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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Richard Coode Esq. & Thomasina Glyn

32824. Richard Coode Esq. & 32825. Thomasina Glyn

1451, Richard born in Morval, Cornwall, England, heir & s/o 65648. Walter Coode & 65649. Elizabeth Fulford.

3/1/1471, Richard’s father died.

1482, Thomasina born in Morval, Cornwall, England, coheir & d/o 65650. John Glyn & 65651. Katherine Fulford.

[––Richard & Anne––]

Richard married 1st Anne, d/o Richard Battin de Devon.

8/2/1485, Henry Tudor, s/o the 1st Earl of Richmond, defeated Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, effectively ending the War of the Roses.

10/30/1485, Henry VII succeeded Richard III as King of England, becoming the first monarch of the House of Tudor.

[––Thomasina & Michael––]

~1493, Thomasina 1st married Michael Vivian, s/o Richard Vivian & Florence Arundell.

1496-97, Grantor: William Hyk of Fowey (Fawy) and Anastasia his wife. Grantee: Richard Cood and John Yog. Place Or Subject: Grant of his messuages, etc., in Kyrgalon. County: (Cornw.) (S) UKNA, LR 14/335.

1502, Michael Vyvyan, sheriff of Cornwall.

7/14/1502, Debtor: Adrian Fortescu, … creditor: Aluered Rawson, citizen and mercer of London. Amount: 1000m. … Writ to: Sheriff of Cornwall … Endorsement: Michael Vyvyan, Sheriff, replies that Adrian Fortescu and Thomas Woodward were not found in his bailiwick. (S) UKNA, C 131/89/9.

12/15/1504, Michael Vyvyan granted the office of Comptroller of the coinage of tin in Devon and Cornwall.

1504-1512, Plaintiffs: John Glyn, gentleman. Defendants: Richard Stote, draper, of London. Subject: Detention of a statute staple securing defendant against a bond for the wardship and marriage of John Reskymmer, given to Henry VII on behalf of complainant and Michael Vyvyan, and now discharged. Cornwall. (S) UKNA, C 1/312/28.

1504-15, Plaintiffs: John Glyn. Defendants: Richard Code. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to a messuage and land in Nether Wringworthy, Carkarrek, and Kyrla. Cornwall. (S) UKNA, C 1/313/49.

1507, Michael Vivian, High Sheriff of Cornwall.

7/12/1508, Pardon to … Richard Code of Morvall (32824), esquire, … John Glynne of Morval (65650), esquire, … John Tregasowe (65654) of Leskerd, esquire, … Thomas Corryngton (131074) of Hey, ‘gentilman’, … tinners, bounders or possessors of tin-works in co. Cornwall. (S) CPRs.

6/24/1509, Henry VIII succeeded Henry VII as King of England.

Aft. 1509, King Henry VIII, upon the dissolution of the Priory of Plympton St. Mary, Devon, made Michael Vivian of Trelowarren, Esq., governor of the castle St. Mary’s. (S) Carew’s Survey of Cornwall, 1811, P337.

1510-11, Michael Vyvyan died before his father. [1520, IPM: “Richard Vivian died 7 Aug. 9 Hen. VIII. William V., son of Michael V., dec, and Thomasine his wife, his grandson and heir, aet. 16 and more.]

[––Richard & Thomasina––]

1511, Richard Coode married Thomasina, “widow of Michael Vivian”.

10/11/1511, John Glyn, by charter, enfeoffed Richard Code and Thomasina his wife in 3 closes of land in Clyse and diverse other lands, to hold to the said Richard and Thomasina and the heirs of their bodies.

5/2/1512, Thomasina, age 30 at the death of her father.

1513-14, Edward Courteney, Earl of Devon to John Trelawny and Richard Code, esquires, and Thomas Coryngton: Demise, indented, for the life of Matilda Heyes, widow, alias Matilda Dyer, late the wife of William Dyer of Lostwithiel, of messuages, land, etc., … and Cherlenton (Churleton); (Cornw.) (S) UKNA, E 210/10895.

1514, Thomasina died.


1514, Gilbert Beket, esquire to Richard Code, esquire, William Godolphan, and Robert Langedon, esquires, John Glyn of Lanhydrok, and John Trehawke, of all his manor of Curthuther, with messuages, lands, and rents &c. in : … to the use of his wife Elizabeth, for her life : Corn. (S) UKNA, E 210/2606.

1515-18, Richard married 3rd Elizabeth, widow of John Beere.

