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Friday, May 27, 2011

Baron Thomas de Astley & Lady Elizabeth de Beauchamp

7605542. Baron Thomas de Astley & 7605543. Lady Elizabeth de Beauchamp

~1310, Thomas de Asteley born in Astley, Warwick, England, heir & s/o 15211084. Giles de Astley & 15211085. Alice de Wolvey.

By 1315, Elizabeth born in England, d/o 1249356. Guy de Beauchamp & 1249367. Alice de Tony.

6/24/1314, Thomas’ father died at the battle of Bannockburn, Scotland.

1314, Custody of Thomas assigned to Henry de Erdington, married to his aunt Joan.

1315-16, Warwick. Henry de Erdynton and Joan his wife, and John de Cave and Matilda his wife, sued Alice, formerly wife of Giles de Asteleye and Thomas her son for 5 messauges … in Wythbrok, as the right of the said Joan, Matilda, and of one Alice daughter of Thomas de Wolfneye, and Thomas son of the said Alice. Alice formerly wife of Giles appeared by attorney, and also the said Thomas by the said Henry, his custos, … unless the said Alice, the coparcener of the said Joan and Matilda, was included in the plea. She is therefore summoned. (S) Collections for a History of Staffordshire, V9, 1888, P52.

1316, Thomas held the manor of Astley of William, earl of Warwick, the service being that of holding the earl's stirrup whenever he mounted his horse. (S) Hist. Co. Warwick, V6, Salzman, 1951.

1326, Thomas heir to his uncle, Nicholas de Astley, 2nd Lord Astley of Bentley Park, co. Warwick. The Astley caput was held of Guy, earl of Warwick, by knight service. (S) Hist. Co. Warwick, V6, Salzman, 1951.

2/1/1327 at Westminster, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

5/18/1329, Commission of peace … Thomas de Asteley } in the county of Leicester. (S) CPRs.

3/25/1331, Commission of oyer and terminer … on complaint of oppressions by the ministers of the late king … Thomas de Asteleye } in the counties of Warwick and Leciester. (S) CPRs. [Repeated 7/18/1331.]

2/12/1332, Commission of peace … Thomas de Asteleye } in the counties of Leciester and Rutland. (S) CPRs. [Appointed a keeper of the peace in Warwick the next month.]

[––Thomas & Margaret––]

Thomas 1st married Margaret ?.

1/1334, Thomas attended the tournament at Dunstable.

7/15/1334, Margaret was living.

[––Thomas & Elizabeth––]

1336/7, Thomas married Elizabeth.

3/10/1337, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Asteleye … in Asteleye, Wolvey, Milverton and Wylughby by Donechirche, to a chaplain to celebrate divine service … for the souls of the said Thomas, Elizabeth, his wife, his father and mother and ancestors. (S) CPRs.

1337, Thomas knighted.

1338, Thomas founded in Astley, Warwickshire, in the Lady chapel of the parish church of Astley, a chantry consisting of 4 secular priests, one of whom was termed the warden. (S) BHO, Collegiate Church of Astley.

1338-9, Thomas de Asteley, knight, to grant the advowson of the church of Astley to the warden of the chapel of St. Mary, Astley, retaining the manor of Astley. Warwick. (S) UKNA.

2/1340 at Kenilworth, Thomas de Asteleye witnessed a charter of Thomas, prior of Kenilworth to William de Clynton, earl of Huntingdon. (S) CPRs.

5/24/1340, Licence of the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Asteleye, knight, … souls of him, Elizabeth his wife, Alice his mother, … (S) CPRs.

11/15/1340, Commission to Thomas de Asteleye, Nicholas de Charneles, … in the county of Leicester, to keep the king’s peace, to enforce the statutes, … (S) CPRs.

6/20/1341, Commission of oyer and terminer … Thomas de Asteleye, knight. } Warwick. (S) CPRs.

12/23/1341, Licence of the alienation in mortmain by Thomas de Asteleye, knight, … for the good estate of the said Thomas, Elizabeth his wife, Alice de Wolveye and Andrew de Asteleye, for their souls when they are dead, … (S) CPRs.

2/25/1342-3/10/49, Thomas summoned to parliament.

11/15/1342, Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Edmund Trussel … in the chapel of St. Mary, Hulle Morton, for the souls of Thomas de Asteleye, Margery his wife, … Thomas de Asteleye, knight, … (S) CPRs.

1/30/1343, Thomas de Asteleye, knight, changed the 3 previous chantries into a collegiate church. (S) CPRs.

9/15/1343, Establishment of a chantry in the Lady chapel of the church of Astley, by Sir Thomas Astley, son of Sir Giles Astley, … for his own weal and that of the ladies Elizabeth his wife and Alice his mother, … the souls of Walter Astley and Isabel his wife. Thomas Astley and Joan his wife, Andrew Astley and Sybil his wife (paternal grandparents), Nicholas Astley (paternal uncle) and Alice his wife, as well as the aforesaid Giles Astley (father), Thomas de Wolvey and Alice his wife (maternal grandparents), Thomas de Clinton (father of grandmother Alice), … (S) Hist. of Warwick, V2, 1908, Collegiate church of Astley.

