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Friday, November 4, 2011

Henry de Aintree & Alice Haydock

23634264. Henry de Aintree & 23634265. Alice Haydock

10/19/1216, Henry III, age 9, succeeded John as King of England.

~1225, Henry de Ayntree born in England.

~1232, Alice born

By 1247, Henry de Ayntree witnessed a grant of land by Richard Blundel. (S) Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, V32, 1880, P191.

4/6/1257, Henry de Ayntre the defendant in an assize brought by Robert de Molyneus. (S) Lancashire Assize Rolls, Parker, 1903.

1260-72, Henry de Ayntre witnessed a grant of William de Melling to the prior and canons of St. Nicholas of Burscough. (S) Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper of the Public Records, V36, 1875, P199.

Henry died.


5/4/1296, Between Henry (5908566, gs) and William de Ayntre (11817132, son) … Henry acknowledged the tenement to be the right of William … 4th part of the mill which Alice (23634265), widow of Henry de Ayntre (23634264) held in dower of William’s inheritance, and which after her death ought to revert to William and his heirs, … If Henry shall died without heir of his body, the tenements shall wholly remain to Gilbert, his brother … to Robert , brother … with reversion to William. (S) Lancashire Fines, Part 1, 1899.

1301, Gilbert son of William de Aintree brought a writ of novel disseisin against her [Emma de Aintree – d/o Henry de Aintree, Gilbert’s niece], but did not prosecute it. Then Alice, widow of Henry de Aintree, claimed dower in certain lands held by Emma; Richard de Molyneux, her grandfather, Simon de Balderston, and Emma widow of William de Aintree being joined as defendants, the grandfather in his capacity of guardian to Emma, who was a minor.

(S) Hist. of Lancaster, V3, 1907, Aintree.

Child of Henry and Alice:

i. William de Aintree (11817132), born ~1250 in England.
