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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lord John de Grey & Lady Avice Marmion & Lady Katherine Fitz Alan

15211428. Lord John de Grey & 15211429. Lady Avice Marmion & 30422705. Lady Katherine Fitz Alan

10/9/1300, John born at Rotherfield, Oxford, England, heir & s/o 30422856. Sir John de Grey & 30422857. Margaret de Oddingseles.

1302, Katherine born in England, coheir & d/o 60845410. Lord Brian Fitz Alan & 60845411. Maud ?.

5/12/1306, Grant to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, the king’s kinsman, of the custody, during the minority of the daughters and hiers of Brian son of Alan … the marriage of the 2nd daughter [Katherine.] (S) CPRs.

1307, Katherine age 5, and heir to her uncle Theobald Fitz Alan.

7/7/1307, Edward II became king on the death of his father.

[––John & Katherine––]

By 1311, John 1st married to Katherine.

1311, John’s father died, John age 10; King Edward II granted the manor of Rotherfield to Thomas Wale for 10 years during John’s minority.

4/24/1312, Grant … custody of the lands late of John de Grey of Rogherfeld, … Duston, co. Northampton, … custody of John son and heir of the same John de Grey, … (S) CPRs.

1312, John heir to his grandmother Joan de Valoines of the manor of Fringford. The manor was held of Hugh le Despenser in his minority. (S) Fringford, A History of the Co. of Oxford, V6, 1959.

11/12/1312, Grant for £100 to Hugh le Despenser the elder of the wardship of the manor of Somerton … which Joan de Grey, deceased, held in dower of the inheritance of John, son and heir of John de Grey of Rotherfeld, a minor in the king’s ward. (S) CFRs.

1313, John de Ralegh and Joan his wife … land and rent in Mollington … remainder to John son … Katharine daughter … to John de Grey of Rotherfield. (S) Lists and Indexes, V17, P144.

1/20/1314, Pardon to John de Ralegh and Joan his wife for acquiring … successive remainders to their son John … to Katherine his sister … and to John de Grey of Rotherfeld and his heirs. (S) CPRs.

12/27/1317, Order not to intermeddle further with the purparty of her father's lands falling to Katherine, daughter of Brian son of Alan, … wife of John de Greye … Katherine has proved her age [at least 14] before the said escheator. (S) CCRs.

~1320, Avice born in England, d/o 23640110. Baron John de Marmion & 23640111. Maud de Furnival.

7/3/1321, John, son and heir of John de Grey of Rutherefeld (Rotherfield): Oxfordshire (proof of age). Oxford: Thomas de Gardinis, knight, aged 60, says that the same heir was 21 on the morrow of SS. Simon and Jude last, for he was born at Rutherefeld on that day 28 Edward I., and on the third day after baptized in the church there; and this he knows because he was present at the banquet when Margaret mother of the said heir purified herself from her childbirth, … know it because of the great feast which John de Grey made at Rutherefeld on the day of St. Andrew next after the said heir’s birth, when the said Margaret purified herself from the said heir; which feast is still notorious in those parts, because the abbots, priors and almost all the other good men of those parts were present. … (S) CIsPM.

1322, John de Grey complains that a group of malefactors, tenants of the king from Merioneth, Penllyn, Ardudwy, Edeyrnion, Glyndyfrdwy and Dinmael, sent by (par lenvoy) Griffith ap Rees, came to his town of Ruthyn and there attacked his castle, and started to burn down the town, … killed his men …, gravely wounded forty others, destroyed his parks, … killed and carried off his game, and stole the goods of the tenants of the country, both livestock and other goods; and they still rob and destroy in the area. (S) UKNA.

7/21/1322, The following have letters … John de Grey of Rotherfeld, nominating … going to Scotland with the king. (S) CPRs.

10/14/1322, King Edward at the losing Battle of Byland, 20 miles north of York, against Robert Bruce. [This defeat compelled King Edward to recognize Scottish independence.]

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England. [1/20/1327, Edward II abdicated.]

1327, John fought in Scotland.

3/7/1328, John de Grey, late justice of North Wales. (S) UKNA.

Bef. 8/7/1328, Katherine died.


6/16/1329, Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Retherfeld, Robert de Malberthorp and William de Shareshulle … (S) CPRs.

1330, John received a grant of free warren for all his demesnes.

1/1331, John in a quarrel with Lord William la Zouche de Mortimer (1249366), drew his knife on him in the King’s presence. John was sent to prison.

1/25/1332, Order to take into the king's hand the lands, goods and chattels of John de Grey of Retherfeld, whom the king imprisoned. (S) CFRs.

3/27/1332, John pardoned and his lands restored.

11/4/1332, Edward de Bohun, William de Bohun and John de Grey of Retherfeld, mainpernors for Robert de Folevill. (S) CPRs.

