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Friday, June 24, 2011

Sir Warin de Bassingburn & Isabel de Sacy

9981328. Sir Warin de Bassingburn & 9981329. Isabel de Sacy

~1225, Warin de Bassingbourn born in England, s/o 19962656. Warini de Bassingburn.

1228, Isabel born in England, d/o 19962658. Emery de Sacy & 19962659. Agnes ?.

Bef. 9/18/1229, Warin’s father died. (S) CCRs, V1. [De custodia terre et heredis Warini de Bassingburn’ … concessit W. comiti Marescallo custodiam terre et heredis …]

4/24/1235, Grant to Aymer de Sacy, for a fine, of the custody during the minority of the heirs, of the lands and heirs of Warin de Bassingburn, with the marriage of the heirs. (S) FRsHIII.

~1248, Isabel married Warin.

2/15/1248, Protection, until Michaelmas, for Warin de Bassingburn, going on pilgrimage to Santiago. (S) CPRs.

11/25/1249, Quitclaim to Warin de Bassingburn of 86 acres of land in Bassingburn, which the king exacted from him as his escheat of the lands of Bretons. (S) CPRs.

7/2/1253, Grant to Warin de Bassingburne, who has taken to wife Isabel daughter and one of the heirs of Emery [Amyer] de Sacy and who by order of the king is going with him to Gascony, that if the lot of humanity befall the said Emery before the king's return, a reasonable part of the lands of the said Emery shall be assigned to the said Warin and his wife, and seisin made without delay … (S) CPRs. [Emery must have been seriously ill.]

Bef. 7/25/1253, Isabel’s father died, Isabel age 25.

7/26/1253, The king has taken the homage of Warin de Bassingburn who took to wife Isabella daughter and one of the heirs of Emery de Sacy … and has rendered to him 1 moiety of all the lands … held of the king in chief falling to the inheritance of the same Isabella, and other moiety … falling to the inheritance of Agnes daughter and the other heir of the aforesaid Emery who is within the legal age and in the king’s wardship the king has committed to the aforesaid Warin until the legal age of the aforesaid Agnes, … the aforesaid Agnes staying with her mother the same William will find all suitable necessaries both in garments and in victuals as long as she is within the legal age … the same Warin to have full seisin … (S) FRsHIII.

8/6/1253, King Henry left for Gascony from Portsmouth with 300 ships to defend attacks by Alphonso X, king of Castile. Warin served in this army.

1253-54, Warin captured in France.

10/7/1254, Notification that Gerard de Blavia, … lord of Blaye, lately … bound himself … to keep harmless and deliver from gaol Warin de Bassingburn and the other knights and men of the king detained at Pons [France] and elsewhere in the power of Geoffrey, lord of Pons, who had letters of safe-conduct … (S) CPRs.

3/11/1255, Protection … for Hugh de Plogenet, who is going in the service of Warin de Bassingburn to Gascony … (S) CPRs.

1/1255, Warin returned to England with the forces of King Henry.

11/30/1255, The king has pardoned Warin of Bassingbourn £11 of £22 10s. in which he is bound to the king for custody of the daughter [Agnes] and one of the heiresses of Emery de Sacy, and he will render the remaining £11 10s. at the Exchequer at the next Purification of the Blessed Mary. …. By Guy de Lusignan. (S) FRsHIII.

8/10/1256, Warino de Bassinburn given 3 bucks from the forest of Fekham by the king. (S) CCRs.

4/18/1257, Protection with clause … gone on the king’s service with Edward the king’s son into Wales, … Warin de Bassingburn. (S) CPRs. [1257–59, Rebellion in Wales led by Llewelin ap Griffin in concert with rebellion in England of Simon de Montfort.]

9/27/1257, The king has granted to Warin de Bassingeburne that he is to render £15 per annum, namely £7 10s. at the Exchequer of Michaelmas in the 42nd year and £7 10s. at the Exchequer of Easter next following, and thus £15 from year to year at the same terms until £37 10s. which are in arrears of his annual farm which the king has paid for custody of the land and heir of Emery de Sacy shall have been paid. (S) FRsHIII.

1258, King Henry forced to sign the Provisions of Oxford granting parliament administrative reform. [The beginning of the Baron’s Revolt.]

1260-62, For about 2 years Lord Edward took a group of knights touring tournaments in Europe including: John de Bretange, Henry of Almain, 2 sons of Simon de Montfort, Roger Clifford, James Audeley, Hamo Lestrange, and William Bassingbourn. The 1st tournament they attended was in Paris, associated with the marriage of Robert of Artois and Amicia de Courtenay. (S) The Tournament of England, 1100-1400, Barker, P115.

1263, Warin de Bassinbourn granted Any manor, Limerick, by lord Edward.

4/12/1263, Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, lead a rebellion of young barons.

5/14/1264, Lord Edward (I) and his father King Henry III captured by Montfort at the battle of Lewes, Sussex, “at the Mill of the Hide”. An estimated 2700 died. Lord Edward and his knights penetrated the center of Montfort’s army, but was flanked on both sides by armored calvary.

1264-65, Simon de Montfort, earl of Leicester, effectively ruled England.

7/7/1264, Safe conduct … for … Roger de Mortuo Mari, …, Roger de Clifford, Warin de Bassinburn, Robert de Tibetot, … and other knights … together with their household, horses and good which they bring with them. (S) CPRs.

