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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Baron John de Northwode & Lady Joan de Badlesmere

11820464. Baron John de Northwode & 11820465. Lady Joan de Badlesmere

6/24/1254, John born in England, s/o 23640928. Roger de Northwode & 23640929. Bona de Wanton.

~1263, Joan born in Kent, England, d/o 11819900. Guncelin de Badlesmere & 11819901. Margaret Fitz Bernard.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England.

8/19/1274 at Westminster abbey, Edward I crowned king of England.

1275, Assise of novel disseisin arrainged by Joan late the wife of Henry de Northowde against John de Northwode and others … (S) Ann. Rpt. Dep. Keeper, V44, 1883, P235.

1277, Prioress of St. Margaret’s, Ivinghoc, was amerced by the justices in eyre in Bedfordshire for agreeing with John de Northwode her adversary in a plea concerning a tenement in Segenhoe without licence first obtained. (S) Honors and Knight’s Fees, Farrer, 1923, P74.

1278, John de Northwode in the household of Robert Kilwardby, archbishop of Canterbury. (S) The Ancestry of Chamberlin and Grant, V3, Henderson, 2000.

[––John & Joan––]

1282, John married Joan. (S) Complete Peerage of England, Cokayne, 1895, P98.

1284, John summoned to attend the king to advise on the affairs of the realm.

11/9/1285, John’s father died.

2/29/1288, John de Northwode to the Master and Brethren of the Hospital of St. Thomas de Acon that he had demised by fine an annual rent of 18 marks for the lifetime of Lora, wife of Sir William Peyrorer. (S) Cal. of Letterbooks of London, 1849, P172.

1290, John de Northwode and Johanne his wife v. William de Say (William de Say) of  manor of Lynton. (S) Pedes Finium, Cambridge.

12/3/1291, Commission of oyer and terminer to … and John de Northwode, touching … free warrens of William de Valencia the king’s uncle, … county of Kent, … (S) CPRs.

1292-93, John Sheriff of Kent.

6/8/1294, Writ of summons for John de Northwode to attend parliament at Portsmouth.

9/1/1294, John summoned to attend in the French war.

10/9/1294, English forces left Portsmouth for France, arriving and going up the Gironde estuary seizing the towns of Castillon, then Macau, then Bourg and Balye.

12/2/1294, Licence … at the request of Isabella, late the wife of John de Vescy, for William Payforer to enfeoff John de Northwode and Joan his wife of the manor of Wychiling, … (S) CPRs.

1294-5, William Payforer to grant the manor of Witchling, the advowson of the church there, and land in Frinstead, to John de Northwode and Joan his wife. [Kent.] (S) UKNA.

7/30/1297, Appointment … to assess and collect … the 8th of movables of persons … Sussex – { John de Northwode … (S) CPRs.

8/19/1297, John de Northwode, the elder, acknowledges a debt to Ermentrude de Saukevill of £200. (S) CCRs.

1297, John summoned for service in Flanders. [Service in the Gascon War, which began in 1294 and would last 9 years.]

8/23/1297, John with King Edward left England with 500 ships to attack France. Because of the refusal of many barons, Edward only had a small contingent of knights. The army sailed for Flanders to seek additional support.

3/29/1298, King Edward arrived back in England.

1298, John summoned for the Scottish war.

7/22/1298, King Edward defeated Sir William Wallace (Braveheart) at the battle of Falkirk, Scotland. The Scots defensive position was strong, but based on spearmen with support of some cavalry and archers. Edward’s armored knights were repulsed by the amassed spear points. King Edward brought up his Welsh longbowmen. They cut gaps into the Scottish ranks through which the mounted English knights could charge. The Scots were routed, but Wallace escaped.

7/9/1300, John at the siege of Carlaverock castle, Scotland. [His son knighted at the siege.]

9/29/1300, Warrant for John de Northwode, late sheriff of Kent, for monies paid to Scottish prisoners in the castle of Leeds and Tonbridge.

