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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sir Roger de Clifford & Sibyl de Ewyas & Lord Robert de Tregoz

9994816. Sir Roger de Clifford & 9994817. Sibyl de Ewyas & 94563736. Lord Robert de Tregoz

~1147, Robert de Tresgoz born in England, 2nd s/o 189127472. William de Tresgoz & 189127473. Agnes ?. (S) The Topographer and Genealogist, V2, 1853, P128.

~1175, Robert de Tregoz married 1st a d/o Hubert de Rya. (S) See 1190.

~1183, Sibyl born in England, coheir & d/o 19989634. Robert de Ewyas & 199896345. Petronilla ?. (S) FMG.

~1195, Roger born in England, 2nd s/o 19989632. Walter de Clifford & 19989633. Agnes de Condet.

1181, Mortgage by Peter de Suthtun, … Witnesses:—Robert de Tresgoz, Henry son of Ailwin, … (S) Ancient Deeds, V4, 1902, Essex, A.6461.

1181-89, Roberto de Tresgoz subscribed a charter in which King Henry II granted land to "Waltero ostiario de Camera" (S) FMG.

6/12/1189 at Le Mans, King Henry, with 700 knights, was defeated by his son Richard, who aligned with King Philip II of France. Sir Robert de Tresgoz supported Richard, son of King Henry.

7/6/1189, Richard I succeeded Henry II as King of England.

1190, Robert de Tregoz excused the debts of Hubert de Rya III. (S) English Baronies, Sanders, 1963.

1190-91, Scutage payments: "feoda Huberti de Rya" paying "xvii.l x.s, per Robertum de Tresgoz, xxxv milites" in Norfolk, Suffolk. (S) Red Book of the Exchequer, FMG. [£27 10s on 35 knights’ fees.]

1191, Robert sheriff of Wiltshire. (S) Collegiate Church of Ottery St. Mary, P42.

1194, Richard I gave Robert de Tregoz, steward of the king, a grant of lands valued at 100s. (S) Somerset Arch. Soc, Vs122-24, 1978, P56.

1194-95, "Roberto de Tresgoz c s in Martinesgraua de dimidio anno" in honour of Arunde. (S) Pipie Rolls, FMG.

1195, Robert de Tregoz served under the duke of Normandy [King Richard I]. (S) Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaries de Normandie, V5, 1830, P128.

1196, Robert de Tregoz granted all tithes of his assarts already cleared and to be cleared to Ewias Harold priory. (S) Agrarian History England and Wales, V2, 1967, P268.

1197, Robert de Tresgoz founded on the banks of the river Vire, near his castle, a religious house of the abbey of Hambie. (S) Magni Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae, V1, Stapleton, 1840, P-CLXXIV.

9/1197, Confederation between Richard of England and Baldwin, count of Flanders and Hainaut, against Philip, king of England. … Robert de Tresgoz … The above witnesses were sworn in Normandy, before the king of England and the Count of Flanders … (S) Life of Philippe Auguste, Rigord, 1826.

1198, Sibyl’s father, Robert de Ewyas, Baron of Herfordshire, died.

[–––Robert & Sibyl–––]

By 1198, Sibyl 1st married to Robert, Lord Tregoz by King Richard I. King Richard I made Robert keeper of the Castle Salisbury, the palace of Clarendon, and the town of Bristol.

4/1198, Robert in a suit with Hermenus de Braton over the advowson of Braton church, Norfolk, part of the inheritance of Sibyl.

12/9/1198, Robert de Tresgoz witnessed a renewal of a charter by King Richard I to the bishop of Durham. (S) Durham Cathedral Muniments, 3.1.REG.27.

5/27/1199, John crowned king of England.

1200, Robert gave the King 200 marks in silver to have granted to him the wardship of the heir and lands of Geoffry Hose.

4/11/1203, Accused of treason, Ranulph of Chester surrendered the castle of Saint-Pierre-de-Semilly to Robert de Tresgoz and Hughes de Chaucombe. [Returned to Ranulph in May.]

5/5/1204, Charter of the Lady the Queen I. on her Dower. John, by the grace of God, … Attesting, the Lords … Henry de Bohum, Earl of Hereford; …, Hugo de Neville, Robert de Trasgoz, Robert de Veteriponte, … (S) King John of England, Chadwick, 1865, P192.

1204, "Nigell Pincebec et Alic uxor eius" paid a fine for "custodia terre et heredis Walt Biset vs Rob de Tresgoz et Sibill ux eius", in Herefordshire. (S) FMG.

1204-5, Robert de Tregoz a member of a negotiating team for the King on the continent.

1206, Robert, Lord Tregoz, paid 38 marks for 19 knight’s fees, belonging to the honour of Robert de Ewyas, his father-in-law.

1207, Robert de Tregoz married to Sibyl daughter of Robert de Ewyas, confirmed the endowment of Newark Priory in Send. (S) Hist. of Surrey, V3, 1911, Send with Ripley.

1210, William de Newmarket was summoned to show by what right he claimed to wife Sibyl, who was Robert Tregoze's wife. [King Richard I had given her to Tregoze in marriage.] William de Newmarket  said that he had married her in the time of Richard I by gift of Robert de Ewyas, her father. (S) FMG.

1210-12, Robertus de Tresgoz holding Alingetone in Wiltshire. (S) Red Book of the Exchequer, FMG.

1212, Robert de Tregoze and Sibilla his wife" impleading Ralph de St. Maur. for land in Bren, in Somersetshire, the right of the said Sibilla. (S) FMG.

