanor, … (S) CPRs.

1306-07, The merchants of the duchy request remedy according to their charter granted to them by the king as Ralph de Gorges [Sheriff of Devon], has taken wine from them at Dartmouth without making satisfaction against their charter. (S) UKNA.

1/6/1307, Debtor: Ralph de Gorges, knight [of Braunton, Braunton Hundred, Devon]. Creditor: Thomas, Bishop of Exeter [of Devon]. Amount: £20. (S) UKNA.

1307, William de Caleshale and Cicely his wife (of a licence feoffing for Ralph de Gorges and Eleanor his wife) Knyghton manor in the Isle of Wight of Carisbrook honor.

2/25/1308, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1308, Ralph summoned to parliament as baron, Lord Gorges.

1308, Petitioners: Ralph de Gorges. Gorges requests allowance in the debt that he owes the king for wages and compensation for lost horses due to his father for the Gascon war. (S) UKNA.

3/2/1309, Commission of oyer and terminer … complaint … that Ralph de Gorges and other persons forcibly entered the manor of Gatecumbe in the Isle of Wight, … wrecked the doors of the houses, … took the rabbits … felled the trees … (S) CPRs. [For the trespass, Ralph lost the forest of Whittlewode which was eventually returned to Richard Dammory.]

4/1309, Ralph, “Sr Rauf de Gorges, Lozengy Or and Az”, present at the Dunstable tournament in which 235 knights participated in retinues, and 70 independently. Ralph faced Peter de Gaveston as his opponent, a favorite of King Edward II. [It was dangerous, even though their swords were blunted, their spears unpointed, and they wore heavy armour.]

1311-12, Ralph de Gorges of Knighton held the manor of Wackland, Hampshire.

12/14/1314, Commission of oyer and terminer … complaint by Richard Dammory … that … Ralph de Gorges [and many others] entered his close at Ubbele, co. Somerset, … (S) CPRs.

1315, Ralph de Gorges and Peter de Evercy made a petition for themselves and all the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight relative to the levying of scutage. (S) Siege of Carlaverock, Walter, 1828, P335.

1315-16, Ralph in possession of Wrokeshale, by service of Hugh de Courtenay, baron of Oakhampton, with the hamlets of Charleton, Bratton and Naylese.

3/6/1319, Commission of oyer and terminer to Hugh de Courtenay, Ralph de Gorges, … co. Somerset … (S) CPRs.

Bef. 1320, Petitioners: Ralph de Gorges. Gorges requests grace and remedy as he has been ousted from the keepership of Whittlewood Forest which he was granted by the King's father. He was in the king's service in Gascony and was captured and imprisoned for many years. (S) UKNA.

1320, Sir Ralph de Gorges presented Richard de Buron as rector to the living at Wraxall.

11/15/1320, Commission of oyer and terminer … petition exhibited before the king and Council, of Ralph de Gorges, alleging that divers trespasses and other malpractices under the colour of office had been committed as against the king, Edward, earl of Chester, and lord of the Isle of Wight, his son, … by Henry le Tyeys … constable of the said island. (S) CPRs.

11/23/1320, Commission to John de Bello Campo of Somerset, … county of Southampton … petition and allegations of Ralph de Gorges, the king’s attorney, that Henry le Tyeys, … (S) CPRs.

2/1/1321,  Appointment during pleasure of Ralph de Gorges to the office of justiciary of Ireland and of keeping the land of Ireland with its castles, receiving at the Exchequer, Dublin, so long as he shall remain in office, £500 a year, and shall be the twentieth man of men-at-arms with so many comparisoned horses continousouly … (S) CPRs. [Cancelled because Ralph was soon after captured in Wales.]

5/1321, the “Marcher lords” of northern Wales attacked the Despenser’s estates in southern Wales; beginning the “Despenser War”. The forces opposing Hugh le Despenser and King Edward II were Roger de Mortimer, Earl Humphrey de Bohun, leading the Marcher forces; Earl Thomas of Lancaster, leading norther barons; and supporting barons including Roger de Armory, Hugh de Audley, Roger de Clifford and John de Giffard. [Ralph was in the service of Hugh le Despenser.]

