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Saturday, July 5, 2014

Baron William Russel & Lady Eleanor de Aula

16778016. Baron William Russel & 16778017. Lady Eleanor de Aula

1257, William born in England, 3rd s/o 33556032. Sir Ralph Russel & 33556033. Isabel de Newmarch.

~1270, Eleanor born in England, heiress & d/o §§Thomas de Aula, lord of Yaverland, St. Laurence, and other manors in the Isle of Wight.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

8/7/1278, Order to the sheriff of Dorset to deliver to William Russel the manor of Kingeston, which Ralph Russel, his father, held in chief, and whereof he enfeoffed his said son. (S) CFRs. [William held the manor of Kingston-Russell of the king by service of acting as cupbearer on stated occasions.]

1280, William did homage to King Edward for his lands.

By 1281, William’s father died, his nephew Ralph, s/o his brother James the heir.

[––William & Eleanor––]

By 1281, William 1st married to Eleanor.

1282, “Will. Russel, dnus de Everland, qui filiam et heredem Tho. de Hawle duxit in uxorem, …”

1284, William obtained a royal charter for a market every Thursday, and an annual fair.

5/6/1286, William Russel, summoned to service with Bishop of Bath and Wells, going with the king beyond seas. (S) CPRs.

6/24/1286 from Dover, King Edward and Queen Eleanor traveled to Gascony where they would stay for 3 years.

1292, The following are the plots allocated, handed over, and rented out in the newly-built town of Winchelsea [chartered in 1283, on the coast SE of London] by the mayor … plots already rented out to tenants in the new town on the hill … 8th street in the 37th quarter … William Russel, 15 ½ virgae, 3 ¼ d. (S) Florilegium Urbanum; Patent Roll, 11 Edward I, m.7; 2.

1294, The Gascon War began between England and France, lasting 9 years.

1294, William named with Adam de Gordon … warden of the Isle of Wight. They were charged with preparing the island for an invasion by France.

1295, William’s nephew Ralph died leaving his older brother Robert as the heir.

1295, Sir William Russel summoned to parliament as a burgess for East Bedwin; holding a knight’s fee by service of furnishing the king with 2 vessels of wine at the 4 annual festivals.

1296-97, William’s brother Robert died leaving William as the heir.

1297, William did homage for the livery of the lands of his older brother Robert; acquiring manors in Somerset and Gloucestershire.

1297, The English nobles rebelled, forcing King Edward to grant Parliament control over taxes.

1297, Sir William summoned by general writ to muster in London in person with horses and arms for service in Flanders.

8/23/1297, King Edward left England with 500 ships to attack France and assert his rights. Because of the refusal of many barons, Edward only had a small contingent of knights. The army sailed for Flanders to seek additional support.

Bef. 5/1298, Sir William summoned by writ to York by May 25th “to repress the malice, and chastise the haughty hopes of the insurgents” in western Scotland.

7/22/1298, Sir William at the battle of Falkirk.

7/22/1298, King Edward defeated Sir William Wallace (Braveheart) at the battle of Falkirk, Scotland. The Scots defensive position was strong, but based on spearmen with support of some cavalry and archers. Edward’s armored knights were repulsed by the amassed spear points. King Edward brought up his Welsh longbowmen. They cut gaps into the Scottish ranks through which the mounted English knights could charge. The Scots were routed, but Wallace escaped.

11/23/1298, Order to the treasurer … the king's grant to William Russel that of the 220 marks wherein he is held to the king, to wit, 50 marks for the relief of Robert Russel, his late brother, tenant in chief, whose heir he is, 50 marks for his own relief for a moiety of the barony of Newmarket, £40 for the ransom of James Russel, his late brother, whose heir he is, and £40 of the debt of the said Robert for the farm of the manor of Kyngesbury, co. Somerset. (S) CFRs.

1299, Sir William Russel called to account for scutages on his moiety of the barony of Newmarch [due from 1277.]

Bef. 6/1300, Sir William Russel summoned by writ to Carlisle muster by June 24th.

1300, Sir William at the siege of Caerlaverock. [William is not in the Roll of Arms.]

1301, Sir William summoned for military service; wintering in Scotland. [William apparently did not personally attend.]

5/14/1301, Writ of aid to William Russel, bailiff of the Isle of Wight, … empowered to sell trees, wood and underwood, both green and dry, in the forest … to the amount of £50. (S) CPRs.

1302, Sir William appointed warden of the Isle of Wight along with Sir John de Lisle.