[––John & Avice––]

1335, John married Avice. Robert de Marmion, Avice’s brother, being infirm, married Avice to John on condition that upon settling the reversion of all his lands on John and Avice in tail the issue of her marriage should take the name of Marmion. (S) Archaeologia, V47, Pt1, 1882, P183.

1336, John fought in Scotland.

1336, Siege of Dunbar castle by William Montagu, earl of Salisbury. [After 5 months the English withdrew.].

1337, Sir John de Grey presented Nicholas Oliver to the church at Oxburgh. (S) History of the Counry of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P491.

8/19/1337, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John de Grey of Retherfeld to the guardian and Friars Minors of Oxford … (S) CPRs.

1338, Lutton manor settled on Robert son of John Marmyon, chevalier, reversion to Maud widow of John Marmion, Joan (11820055) wife of John Bernak, and Avice (15211429) wife of John de Grey. (S) Victoria Hist. of the Co. of Northampton, V2, 1906, P584.

6/26/1338, Licence for John de Grey of Retherfeld to enfeoff John Giffard of Twynford … (S) CPRs.

8/25/1338-57, John, 1st Lord Grey of Rotherfield, summoned to parliament by writ.

3/25/1339, Creditor: John de Grey of Rotherfield [Oxon.], knight. Amount: £20. (S) UKNA.

1340, Maud (23640111) late the wife of John Marmyoun v. Robert Noreys, rector … manors of Berewyk in Sussex, Wyntryngham in Lincoln, and Quenton in Gloucestershire; to Maud for life, remainder to Robert son of John Marmyoun (23640110) for life, then to John de Gray of Retherefeld and Avice (15211429) his wife and heirs of their bodies, contingent remainders to heirs of the body of Avice, to John de Bernak and Joan (11820055) his wife and heirs of her body. (S) Abstr. Feet of Fines for Sussex, V3, 1916, no.1914.

8/24/1340, Commission … as taxers of the ninth of sheaves, lambs and fleeces … surveryors of the same in the said counties to inform themselves of the true value of each church, … to certify receivers … John de Grey of Retherfeld } Bedford and Buckingham. (S) CPRs.

1/20/1342, To John de Grey of Rotherfield. Order, upon sight of these presents, to come to London, … to treat with the council there for what he and his men ought to receive for their stay at Berwick upon Tweed, as the king wishes him to have the custody of that town, for a moderate time. (S) CCRs.

1342, John in the expedition into Flanders.

9/30/1342, In the opening phase of the Hundred Years War, William de Bohun, Earl of Northampton, defeated Charles of Blois at Morlaix. 50 French knights were killed, and 150 captured. William then took the town of Roch-Dirien by assault.

11/11/1342, Simon de Wintryngham, chaplain, grant a third of the manor of Willingham to Maud, widow of John Marmyon, Lady Maud, for life, remainders to lord John Gray of Rotherfield and Avice his wife. (S) CIsPM.

1343, Richard de Mousegrave presented to Sedistern by John, son of John de Grey of Rotherfield, attorney of Sir Miles de Stapleton. (S) History of the Counry of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P854.

1343-4, Account of John de Grey of a journey to the Roman Court. (S) UKNA.

7/12/1346, King Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued.

7/26/1346 at Caen, capital of Normandy, Edward’s forces captured the city; and Raoul, Count of Eu, Constable of France, and Jean de Tancarville, Grand Chamberlain of France.

8/26/1346, John de Grey at the Battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power. (S) Crecy & Calais, 1898, P85.

9/4/1346, The English began the year-long siege of the port of Calais.

12/10/1346, Licence for John de Grey of Retherfeld to crenellate his dwelling-place of Retherfeld Grey, co. Oxford, and Sculcotes, co. York. (S) CPRs.

8/1347, Calais fell when King Philip failed to support their siege and retreated.

4/23/1348, John a founding Knight of the Garter, occupying the 14th stall.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

1350, William de Aberford presented to Sedistern by Sir Miles de Stapleton and Sir John de Grey. (S) History of the Counry of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P854.

1350, John named steward of the king’s household.

11/3/1350, Commission to Richard, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, William de Clynton, earl of Huntingdon, John de Grey of Retherfeld, steward of the household, and Bartholomew de Burgherssh, the king;s chamberlain, to deliver from prison William de Thorpe, ‘chivaler’ … detained … for misdeeds in the office of chief justice. (S) CPRs.

1354, John given a grant of free warren in Cornwall and Kingham, Oxfordshire.

7/1/1354, Enrollment of realease by John fitz Bernard, knight, to John de Grey of Retherfeld, knight, … Cornewell and Kengham, … (S) CCRs.

1/23/1356, Power to John de Grey of Rotherfield, steward of the king’s household, John de Cherleton, the king’s chamberlain, Henry Grene, … justices of oyer … to remove John de Coupeland, sheriff … . (S) CPRs.

