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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lord Walter de Clifford & Agnes de Condet

19989632. Lord Walter de Clifford & 19989633. Agnes de Condet

~1155, Walter born in England, s/o 39979264. Walter Fitz Richard de Clifford & 39979263. Margaret de Toeni.

~1170, Agnes born in France, d/o §§Roger de Condet & Alice de Caisneto.

1172-85, Osbern fitz Hugh donated a virgate at Richard´s Castle to Haughmond Abbey by charter, witnessed by Walter de Clifford, Walter his son, Hugh de Say and Lucie his wife [older sister of Walter]. (S) FMG.

11/3/1189, Richard I crowned king of England.

Bef. 1190, Walterus de Clifford donated property to Dore abbey, Herefordshire, with the consent of Margaretæ uxoris meæ, for the souls of … filiorum et filiarum nostrarum et Osberti filii Hugonis, witnessed by … Waltero de Clifford juvene et Rosamunda sorore sua. (S) FMG.

Bef. 1190, Walterus de Clifford donated property to Godstow nunnery in Oxfordshire, for the souls of uxoris meæ Margaretæ de Clifford et filiæ nostræ Rosamundæ, confirmed by Walterus de Clifford junior filius et hæres prædicti Walteri, witnessed by Osbertus filius Hugonis, Hugo de Sey, Ric de Clifford, Will. frater eius … (S) FMG.

1190, Walter’s father died; his younger brother Richard gaining control of the Shropshire manors.

1191, Walter de Clifford, a marcher lord, had custody of Knighton castle.

1194-95, Scutage payments: Walteri de Clifforde paying xx.s i.d militem in Berkshire. (S) FMG.

11/1194, Walter de Clifford in litigation about lands in Kent, lands of his wife Agnes.

1196, Walter de Clifford charged scutage of half a knight’s fee in Wiltshire.

1198, Walter holding lands in Essex in right of his wife.

5/27/1199, John crowned king of England.

1199, Walter appointed sheriff of Herefordshire.

8/3/1199 at Cambrai, King John granting the manor of Corfham to Walter de Clifford for 300 marks [formerly given to his brother Richard] for service of 1 knight’s fee. (S) UKNA.

1199-1210, William de Braose to Walter de Clifford: Confirmation of the old and new tenement which Earl Roger, uncle of the grantor, granted to the said Walter, and grant of the castle of Glasbury, reserving jurisdiction of life or limb in the court of Brecon.

1199-1200, Walter in a suit with Lincolnshire abbey of New-house about a Nottinghamshire advowson.

4/17/1200, Walter’s brother Richard brought suit against Walter of the Shropshire manor. [They settled. Walter giving Richard Frampton manor in Gloucester.]

By 1201, Agnes’ father died.

1201, Walter, holding 5 knights’ fees, paid a fine of 15 marks to not cross the seas in the king’s service.

4/1205, Walter [vetus – the elder] again appointed sheriff of Herefordshire [removed 5/1208].

3/20/1208, Agnes, wife of Walter de Clifford, paid a fine of a palfry that she might hold for life her manor of Wicham, Kent.

5/23/1208, King John sent Walter’s son Walter Clifford from Winchester to certify his father that his successor as sheriff of Herefordshire had been appointed. (S) FMG.

1208, Walter a close associate of William de Braose did not support his rebellion; but did not take King John’s side. King John eventually dismissed him as a Marcher baron.

1210, Walter accompanied the King to Ireland; attempting to capture William de Braose.

6/6/1210, King John launched successful attacks in Ireland [which he split Ireland into shires ruled by the crown from Dublin]. King John launched 700 ships in the attack. [King John used 10 knights as personal bodyguards in this campaign.]

1210-12, Walterus de Clifford holding 1 half of 1 knight´s fee in Aldintone, Wiltshire, and 2 knights’ fees in apud Brige et Ulingwike, Hereford. (S) FMG.

6/1211, Walter holding the manor of Corfham by gift of King Henry II and by service of 1 knight’s fee.

1212, Walter and his wife Agnes held 5 knights’ fees in chief in Lincolnshire and Nottingham. (S) Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottingham, 2008, P143.