By 1303, Eleanor died.


1303, William married 2nd Jane coheiress & d/o Robert, Lord of Bradford Peverel. [It appears Jane likely died in childbirth.]

Aft. 1303, William married 3rd Katherine ?.

4/8/1304, Commission to Thomas de Warblinton … county of Southampton and the Isle of Wight … touching a statement by William Russel, keeper of the manor of Sweyneston, Isle of Wight, that he caused a vessel called la Mariote of Portesmuth to be laden with 450 quarters 5 bushels of corn of divers kinds from the king’s manors … to be taken to Berwick-on-Tweed, and the vessel was wrecked off the Isle of Wight, … He prays to be discharged of the amount sunk, … (S) CPRs.

3/20/1305, Commission of oyer and terminer … complaint by Peter Ernald de Ville, burgess of Bayonne, Ferand … [about a ship that sunk off the coast of Dorset in a storm] … William Russel [one of many persons named.] (S) CPRs.

1306, William Russel built a house at Salisbury. (S) Historic Houses of Salisbury.

11/26/1306, Licence for William Russel to demise, for life, to Nicholas de Mortesthorn and Nciholaa his wife [William’s daughter] the manor of Kungeston, co. Dorset, held in chief. (S) CPRs.

By 6/1307, Sir William Russel summoned to muster at Carlisle by July 8th, with the rest of his military knights.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

8/26/1307, Sir William, baron, summoned to parliament as Knight of the Shire for Southampton.

Bef. 10/1307, Sir William relenquished his custody of Carisbrook castle and the Isle of Wight to Nicholas de Bois. (S) CFRs.

11/28/1307, William Russel and 1 other to assess and collect the 20th and 15th for the county of Southampton. (S) CPRs.

5/20/1308, By letters patent, Sir William Russell constituted 1 of 3 justiciaries for Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney and Sark, to inquire about revenues of the crown.

1309, William summoned with horse and arms to be at Newcastle-upon-Tynes by Sept. 29th to chastise the Scots for the non-observance of a truce. [William, of advanced age would not have likely severed personally.]

6/20/1309, Protection with clause Volumus, until Michaelmas, for William Russel, going to the channel islands on the king’s service. (S) CPRs. [John de Fressingfeld, John de Ditton, William Russel and Drogo de Barentin, royal justices in eyre for assizes.]

7/30/1309, William Russel of co. Southampton on a commission with 2 others to enquire about prises taken for the king’s use contrary to a statue made in the Parliament. (S) CPRs.

9/10/1310, Lord William Russel proferred to Sir Bartholomew de Badlesmere for knight service Robert Russell and Robert de Compton, his servientes, with 2 barded horses.

1311, William died.

2/24/1311, William died. (S) Edward II, Probate Records, 1908, P152. [Wilts. … Buckingham … Berks … Gloucester … Southampton ; Isle of Wight]. Yoverlond … Somerset … Dorset … Theobald his son, aged [10-12 at different IPMs], is his next heir. (S) CIsPM.


3/20/1311,Pardon, at the instance of Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, to Simon de Harecurt and to Katherine, late the wife of William Russel, tenant in chief, for intermarrying without license. (S) CPRs.

(S) Collections for a Parochial History of Wraxall, Master, 1900, P13. (S) Historical Memoires of the House of Russell, V1, Wiffen, 1833, P122ff. (S) Hist. of Hampshire, V5, 1912, Yaverland.

Family notes:

·         1204, The manor of Briddlesford lapsed to the overlord, Thomas de Aula, lord of Yaverland, who was the son of §§Roger de Aula.

·         1224, A grant by Walter de Parco to Quarr confirmed by his lord Thomas de Aula.

·         1228, §§Thomas de Aula in a deed.

·         1254, §§Roger de Aula, s/o Thomas, obtained a grant of free warren at Yaverland.

·         1267, Tothill a possession of Thomas de Aula. (S) Feet of Fines, Hants, 52 Hen. III, no. 582.

Children of William and Eleanor:

i. Nicholaa Russel, born ? in Devon, England.

By 1306, Nichola married Nicholas de Mortesthorn of Dorset.

1330, Nichola died.

ii. Theobald Russel (8389008), born 1298-1301 in Devon, England.

[Most family histories give Jane as the mother of Theobald; but that does not fit with the records of multiple IPMs; under the assumption that the marriage date of 1303 is correct. In addition it conflicts with a record of 1312 which indicates that Theobald would reach his maturity in 1320.]
