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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lord Richard de Willoughby

15208644. Lord Richard de Willoughby

~1265, Richard born in Nottingham, England, s/o §§Richard de Willoughby & Isabella ?, [s/o §§Ralph Bugge of Nottingham]. (S) Encyclopedia Britannica, V28, 1911, P688. (S) History of Nottinghamshire, 1896. [1249744. Lord Richard de Byngham s/o Ralph Bugge, brother of this Richard’s father. (S) Hist. of Nottingham, V2, 1790, Wollaton, Olaveston.]

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

6/18/1314, Commission … conservators of the peace appointed … acted with due diligence … Walter de Gousle, Roger de Bradeburne, Richard de Wylughby in the counties of Nottingham and Derby. (S) CPRs.

11/4/1314, Roger de Morteyn (15208646) licenced to grant in fee 80 acres of wood in Wolaton with the advowsons of the churches of Wolaton and Cosshale, held in chief, to Richard de Wylgheby the elder. (S) Honors and Knights’ Fees, Farrer, 1923, P160.

2/16/1315, Commission of oyer … to … and Richard de Wylughby, … Wheteleye, co. Nottingham … (S) CPRs.

Bef. 1315, Richard’s father killed.

8/20/1316, Commission of oyer … Richard de Wylughby, … at Wyleton-on-Trent, co. Derby … (S) CPRs.

8/3/1317, Commission … to William son of William, Richard de Wylughby, and Ralph de Crophille on complaint … caused the waters of the Trent to be diverted … (S) CPRs.

5/20/1318, Commission of oyer … Richard de Wilughby, … Walter de Goushull, … (S) CPRs.

1318, Richard Willoughby, of Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, purchased a portion of the Wollaton estate from Roger de Mortein along with the advowsons of Wollaton and Cossall.

10/8/1319, Licence for William de Morteyn to enfeoff Richard de Wylughby, of his manor of Wollaton, held in chief of the honor of Peveral … . (S) CPRs. [Record next to the grant to his son Richard by William’s father Roger on the same date.]

12/13/1322, Grant from John de Griffyn dominus de Aylleswaston … to Richard de Wylughby, mil. Of the moiety of the manor … (S) Descriptive Catalogue of Derbyshire Charters.

4/18/1323, Commission of oyer to Roger Beler, Richard de Wylughby, the elder, … Neubolt, co. Leicester … (S) CPRs.

7/1/1323, William son of Roger de Morteyn licence to grant to Richard de Wylughby, the elder, the reversion of 14 messuages … in Wolaton, … (S) CPRs.

9/4/1323, Appointment during pleasure of Richard de Wylughby to be chief justice of the Bench, Dublin, with the usual fee. (S) CPRs.

11/12/1323, Protection with clause volumes for 1 year for Richard de Wylughby, the elder, going to Ireland on the king’s service. (S) CPRs.

1/14/1323, Richard de Wylughby, the elder, going on the king’s service to Ireland, has letters nominating Richard de Wilughby, the younger, … his attorneys in England for 4 years. (S) CPRs.

12/10/1323, William de Ferrarus, lord of Groby, … manor of Boxstede … witnesses: Richard de Wylughby … (S) UKNA.

1/28/1324, Association of Hugh de Prestwold in the room of Richard de Wylughby, who is engaged by command of the king in Ireland. (S) CPRs.

11/16/1324, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Richard de Wilughby of 5 marks rent in Notingham to a chaplain … in the church of Wilughby on the Wolds. (S) CPRs.

12/21/1324, Licence … for Hugh de Wylughby, parson of the church of Wylnghby, … Richard de Wilughby, knight, his father … (S) CPRs.

1/30/1325, Protection … for 1 year for Richard de Wylughby, staying in Ireland on the king’s service. (S) CPRs.

1325, Richard died.

5/4/1325, IPM of Richard de Wilughby. Lincoln: Dunnesby. A capital messuage, dovecot, a moiety of a windmill, and 113s. 6d. rent of free tenants … Richard his son, aged 40 and more, is his next heir. Nottingham: Wolaton. The manor … Wylughby. The manor … Derby: Ryseleye. A third part … Engleby. A capital messuage, a dovecot, 5 bovates of land, … (S) CIsPM. [Different sources give different ages: History of Nottingham, V2, 1797, P210, says “30”.]

Family notes:

·         1260, Ralph Torkart, of Hucknall, sold to Richard, son of Ralph Bugge, a piece of land, with the appurtenance in Willoughby. … divers persons conveyed lands to him whereby he became a very great man. … His son took the name of Richard de Willoughby … he was a lawyer, and acquired great riches … his son Sir Richard de Willoughby, … first purchased Wollaton, which was previously the property of Sir Roger de Morteyn. (S) Annals of Nottinghamshire, 1852, P127.

·         6/12/1262, Quitclaim by Robert de Ferrariis, son and heir of William de Ferrariis, formerly earl of Derby, to Ralph Bugge, … of 20s 12d silver of annual rent … (S) UKNA.

·         5/31/1315, Commission of oyer and terminer … touching an appeal in the county of Lincoln by Isabella late the wife of Richard de Wyleghby against William de Mortuo Mari and Robert his son, and William brother of the same Robert, for the death of her husband. (S) CPRs.

Child of Richard and ?:

i. Richard de Willoughby (7604322), born ~1285 in England. [Heir]

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