5-6/1321, Ralph captured in Wales.

7/2/1321, Grant to Ralph de Gorges, lately taken prisoner when on the king's service and afterwards ransomed, of 500 marks towards his ransom from £1000 by which Henry le Tyeys lately made fine … (S) CPRs.

10/1321, King Edward II took to the field with a large army to oppose the lords in revolt in the Despenser War. [King Edward II was seizing lands and giving them to his favorites, particularly the Despencers. Leading to the eventual downfall of King Edward II.]

11/12/1321, Protection with clause volumus until Easter for Ralph de Gorges, the elder, lately on the king’s service in the March of Wales and for that reason taken and imprisoned. [Protection given because he would be returning from capture.]

2/15/1322, Commission to Ralph de Gorges and John de Clyvedon to raise 1,000 footmen in the counties of Somerset and Dorset. (S) CPRs.

2/24/1322, Restitution to Ralph de Gorges of the bailiwick of the forestership of Whittylwode. (S) CPRs.

3/10/1322, King Edward defeated the forces of Earl Thomas of Lancaster [his cousin] at the river Trent.

3/16/1322, At the battle of Boroughbridge, northwest of York, King Edward defeated the forces of the Marcher lords.

3/17/1322, Grant to Ralph de Gorges of the custody of the lands late of Robert de Neuburgh and William de Whittefeld in the county of Dorset. (S) CPRs.

1322, Ralph summoned to parliament as baron, Lord Gorges.

5/1322, Ralph ordered to cease empressing the services of people of the seaports of Somerset and Dorset.

1322, Protection for Ralph de Gorges going with Hugh le Despenser, the younger, and the king to Scotland. (S) CPRs. [King Edward marched his forces into southeastern Scotland, but was immediately sent into retreat.]

10/14/1322, King Edward fought the battle of Byland [20 miles north of York] against Robert Bruce, and was nearly captured by the Scots invading south at Rievaulx abbey; primarily by treachery of Andrew Harclay. This defeat compelled Edward to recognize Scottish independence [which would become official in 1328.]

11/4/1322, Ralph attended parliament at York.

12/2/1322, Commission of oyer and terminer … on complaint by Ralph de Gorges touching the persons who broke his park at Wroxhale, co. Somerset, hunted … (S) CPRs.

Aft. 1322, Elizabeth de Newburgh requests a writ be sent to Ralph de Gorges instructing him to pay her for certain lands and rents due to her for her dower from the lands of Robert de Newburgh. These lands were taken into the king's hands following Newburgh’s rebellion and granted to Gorges, but since then she has not received payment. (S) UKNA.

5/26/1323, IPM of Guy Ferre. Lincoln: Totel. The manor, including rents in Ryston and Tathewell, held to him and the heirs of his body by fine levied in the king’s court between John de Claroun and the said Guy, with successive remainders to Ralph de Gorges and Eleanor his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of the said Eleanor. (S) CIsPM.

6/2/1323, Ralph discharged from attending a muster of knights.

7/15/1323, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to deliver to Ralph de Gorges Eleanor his wife the manor of Totel, which he took into the king's hand on account of the death of Guy Ferre. (S) CFRs.

8/1323, Ralph de Gorges of Devon, Dorset and Somerset, died.

10/24/1323, Writ for IPM of Ralph de Gorges. Devon: Braunton. A third part of the manor … Ralph his son, aged 15 [or16] on the feast of St. Michael last, is his next heir. Dorset: Sturmenstre Mareschal. Certain tenements held jointly … Bradepole, Luttone and Combe. The manors, whereof he was jointly enfeoffed with Eleanor his wife in 29 Edward I. … Bemynstre and Redehoue. The hundreds … Somerset: Wrockeshale. The manor … (S) CIsPM.


1323-24, Ralph de Gorges, Lord of Braunton Gorges, left a widow Eleanor. To support her in her widowhood an assignment of dower was given her. This consisted of 26½ acres of land in 19 separate lots in 18 different named furlongs. (S) Exeter Museum Field Study, Braunton Great Field.