5/10/1301, Association of John de Northwod in a commission of oyer and terminer … (S) CPRs.

1/5/1303, Commission of oyer and terminer … of John de Northwode … (S) CPRs.

12/1/1303, Commission to … Henry de Cobeham and John de Northwode, the elder, … mariners … sea coast in the county of Kent … (S) CPRs.

5/1/1304, Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Northwode … at Bocherst, co. Sussex, … (S) CPRs.

2/19/1305, Writ of aid … for John de Northwode and Robert de Burgersh, … to assess and levy the 15th of moveables … (S) CPRs.

4/19/1305, Grant to John de Northwode, that on payment … of 200 marks to Margaret, the queen consort, he may have custody during the minority of the heir of 2 parts of the lands late of Hamo de Gatton … (S) CPRs.

4/8/1306, … indicted before Robert de Burgherssh and John de Northwode, justices … (S) CPRs.

12/7/1306, Ratification of a transfer by John de Weston the elder, to John de Northwode the elder, of the custody during the minority of the heir of the lands late of Ralph son of Bernard … (S) CPRs.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1307, John a conservator of the peace for Kent.

12/8/1308, John de Northwode, justice of the gaol delivery for Canterbury castle. (S) CPRs.

1/14/1309, … John de Northwode commissioners appointed to survey the bridges of Stureye, co. Kent. (S) CPRs.

5/20/1311, John a supervisor of array for Kent, lately employed to inquire concerning forestallments in Kent.

3/1312, John one of the justices appointed to settle the complaints of the Flemings. (S) CCRs.

1312, John, the elder, held the market and fair of Shorne, Kent; previously granted to his father Roger de Northwode on 5/29/1271. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs.

1/8/1313, John 1st summoned to parliament.

2/15/1313, Licence for Thomas le Fiz Bernard to grant his manor of Kyngesdon to John de Northwode the elder. (S) CPRs.

5/23/1313, John summoned to parliament as a Baron.

6/10/1314, Appointment to … Henry de Cobeham the younger, John de Northwode the elder, and Henry de Cobeham the elder, to view the state of the house, towers, and bridges and the head of the pond of the castle of Ledes,co. Kent. (S) CPRs.

7/26/1314, John summoned to parliament.

1314, John summoned to serve in Scotland.

6/24/1314, Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland, a victory for the Scots, unusual in that it lasted for 2 days. The Scots, commanded by Robert Bruce, were laying siege to Stirling castle, held by the English. As the English attacked across the brook, Robert counter-attacked along a 2000-yard front. King Edward attempted to flank the Scot’s left with archers, but they were driven back the Scot cavalry. The English front broke against the Scottish spearmen. It was the largest loss of English knights in a single day. This was the battle in which organized foot-soldiers [primarily pike men] defeated heavily armored mounted knights.

8/1315, John with orders to stay in the north until November, and then to join the King in parliament at York. (S) Parl. Writs.

1316, John summoned to parliament.

6/1317, John de Northwood and his son John were 2 of those deputed to receive the 2 cardinals coming to treat for peace between England and Scotland. (S) CCRs.

By 1317, John’s son and heir John died.

1318, John summoned to serve in Scotland.

6/1318, John summoned to parliament a ‘majores barones.’

9/8/1318, John de Northwode to grant his manor of Northwood Chasteners to Agnes, late the wife of John de Northwood the younger, for life, retaining the manors of Northwood in Sheppey and Shorne, 3 parts of the manor of Harrietsham, and the manor of Thurnham. John de Northwode to settle his manors of Northwood in Sheppey and Harrietsham upon himself, Joan his wife, and his heirs, retaining the manors of Shorne, Thornham, Binbury, Horton, Bewsfield, and Leaveland. [Kent.] (S) UKNA.

3/26/1319, Licence for John de Northwode to enfeoff Master Henry de Northwode of his manor of Northwode in the island of Shepeye, … to regrant the same to the said John and Joan his wife … (S) CPRs.