1212, Writ of King John, Robertus de Tresgoz held ‘feodum ii militum in Septon de honore de Ewias’ in Hampshire. (S) FMG.

1213, Robert Tregoz, High Sheriff of Wiltshire, and Sibyl recovered some of her lands in Somerset.

8/30/1213, King John granted lands worth £12 to Robert for his service and support.

By 1214, Robert de Tresgoz gave to the priory of Boxgrove for the souls of William the worthy, earl of Arundel, himself and Sibyl his wife, …, 2 crofts in his manor of la Grave, given to him for his service.

1214, Robert of Lydiard Tregoz, Wiltshire, Lord of Ewyas Harlold, Herefordshire died.


2/1214, King John landed at La Rochelle, France in an expedition into Poitou.

1214, Walter de Clifford and his brother Roger accompanied King John on his invasion of Poitou, France; during which time he they received loans from the king. (S) English Historical Review, V110, 1995, P285.

[–––Roger & Sibyl–––]

1214, Walter de Clifford (19989632) gave 1000 marks for the marriage of his son Roger to Sibyl de Ewyas, widow of Robert de Tresgoz. (S) English Historical Review, V110, 1995, P289.

8/15/1215, Roger a knight of the royal household [of 102], was granted a 60 mark fief. (S) English Historical Review, V110, 1995, P281.

1216, Roger Clifford, jun., given custody of the castle at Hanley by King John. [In 1214 the castle was held by Geoffrey de Mandeville.] (S) Hist. of Worcester, V4, 1924, Hanley Castle.

10/1216, Walter de Clifford and Roger de Clyfford present at the burial of King John at the church of St. Mary, Worcester. (S) CChRs, 5/22/1232.

10/28/1216, Henry III, age 9, crowned king of England.

5/6/1218, Order to the sheriff of Dorset and Somerset to place in respite the demand that he made from Roger of Clifford and Sibyl, his wife, for the 800m.  by which Sibyl made fine with King John, father of King Henry, so that she might marry at her pleasure [ad placitum suum], until the king orders otherwise.

12/26/1219, William Crassus, … by £100 for having the daughter and heiress of Thomas of London as his wife and the following are his pledges for the fine: … John of Monmouth for 10m.  Fulk fitz Warin for 10m.  Walter of Clifford for 10m.  … William de Stuteville for 10m.  … Hugh de Mortimer for 10m.  Roger of Clifford for 10m.  

1/17/1221, Roger’s father died.

9/2/1221, Pledges of William fitz Warin and Agnes, his wife, for 100 m.: John of Monmouth . William de Cantilupe . Roger of Clifford.

4/1222, The church of Burneham … Roger de Clifford caliming the advowson … against … who pleads that the son of Robert de Ewyas, father of the plaintiff’s wife, last presented, and afterwards gave the church to the defencant;s house by charter produced. (S) Cal. of the Manuscripts of the Dean and Chapter of Wells, 1907, P234.

1223, Roger left a gold ring in his mother’s will.

9/25/1223, The king has granted Roger of Clifford that, of the debt of 25 m., of which he ought to have acquitted Elias Martrin, Jew of Lincoln.

3/9/1224, Order to Roger of Clifford that, having taken with him the verderers and foresters of the fee of the Forest of Dean and other trustworthy and law-worthy men, he is to inquire diligently what assarts were made in the Forest of Dean after the war began between King John and his barons of England.

3/11/1225, Hugh of Kinnersley has made fine with the king … to cultivate 72 acres … Order to Roger of Clifford … to permit Hugh to cultivate …

6/12/1226, Order to Roger of Clifford that, having retained in the king’s hand 2 of the king’s own itinerant greenwood forges, …, and to H. earl of Warwick his itinerant dry-wood forge … , he is to cause all other forges in the same forest that were itinerant to be prohibited …

1226, Comes W. Marescallus … in custodia Rogeri de Clifford per preceptum domini regis, … (S) CPRs.

9/14/1227, Order to the sheriff of Herefordshire to cause Roger of Clifford to have peace from the demand of 100m.  that he makes of him for pledging Thomas of Erdington.

6/18/1229, Order to the barons of the Exchequer to place in respite, …, the demand they make from Roger of Clifford … for the £35 that is exacted … for the prest of Poitou , and for £10 of a prest of the king’s Wardrobe.

4/30/1230 from Portsmouth, King Henry invaded Brittany in hopes of recovering Normandy. They established their camp at Nantes, and captured a small castle.

5/27/1230, Order to the sheriff of Herefordshire to place in respite the demand of £20 and one mark that he makes by summons of the Exchequer from Roger of Clifford , who is with the king in overseas parts.

1230, The marriage of Hawise de Newmarch granted to Roger de Clifford.

1231, Roger died;  before his elder brother Walter; buried at Dore Abbey.


Bef. 7/1/1236, Sibyl died [Her son Robert given seisin of her lands. (S) FRsHIII.]

(S) The Welsh Wars of Edward I, Morris, 1901, P331. (S) A Chronicle of the Early Le Stranges, Le Strange, 1916. (S) Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, V18, 1905, P355. (S) FRsHIII. (S) FMG, Pedigree of the Tregoze Family.

Children of Robert and Sibyl:

i. Lucia de Tregoz (121697007), born ~1205 in England.

ii. Robert de Tregoz (47281868), born ~1207 in England.

Children of Roger and Sibyl:

i. Roger de Clifford (4997408), born ~1220 in England.