By 1213, … the field of 'Benethege' which Walter de Clifford, Agnes, his wife, and Walter, his son, gave the priory.

8/1213, Walter gave King John 100 marks and a palfry for custody of the lands and heirs of his deceased brother Richard.

1214, Walter de Clifford gave 1000 marks for the marriage of his son Roger to Sibyl de Ewyas, widow of Rogert de Tresgoz. (S) English Historical Review, V110, 1995, P289.

4/30/1215, Walter de Clifford summoned to meet the king at Cirencester with hores and arms.

5/5/1215, The revolting Barons formally renounced their allegiance to John and invited the King of France to invade England.

1215, Walter given custody of the lands of the See of Hereford; Giles de Broase, bishop of Hereford, having joined the baron’s revolt.

2/25/1216, Walter de Clifford surrendered the custos of the See of Hereford.

5/28/1216, Walter commissioned to treat with Reginald de Braose and to bring him to King John.

6/19/1215 at Runnymede near Windsor, King John forced to agree to the terms of the Magna Carta.

5/12/1216, King Louis VIII of France, after a successful landing, crowned King of England in London. In June, Louis captured Winchester and controlled half of England.

10/10/1216, Walter, chaplain of Agnes, wife of Walter de Clifford senior, under letters of safe conduct.

10/18/1216, King John died.

10/1216, Walter de Clifford and Roger de Clyfford present at the burial of King John at the church of St. Mary, Worcester. (S) CChRs, 5/22/1232.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

5/20/1217, English forces, with the aid of previous rebel barons, defeated the French forces at Lincoln.

9/12/1217, For 10,000 marks and land exchanges, Louis forfeited his claim to the English crown by the treaty at Kingston-on-Thames. A principal provision of the treaty was amnesty for English rebels.

12/26/1219, William Crassus, … by £100 for having the daughter and heiress of Thomas of London as his wife and the following are his pledges for the fine: Earl W. Marshal for 50m. John of Monmouth for 10m.  Fulk fitz Warin for 10m.  Walter of Clifford for 10m.  … Roger of Clifford for 10m.  (S) FRsHIII. [Son Walter designated “the younger” in  records of this time.]

Bef. 1221, Walterus de Clifford filius Walteri de Clifford et filius Agnetis de Cundi donated ‘locum de Nanteglas’ to Dore abbey, Herefordshire by charter, witnessed by Willielmo de Breosa et Willielmo filio suo, magistro Simone, Roberto de Clifford, canonicis de Herefordia.

1/17/1221, Walter died.


Bef. 1223, Agnes de Condet, wife of Walter Clifford, wrote her will. She left her lady-in-waiting 10 marks, a robe of scarlet and a mantle, and sheets and a coverlet; and gold rings to her sons and daughters, and money to her maidservants. (S) The Will in Medieval England, Sheehan, 1963, P309. [Dame Agnes Clifford bequeathed property to Basiliæ filiæ meæ, to Dame Cecilia … Walter her son … her mother … sons Roger, Richard, Simon and Giles.]

(S) The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Morris, 1901, P331. (S) Antiquities of Shropshire, Eyton, 1857, P152.

Family notes:

·         Alice de Condet and Roger her son held Caenby and Glentham is confirmed by Roger’s grant to the canons of Licques, near Boulogne, of his toft of 5 acres with 2 bovates and pasture for 700 sheep in Glentham and Caenby; by the descent of the manor of Caenby to Roger’s daughter, Agnes de Condet, who married Walter Clifford senior; by the fact that Walter Clifford junior, son of Walter and Agnes, presented to the rectory of Caenby in 1235 and 1244; and by the gift to Barlings Abbey, by Maud de Clifford and William de Longspee her husband, of their manor in, and advowson of Caenby. (S) The Condet Family and Chesney Relationship, Lincoln Record Society, V27, Foster, 1931.

·         Dugdale: Roger de Cundy [Condet] of Cavenby, Lincolnshire; Alice de Cheney [Caisneto] of Horncastle.

Children of Walter and Agnes:

i. Walter de Clifford (23640214),born ~1193 in England.

ii. Roger de Clifford (9994816), born ~1195 in England.