5/26/1319, “John de Northwode (Norwood), knight, the elder: Kent”, 1st Lord Northwode of Harrietsham, died; his grandson Roger his heir.


6/2/1319, Joan died a week after John.

6/6/1319, Writ for IPM of John de Northwode the elder, deceased. Kent: Shorne. The manor … salt meadow … wind mill … held of the said manor in gavelkind, acquired by Roger his father and himself. Roger, son of John de Northwode, the younger, lately deceased, eldest son of the said John, the elder, now deceased, aged 12 at the feast of Easter last, is his next heir of this manor; and Master Thomas de Northwode, Master Richard his brother, and Simon de Northwode, knight, and Humphrey, his other brothers, all of full age, together with the said Roger, and John, William, Thomas and Robert his brothers, all of tender age, are co-heirs of the said John the elder of the said tenements in gavelkind. Heryetesham. 2 parts of the manor … Northwode in Sheppey. The manor … Thornham and Bengebiry. The manors … (S) CIsPM.

6/7/1319, Writ for IPM of Joan late the wife of John de Northwode. Kent: Horton and Beauffeld. The manors … 73 1/2a. land and alder which the said John and Joan acquired from tenants in the said manor, held in gavelkind … Roger, son of John de Northwode the younger lately deceased, aged 22 at the feast of Easter last, is next heir of the said Joan … [heirs same as for John.] (S) CIsPM.

8/8/1319, To eacheator beyond Trent … not to intermeddle … lands of John de Northwode, tenant in chief … he held them in ‘gavelikynde’ to wit … manor of Northwode in Sheppey … it was found that Roger son of John de Northwode [deceased], the younger, aged 12 years, Master Thomas de Northwode, Master Richard his brother, Simon and Humphrey brothers of the said Master Thomas of full age, and John, William, Thomas and Robert, brothers of the said Roger, of tender age, are the nearest heirs of the aforesaid John de Northwode, the elder, … (S) CCRs.

 (S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P728. (S) A Genealogical History … Burke, 1866, P404. (S) Baronia Anglica Concentrata, V1, 1844, P355. (S) Baronia Anglica Concentrata, V1, 1859, P35.

Family notes:

·         6/4/1325, Order not to intermeddle … Laura, late the wife of William de Peyfrer, … held in chief at ther death in ‘gavelkynde” … 4 acres of wood of the demise of John de Northwode, the elder, and Joan his wife, for the term of Laura’s life, with remainder to the said John and Joan, and that Roger, William, John, Thomas, and Oto, sons of John de Northwode, the younger, and Thomas, Simon, Humphrey, sons of the said John de Northwode, the elder, and that the aforesaid Roger, Thomas, Simon and Humphrey are of full age according to the custom of Kent … William, John, Thomas, and Oto are under the age of 15 years, … (S) CCRs.

Children of John and Joan: [6 sons]

i. John de Northwode (5910232), born 1283 in England.

ii. Thomas de Northwod, born ? in England.

iii. Simon de Northwod, born ? in England.

Simon married Margaret ?.

Son: 6/13/1335, Proof of age of Robert (b.5/26/1314), son and heir of Simon de Northwode, knight. Kent: the said Robert is 21 years old, and was [so] on the feast of St. Augustine last, which was the 26th of May, and was born at Bengebury in Thornham, and baptized in the church there, and Joseph, then vicar of the said church, baptized him, and Humphrey de Northwode and William, then vicar of Aldyngton, were his godfathers. … William Hokymoure …  knows because at that time he was steward of John de Northwode, grandfather of the said Robert, and Margaret, mother of the said Robert, was in the household of the said John de Northwode, and was pregnant at the time when … Stephen le Taylour, … he was bedel of John de Northwode, lord of Bengebury, in his manor of Herietesham … (S) CIsPM.

iv. Humphrey de Northwod, born ? in England.
