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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sir Henry de Prayers

8443394. Sir Henry de Prayers

~1250, Henry de Pratellis born in England, s/o §§Henry de Preeres.

11/16/1272, Edward I ascended to the throne while on crusade.

1/24/1282, The abbot of Bordesl[eye] acknowledges, … that he owes to Thomas de Verdun, rector of the churches of Farham and Milham, and Henry de Preeres 380 marks. (S) CCRs.

Bef. 1284, Ralph de Faucumbere and Isabel his wife are bound in £100 that if Thomas de Verdun and Henry de Praers are impleaded for the holding which they had by grant of Ralph and Isabel in the vill of Strixton, they will enter and take possession of the holding that Ralph and Isabel had of their gift in the vill of Dorsinton. (S) UKNA.

1284, Henry de Preyers was holding a quarter fee in Strixton of the Earl of Warwick, [and subsequent presentations to the church were made by him and other members of the Preyers family.] (S) Strixton, A Hist. of the Co. of Northampton, V4, 1937.

9/16/1284, Recognizance by Theobald de Verdun, constable of Ireland, to Thomas de Verdun and Henry de Praers, for £200 … as a security … (S) Cal. of Doc’s, Relating to Ireland.

1285, Debt owed to Thomas de Verdun, clerk, and Henry de Prieiers. (S) CCRs.

10/14/1286, Walter de Hopton, … Thomas le Boteler, … Philip Burnel, … Peter Corbet, and Fulk de Lucy acknowledge that they owe to Thomas de Verdun and Henry de Praers 180. (S) CCRs.

6/24/1287, Protection  … for the following going to Wales on the king’s service … Henry de Preers, going with Philip Burnel. (S) CPRs.

10/20/1288, Henry de Praers acknowledges that he owes to John de Derneford 20 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Wilts. (S) CCRs.

4/14/1292, Henry de Praers acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey le Brun and John de Mulsham 100 marks; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Gloucester. (S) CCRs.

11/13/1295, Henry de Pratellis a Knight of the Shire for Wilts at Westminster. (S) PWs&MSs.

12/4/1295, Appointment … to assess and collect … the 11th and 7th on moveables, … in aid of the present war … Wilts } Henry de Praeres, knight. (S) CPRs.

7/7/1297, Henricus de Praers holding land or rents of £20 yearly in Northampton, summoned to London with horses and arms to perform military service in parts beyond seas. (S) PWs&MSs. [Likely Gascony, the “Gascon War” in its 5th year.]

3/6/1300, Henricus de Preyers to be paid for representing Bedfordshire in parliament at London. (S) PWs&MSs.

1301, Henricus de Praers to be paid for 8 days representing Bedfordshire in parliament at London. (S) PWs&MSs.

11/1/1301, Appointment … to assess the 15th … Henry de Praers, … } Bedford. (S) CPRs.

2/9/1302, Writ of aid … to collect the 15th … Henry de Praers, … } Bedford. (S) CPRs.

11/7/1302, Appointment … to levy and collect … in aid of the marriage of the king’s eldest daughter … The sheriff of Bedford and Henry de Praers. (S) CPRs

1/7/1305, Adam Fraunkeleyn of Dorsington and Sir Henry de Preieres, knight. Adam has granted to Henry an annual rent of 1d. from 1 virgate of land … (S) UKNA.

11/12/1306, Henry de Sewell and Joan his wife; and … and Henry de Preyeres, knight. Henry and Joan have granted to Thomas [de Verdun] and Henry, for a certain sum of money, all their lands and holdings in the vill of Horton (Northants.) (S) UKNA. [Multiple records in 1306 involving Henry and Thomas de Verdun.]

6/9/1308, Henry de Preyers and Deerhurst Priory. Plea concerning the advowson of Dersyngton by Pebworthe, in which Henry claims it against the priory. (S) UKNA.

By 1311, Henry, knt. of Durnford and Liddiard, Wiltshire died.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P187. (S) Knights and Squires, Saul, 1981, P125. (S) Parliament Writs and Military Summons, 1827, P792.

Family notes:

·         1190, Henry de Praers given a fee in Dorsington, Warwick, by Bertram de Verdun (d.1192). (S) The Verdun Family, Haggar, 1998, Thesis, P216.

·         Bef. 1216, Henry de Praers patron of Dorsington [temp. K.John] (S) Abs. of Rcds. And Manu’s of Gloucester, Fosbroke, 1807, P314.

·         8/25/1242, IPM of Thomas, earl of Warwick. Gloucester: Dorsinton, 1 fee held by Henry de Preeres of Roesia de Verdun … (S) CIsPM.

Children of Henry and ?:

i. Sir Henry de Preyers, born ? in England.

1311, 1318, 1319, Henry in parliament for Wiltshire.

12/7/1311, Thomas de Verdun, lord of Dorsington, and Henry de Preyers, knight; and Ismania widow of Henry de Beumund of Dorsington. Thomas and Henry have granted to Ismania a messuage with a curtilage and a croft in the vill of Dorsington and 4 a. of land in the fields of the same place; for her life, rent 1d. a year. (S) UKNA.

4/29/1313, John de Gras, knight; and Sir Thomas de Verdun and Sir Henry de Preyers, knight. John has granted to Thomas and Henry a rent of 4s. a year in Merston Sicca. (S) UKNA.

1/20/1317, Sir Thomas de Verdun and Sir Henry de Preiers, knight, lords of Dorsington. (S) UKNA.

10/1320, Henry represented Gloucestershire in parliament.

ii. Hawise de Prayers (4221697), born ~1275 in England.

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