1515-18, Plaintiffs: Piers Bevyll and Philippa, his wife, daughter and heir of John Beere. Defendants: Richard Code and Elizabeth, his wife, late the wife of the said John, Thomas Trenans, and others. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to [the manor of] Killygarth, and lands in Bodmin, StLawrence, Stengelly in Breock, Launceston, Newlyn, St Colam, St Wenn, St Erme, and elsewhere. Cornwall. (S) UKNA, C 1/391/18.

1515-18, Plaintiffs: Isabel, late the wife of Walter Trelawny, esquire, son and heir of John Trelawny. Defendants: Richard Code, esquire, feoffee to uses. Subject: Refusal to make an estate to complainant of the manor of Menheniot as devised by the will of the said Walter. Cornwall. (S) UKNA, C 1/449/35.

1518-23, Plaintiffs: William Bere of Liskeard. Defendants: Richard Coode, Elizabeth, his wife, Piers Bevyle and Philippa, his wife, and John and Peter Harries. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to messuages and land in Tregabronne, Pencarowe, and Millond. (S) UKNA, C 1/478/14.

1520-21, Survey … Vill of chapel `Sancti Sampsonis': Richard Code, esquire (who is to bring the 6d on feast of St Andrew to church of St Andrew's and place it on the principal altar in the priory). … (S) Cornwall Council, ART/3/1/2.

6/4/1523, Richard died; Elizabeth surviving.

(S) Visitations of the County of Cornwall, 1887, Vivian, P95. (S) Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 4th Series, V32, 1949, P111.

Child of Richard and Anne:

i. Anne Coode, born ~1480 in Morval, Cornwall, England.

Anne married John Mohun de Hall.

1523, Anne and John named at the IPM of her father.

Anne and John buried at Lanteglos by Fowey church.

Children of Michael and Thomasina:

i. Margaret Vivian, born ~1500 in Trenouth, Cornwall, England.

ii. William Vivian, born ~1503 in Trenouth, Cornwall, England.

8/7/1518, Richard Vivian died. Willliam V., s/o Michael V., deceased, and Thomasine his wife, his grandson and heir, age 16 and more.

3/1520, William drowned while in the service of Charles Earle of Darby.

iii. John Vivian, born ~1505 in Trenouth, Cornwall, England.

John married Elizabeth Tretherffe, d/o Thomas Tretherff & Maude Trevisa. [And sister to 16411. Margaret Trethurfe. By this marriage the family of Trelowarren obtained property in Oxchampton and a moiety in the Borough, Castle and Manor of Plympton.]

1529-37, Plaintiff: John Vyvyan, Elizabeth his wife, and Edward Courteney and Margaret his wife, daughters and heirs of Thomas Treytherff Defendant: Reignold Tredreffe, John Hykke, Robert Parker, John Ryse, Nicholas Robert, William Stevyn, John Jenkyn, and others Place Or Subject: Forcible entry into the manor of Arrallas, otherwise called Argallas County: Cornwall. (S) UKNA, STAC 2/24/246.

1537-38, Plaintiffs: John Vyvyan, Elizabeth, his wife, and Margaret, late the wife of Edward Courtnay. Defendants: John Skewys and Reynold Tretherffe. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to the manors of Argallas (in St Enoder), Trevilveth in Veryan (Trevelwyth), Skewys (in Cury), Leigh Challons, and Street Raleigh (in Rockbere), formerly of Thomas Tretherffe, brother of the said Reynold and father of the female complainants. Cornwall, Devon. (S) UKNA, 1/914/47-49.

iv. Florence Vivian, born ~1507 in Trenouth, Cornwall, England.

Florence married John Fortescue of Spryleston.

Children of Richard and Thomasina:

i. Walter Coode (16412), born 1513 in Morval, Cornwall, England. [Heir]

1523-29, Plaintiffs: Walter, son and heir of Richard Code and of Thomasen, his wife, daughter and coheir of John Glyn of Morval. Defendants: William Godolghan and Margaret, his wife, Richard Kendale and John Viveon. Subject: Detention of deeds relating to messuages and land in Clyes, Tredeneck, Bodmin, Bodiniell, Tremadocke, Bossent next Penquite, Lancrenton, Blerike, and Rame, and rent in Lantonia in Liskeard and St Neot. Cornwall. (S) UKNA, C 1/480/19.

ii. Anne Coode, born 1514 in Morval, Cornwall, England.

1523, Anne named at the IPM of her father.

Anne married Richard Coryton, s/o 32826. Peter Coryton & 32827. Joan Tregassan.