9/20/1326, IPM of Peter son of Reginald. Dorset: Lutton and Bradepol. 3 knight’s fees held for life by Eleanor late the wife of Ralph de Gorges, of the inheritance of his heir. (S) CIsPM.

Eleanor married 2nd Sir John Peche.

2/1/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II as King of England.

1330, Petitioners: John Pechche and Eleanor Pechche his wife. John Pechche and Eleanor his wife state that they have claimed a third of the manor of Dunton en Arden against Roger de Quylly, as Eleanor's dower from her previous husband, Ralph de Gorges; but Roger claims that the manor was a gift to his father from John Lovel, Lord of Titchmarsh, and has vouched to warranty John's son, who is under age and in the king's wardship. (S) UKNA.

Bef. 3/18/1330, John Peche died. (S) CFRs.

6/1334, at Horsington, Agreement between Eleanor de Gorges, Ralph her son, and Walter Waleys of the one part, and William de Cheiny of the other part, that William will marry Joan, Eleanor's daughter and Ralph's sister, for which marriage Eleanor, Ralph and Walter will pay to William 460 marks sterling, in security for the payment of which sum the said Ralph and Walter will make a recognisance to William for 920 marks to pay them at Pontington on certain days, and after the recognisance is made William will marry Joan as quickly as the law of Holy Church will allow, and if he is paid the said 460 marks, the recognisance for 920 marks shall be void, and if William or Joan die before the marriage the recognisance shall be void. Sealed in the presence of Sir John de Clivedon, lord of Clivedon. (S) CCRs.

9/1337, Aleanor de Gorges attorns … to give seisin to William de Cheyne and Joan, his wife, of the manor of Tothill. (S) Lincolnshire Ns&Qs, 1907, #2235.

Eleanor died.

(S) Collections for a Parochial History of Wraxall, Master, 1900, P13, 121. (S) Hist. of Hampshire, V5, 1912, Newchurch.

Children of Ralph and Eleanor:

i. Eleanor Gorges (8389009), born 1301 in Devon, England.

ii. Elizabeth Gorges, born ~1304 in Devon, England.

Elizabeth married Sir Robert Ashton.

Son: Sir Robert Assheton (d.1/1384) of Pitney, Somerset, Lord Chief Justice of Ireland, cousin of Joan Gorges. [Robert died without children.]

iii. Ralph Gorges, born 9/1307 in Devon, England.

1327-30, Petitioners: Ralph de Gorges, son of Ralph de Gorges; Elizabeth de Gorges, wife of Ralph son of Ralph de Gorges. … request remedy as the earl's ministers have ousted them from the manor of Knighton following the death Ralph de Gorges, father of Ralph, though he had enfeoffed them and their heirs of the manor long before. (S) UKNA.

9/1330, Walter Waleys by a fine granted to Ralph Gorges 2/3rds of the manor of Braunton Gorges … (S) CFRs, 9/28/1396.

1331, Dorset. Fine levied between Walter Waleys, complainant, and Ralph de Gorges, deforciant, of lands and rents in Bi'aunton, near Barnstaple, co.Devon, and the manors of Knyghtteton, Lutton and Bradepole … settled on Ralph de Gorges and the heirs male of his body, and failing such on William, son of Theobald Russell, …, and failing such on Theobald, brother of William, and such on John, brother of Theobald, …, and failing such on Richard, brother of John, … (S) Pedigrees from the Plea Rolls.

8/22/1334, Ralph son of Ralph de Gorges and Walter Waleys, parson of Horsyngton church, acknowledge that they owe to William de Cheygne (husband of Joan) 920 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in co. Somerset. (S) CCRs.

Ralph died leaving his 3 sisters as his heirs.

1346, Ralph’s widow Elizabeth sued Theobald de Gorges over the manor of Knighton, Hampshire. [Elizabeth lost.]

iv. Joan Gorges (1477345), born ~1310 in Devon, England.

11/3/1345, IPM of William Cheyny (Joan’s husband), knight. … One Eleanor de Gorges (2954691) was seised of the manor in her demesne as of fee in the time of the present king and granted the same by charter to William de Cheyny and Joan his wife and the heirs of the body of the said Joan … (S) CIsPM.