1/1344, Grant by Alice (15211085), late the wife of Giles de Asteleye, for the health of herself, Sir Thomas de Asteleye (7605542), her son, the lady Elizabeth (7605543), his wife, and William (1477514), their son, … Witnesses:—Sir William de Clyntone, earl of Huntyngdon, Sir Thomas de Asteleye (7605542), … (S) Ancient Deeds, V5, 1906, Warwick, A.12138.

1/18/1345 at Wolveye, co. Warwick, Grant by Alice, late the wife of Giles de Asteleye, for the health of herself, Sir Thomas de Asteleye, her son, the lady Elizabeth, his wife, and William, their son, …. Witnesses:—Sir William de Clyntone, earl of Huntyngdon, Sir Thomas de Asteleye, Sir John Ryvel, …, Sir Ralph Basset of Sapcote, …, knights, … . (S) Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, V5, 1906.


1346, Thomas traveled to France as a knight in the English army in the retinue of Thomas, bishop of Durham, from the date of passage to Hogges in Normandy, to the time of the siege of Calais.

7/12/1346, King Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued.

7/26/1346 at Caen, capital of Normandy, Edward’s forces captured the city; and Raoul, Count of Eu, Constable of France, and Jean de Tancarville, Grand Chamberlain of France.

8/26/1346, King Edward won the Battle of Crecy , north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards. A decisive victory, a third of the French forces lost [mainly to arrows] to less than 100 Englishmen, this started the decline in importance of the mounted knight, and the rise of England as a European power.

9/4/1346, Edward started the siege of Calais, France. [Calais would not fall until 8/4/1347.]

12/19/1346 by Calais, Exemption for life, in consideration of his good service in the war on this side the seas and elsewhere, of Thomas de Astele from being put on assizes, juries, … and from appointment as justice, mayor, … against his will. By K. (S) CPRs.

12/30/1346 by Calais, Grant to Thomas de Asteleye of free warren  in his demesne lands … co. Leicester, … co. Warwick … co. Northampton. Witnesses:– Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, John de Veer, earl of Oxford, Richard Talbot, steward of the household. (S) CPRs.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

3/15/1350, Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Asteleye, … (S) CPRs.

By 1350, Thomas created a knight banneret.

10/10/1350, Thomas de Astele, ‘chivaler,’ going on pilgrimage to Santiago, has letters nominating … (S) CPRs.

1353, Sigillum Thome domini de Astele used a rose on his shield of arms. (S) RRC.

3/4/1356, Sir Thomas de Astley, Sir Roger Hillar, Sir John de Clinton, Sir Simon de Gainsborough … Executors of William de Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon. (S) UKNA.

5/21/1357, Creditor: Thomas de Astley, knight, lord of Astley [Knighton Hundred, Warwicks.]. Amount: £20. (S) UKNA.

3/20/1361, Commission of the peace … Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Thomas de Astleye, … county of Warwick. (S) CPRs.

11/3/1362, Thomas de Asteley, knight, to grant rent in Shustoke, Fillongley, and Nuneaton (Warwick), and Lilbourne and Crick (N'hamp.) to the dean, canons, and vicars of the church of St. Mary, Astley, retaining lands in Astley, Weddington, and Wolvey (Warwick). (S) UKNA. (S) CPRs.

5/3/1366, Thomas, 3rd Lord Astley of Astley and Bentley, Warwickshire, 3rd Baron Astley was living. (S) Official Baronage of Paget, No.9.

1367, Sir Thomas de Asteleye, son of Giles de Asteley, make a grant of rents to the Dean, Canons, and Vicars of the Chantry, of the Church of B. Mary of Asteleye … (S) RRC.

1377, Robert Cheddre, … Henry Wyvelescombe, … of Bristol, … Thomas Asteley, … to grant messuages and shops in Bristol and its suburbs to the prior and convent of Witham, retaining lands held of the mayor and commonalty of Bristol. Glouc. (S) UKNA.

7/21/1381, Thomas de Asteley, kt., lord of Astley & William [de Hulles], prior, and the convent of Erdbury; Presentation of John de Wyngleye of Coventry, clerk, as a canon of Erdbury. County: [Warw]. (S) UKNA.

By 12/14/1381, Thomas died. (S) CPRs.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry. (S) The St. James's magazine and heraldic and historical register, Burke, 1850, P383. (S) Peerages of England, Burke, 1831, P16. (S) Report of the Royal Commission, I-11, 1888, P7, P145.

Children of Thomas and Elizabeth:

i. Thomas de Astley, born ? in England.

Thomas married Elizabeth, d/o Richard Harecourt. [Ancestors of the Asteleys of Patstrull, Stafford.]

7/22/1370, Joan, wife of the late William de Harcourt died at Elenhal in Staffordshire. Her heir general was Elizabeth (aged 22 years), wife of Thomas son of Thomas de Asteleye and daughter of Richard de Harcourt, the eldest son of Joan and William de Harcourt. (S) Medieval News, October, 2016.

5/27/1379, Thomas de Asteley, 'chivaler,' 'le filz,' a commissioner to collect a subsidy in Warwick. (S) CFRs.

ii. William de Astley (1477514), born bef. 1345 in England.

iii. Alice Astley (3802771), born ~1345 in England.

4/25/1369, Alice married Sir Richard Champernon (311912).