1/20/1356 at Roxburgh, John a witness to the charter by which Edward Baliol granted all his rights in Scotland to King Edward III.

9/19/1356, John de Grey at the Battle of Poitiers in France. Edward, the Black Prince, defeated a larger French and allied army led by King John II of France, leading to the capture of the French king, his son, and much of the French nobility. By treaty, England was permitted to annex much of western France. In addition, France would pay a ransom of 4 million écus for the king. (S) Medieval Combat Society.

8/14/1357, Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Grey of Retherfeld, steward of the household, … (S) CPRs.

5/12/1358, From: Edward III, king of England To: the prior and convent of Canterbury Cathedral Priory … Witnesses: … Edward of Woodstock, prince of Wales, son of Edward III; … William de Bohun, earl of Northampton; Richard fitz Alan, earl of Arundel; …; John Grey, steward of the royal household. (S) UKNA.

1359, John Grey of Rotherfield, steward of the household, Chief justice. (S) UKNA.

7/20/1359, John de Grey de Retherfeld, steward of the household, witnessed a confirmation of a royal charter of 1324. (S) Cardiff Records, V1.

9/1/1359, “John de Grey of Rotherfeld (Rotherfield), knight: Sussex, Gloucestershire, Norfolk, Staffordshire, Oxfordshire, Nottinghamshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Yorkshire” died. (S) UKNA.


9/20/1359, Writ for IPM of John de Grey of Rotherfeld, knight. Sussex: Berewyk. The manor held jointly by the said John and Avice his wife, who survives as of her right … He died on 1 October (sic) last, … Gloucester: Quenton. The manor held jointly … He died on 1 September last. John, son of the said John and Avice, aged 16 years and more, is his heir to this manor. Norfolk: … Stafford: Weford. The hamlet … Oxford: Rotherfeld. The manor, one half, with the advowson of the church … Cogges. The manor … Herdwyk. The manor … Nottingham: … Lincoln: Byker. 12 librates of land … Warwick: Solyhull. £16 11s. yearly rent in the manor … Northampton: Duston. The manor, including a watermill and a fulling-mill, … Heir John his son, knight, aged 34 years and more at Easter last. Buckingham: … Shobinton. The manor held jointly with John his son … Knesworth. 20d rent held by the law of England in right of Katherine his wife … York: manors: Upton, Stillingflet, Dringhous, Ketetwell (moiety), Bedale (moiety) of the inheritance of Katherine late his wife, deceased, Ashkam (moiety), … (S) CIsPM.

9/25/1359, Protection, … for Avice late the wife of John de Grey of Rotherfield, … executors of the will of the said John, and for his goods, … (S) CPRs.

10/22/1359, Order to escheator in the county of Northampton, to deliver to John, son and heir of John de Grey of Rotherfeld, the lands late of his said father, he having done homage ; saving to Avice late the wife of the said John de Grey her reasonable dower. (S) CFRs.

1360, Avice coheir to her brother Robert, 3rd Lord Marmion.

2/28/1363, Licence … parson of the church of Kirtelyngton, … to found a chantry … in West Tanfeld church according to the ordinance of Avice late the wife of John de Grey of Rotherfield, … (S) CPRs.

1366, Peter Bray presented at Oxburgh by the Lady Avice de Grey, widow of Sir John de Grey, baron of Rotherfield, daughter and coheir to John, lord Marmion. (S) History of the Counry of Norfolk, V3, 1769, P491.

3/20/1379, “Robert Grey of Rotherfield to settle half the manor of Rotherfield, … now held in dower by Avice late the wife of Sir John Grey, Robert's grandfather, …, now held in dower by Matilda late the wife of John Grey, knight, Robert's father, ….” (S) CPRs.

By 1380, Avice died; step-grandson Robert [wife Joan] her heir.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P629. (S) DNB, 1890, P192. (S) IPM of Elizabeth Grey (3802857), 12/30/1427.

Family notes:

·         Sons John & Robert, half-brothers, married sisters, Elizabeth & Lora de Saint Quintin.

Child of John and Katherine:

i. John de Grey (7605676), born 4/1325 in England. [Heir]

Children of John and Avice: [2 sons, 1 daughter]

i. Maud de Grey, born ~1338 in England.

10/20/1358, John, son of John Buttetourt', and Maud, daughter of John de Grey of Retherfeld', querents, and John Buttetourt' of Weleye, knight, and Joyce, his wife, deforciants. (S) Feet of Fines, Buckinghamshire.

ii. Robert de Grey de Marmion (7605714), born ~1339 in England.

1335, John married Avice. Robert de Marmion, Avice’s brother, being infirm, married Avice to John on condition that upon settling the reversion of all his lands on John and Avice in tail the issue of her marriage should take the name of “Marmion”.