9/24/1264, Mandate to Robert Waleraund, Warin de Bassingburn, John de Muscegros and Robert de Tipetot, … to deliver the castles of Marleberg and Lotegereshale … to Robert de Insula. (S) CPRs. [Royalists.]

12/20/1264, Safe conduct … for … Warin de Bassinburn, … Payn de Cadurcis, … Robert de Tipetot, … and other knights, esquires, and serjeants, lately in the munition of the castle of Bristol,… coming to the king’s castle of Salisbury …. (S) CPRs.

7/31/1265, Lord Edward (I) defeated Simon de Montfort’s son Simon at the battle of Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Most of Montfort’s forces were captured, Simon taking refuge in the castle. [Simon eventually escaped and joined other opposition forces at Axholme.]

8/4/1265, Warin fought with Lord Edward at the battle of Evesham.

8/4/1265, Lord Edward (I) defeated Montfort’s army at the battle of Evesham, Worcester, ending the Baron’s Revolt and freeing his father, who was wounded. Montfort and 2 of his sons were killed. [Queen Eleanor had sent archers from her mother’s county of Ponthieu in France.] The town of Henley and the castle were burned down by Royalists.

10/15/1265, Grant to … Warin de Bassingburn, for laudable service to the king and Edward his son, of the houses in Bredstrete, within the city of London, late of Thomas son of Thomas, sometimes mayor of London. (S) CPRs.

10/29/1265, Comfirmation of a grant by John Lovel to Warin de Bassingburn of the marriage of John first born son and heir of the said John. (S) CPRs.

1265-66, Grant of a maritagium of the manor of Claycoton next to Lilbourne in Northamptonshire, by Warin de Bassingburn, to Sir Laurence de St Maur who married Warin’s niece Emma. Witnesses: Sir Pain de Chaworth, Sir John de Musegros, Sir Robert de Typetot, Sir Patrick de Chaworth, Sir John Russell, Sir Baldwin de Bassingburn, … (S) Women of the English Nobility and Gentry, Ward, 1995, P28.

1/10/1266, Grant to Warin de Bassingburn of the wardship of the and lands and heirs of William Maudut of Werministre, deceased, … with kinght’s fees, advowsons, … and with the marriage of the heirs. (S) CPRs. [The heir, Thomas, the nephew of Warin, married Joan de Bassingbourne.]

5/29/1266, Safe conduct, … for Baldwin Wake, coming to the king’s court with his proper household to treat for peace, … power to Warin de Bassingburn … to bring him … (S) CPRs.

8/3/1266, … Warin de Bassingburn, steward of the forest between the bridges of Oxford and Stanford, … (S) CPRs.

10/22/1266, Licence for Warin de Bassingburn and his heirs to enclose his houses of Bassingburn, co. Cambridge and Esteleye, co. Warwick, with a dyke and wall of stone and lime and to crenellate the same … (S) CPRs.

2/20/1267, Confirmation of the appointment made by Warin de Bassingburn, … of Robert le Lou of Eston to keep the forest of Huntingdon during the life of the said Warin. (S) CPRs.

6/22/1267, Grant to Warin de Bassingburn to whom the king has committed the county of Northampton to keep during pleasure … as much as Alan la Zuche, sometime sheriff, used to render. (S) CPRs.

3/9/1268, … commission to Warin de Bassingburn and Saer de Frivile to enquire into this by jurors of the county of Cambridge … (S) CPRs.

~1268, Andrew de Astley made restitution under the Dictum of Kenilworth of lands which formerly belonged to a member of the previous rebellion and granted to him by the crown.  Andrew paid Warin de Bassingbourn 320 marks for his father’s estates.

1269, Patrick de Chaworth (11819894), his sibings, and ancestors named in a grant … to Blanchard abbey. [Omnibus etc. Paganus de Cadurcis filius & haeres Dnoe Hawisiae de London …Warini de Bassingbourn, …](S) County Palatine of Durham, V1, Mackenzie, 1834, P253.

Bef. 2/10/1269, Warin died. (S) CPRs.

5/13/1269, Writ of plenius certiorari of Warin de Bassingburn: … Cambridge: Bassingburn. 1 hide land …  the site of the castle and £30 land held … by service of a ¼ knight's fee; and a water mill and 1a. land held of the fee … by service of 6s. yearly. (S) CIsPM.


Isabel married 2nd Ralph de Gascelyn. (S) Hist. of Hampshire, V4, 1911, Barton Stacy.

1269, A final division of their father’s estate made with her sister Agnes and her husband Peter.

1272, Isabella ux’ Warini de Bassingburn … Berton Sacy maner’ cum hundredo, Suth’. (S) CIsPM, 1806, P116.

9/20/1288, The keeper and sheriffs of London to hear a cause before them in the hustings of Isabella, late the wife of Warin de Bassingburn, plaintiff, against Roger le Flusshere of Harewe, … deforciants, touching the said Isabella's dower in London. (S) CPRs.

2/2/1292 at London, Debtor: Isabel, formerly the wife of Warin de Bassingbourn, of Hants. Amount: £15. (S) UKNA.

1293, Isabel late the wife of Warin de Bassingburn to grant the manor and hundred of Barton Stacy to John de Berewick. Hants. (S) UKNA.

10/1/1294, Inspeximus and confirmation of a charter, whereby Isabella, late the wife of Warin de Bassingburn, granted in fee simple to John de Berewyk, king’s clerk, her manor of Berthon, co. Southampton, … (S) CPRs.

Isabella died.

Child of Warin and Isabel:

i. Edmund de Bassingbourn (4990664), born ~1250 in England.
