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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Etienne II Comte d'Auxonne & Comtesse Beatrix de Chalon

19989746. Etienne II Comte d'Auxonne & 19989747. Comtesse Beatrix de Chalon

~1170, Etienne [Stephen] born in Burgundy, s/o 39979492. Etienne I Comte d'Auxonne & 39979493. Judith de Lorraine.

10/3/1172, "Stephanus comes Burgundie" donated property to Cîteaux with the consent of "uxoris mee Joete et filii mei Stephani" by charter.

1173, Etiennen, an infant, succeeded his father as Comte d’Auxonne [Bourgogne-Comté].

1179, Beatrix born in France, heir & d/o §§Guillaume II de Thiern, Comte de Chalon-sur-Saône, & 39979494. Comtesse Beatrix of Burgundy, d/o 189118300. Emperor Frederick I & 189118301. Beatrice, Countess of Burgundy.

1179, Beatrix’s mother died. [Likely in the birth of her daughter.]

9/18/1180, Philip Augustus succeeded as King of France.

1184, Il hérita des terres de sa mère en Bourgogne, mais Etienne, comte d'Auxonne, ne cessera de les lui disputer. (S) Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz.

[––Etienne & Beatrix––]

1186, Etienne married Beatrix.

1188, Stephen and Beatrix made a donation to Auxonne.

6/10/1190, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa (maternal grandfather of his wife), also count of Burgundy, died.

9/28/1197, Holy Roman Emperor Henry VI died, giving Stephen an opportunity to expand his influence.

1197, Stephen took the title of earl of Auxonne as a vassal of the duke of Burgundy. This started successive wars between rival families.

1197-1200, Etienne divorced Beatrix. [Stephen had a mistress, Blandine de Cicon, by whom he had a son, Stephen Oiselay.]

[––Etienne––] & [––Beatrix––]

Bef. 1200, Beatrix married 2nd Guillaume des Barres, seigneur d’Oissery.

1201, "Stephanus comes Burgondie et dominus Treve” made donations to the church of St. Marcel, Chalon.

1202, Beatrix’s father died.

1203, Beatrix succeeded her father as countess of Chalon.

6/1207, Stephen, with Philip of Swabia at Basel and Strasbourg, tried to arrange a marriage of his son John with Beatrice, d/o of Otto II [who was already pledged to be married.]

6/1208, Count Stephen of Auxonne, supported by Berthold of Zahringen and Eudes of French Burgundy broke ranks with Count Otto II. (S) New Cambridge Medieval History, 1999, P359.

6/21/1208, Beatrice married the Duke of Merania who became Othon II.

1211, Stephen defeated Count Otto II in battle.

10/18/1211 in Dijon, A peace treaty favoring count Stephen was arranged by duke Eudes III.

Bef. 1212, Etienne married 2nd Agnes de Dreux, d/o Robert II, Comte de Dreux & Yolande de Coucy.

7/25/1213, The coronation of Federick II reduced Stephen’s influence at court.

By 1218, Stephen married 3rd Margaret, lady of Oyselles.

12/1225, Sephen refused to pay tribute to Etienne Oiselay, renewing conflicts in which Stephen was defeated.

8/1226, Beatrix cometissa Cabilonensis made an agreement with the abbey of Autun Saint-Martin relating to “mansis in territorio de Chenovis” by charter.

4/7/1227, Beatrix died, buried in the abbey of Ferte-sur-Grosne. [Simon de Joinville, comme mari de Béatrix, fille d'Etienne comte d'Auxonne et de Béatrix comtesse de Chalon" swore homage to the duke of Burgundy for the château de Marnay.]


7/1227, Stephen agreed to the Treaty of Beza with Otto II, negotiated by cardinal Romain de Saint-Ange.

1229, Stephen and his wife Agnes granted a municipal franchise to Auxonne.

6/15/1237, Stephen made grants to his son Jean and to the city of Auxonne.

3/6/1241, Sir Stephen died at the castle of Marnay.


9/19/1258, Agnes died.

(S) Foundation for Medieval Genealogy.

Family notes:

·         Seal: helmeted, shield arm, stands upright on his horse of war, arm, boldly up, brandishes a sword and large curved scimitar.

Children of Etienne and Beatrix:

i. Beatrix of Burgundy (9994873), born ~1197.

ii. Jean of Burgundy, born ?.

John married to Mahaut, sister of the duke of Burgundy.
