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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lord William Bonville & Margaret Dumarle

7605508. Lord William Bonville & 7605509. Margaret Dumarle

~1330, William Bonevile born in England, heir & s/o 15211016. Sir Nicholas Bonville & 15211017. Johanna Champernon.

1343, Margaret de Alba Maria born in England, coheir & d/o 15211018. Sir William Dumarle & 15211019. Elena de Meriet.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349. [Breakouts would repeat over many years.]

1/29/1354, “Debtor: Nicholas de Bonville, knight, and William, his son, of Somerset [William held half a fee in Chewton, Chewton Hundred, and in Lymington, Stone Hundred] Creditor: Richard Martyn of Weston {Wheston} [Winterstoke Hundred, Somerset.]. Amount: 200m.” (S) UKNA.

5/27/1359, “Debtor: Richard, the son of Robert St Clare, of Somerset. Creditor: William Bonville. Amount: £300.” (S) UKNA.

11/1361, Margaret’s father William died leaving a son William age 12 as his heir.

4/1362, Margaret’s brother William died leaving Margaret and her sister Elizabeth as the heirs.

4/30/1362, IPM of William son of William de Alba Marlia, knight. Devon. Wodebery. 2 parts of the manor … He died on Saturday in Easter week last. Margaret de Alba Marlia and Elizabeth de Alba Marlia, his sisters, aged respectively 19 years and more and 17 1/4 years, are his heirs. (S) CIsPM.

5/26/1362, Order pursuant to an inquisition shewing that William son of William de Alba Marlia, ' chivaler,' held in chief in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death 2 parts of the manor of Wodebury, co. Devon, by knight service, and that Margaret de Alba Marlia and Elizabeth de Alba Marlia, his sisters, are his next heirs, Margaret being 29 years of age and more, and Elizabeth 17.25 years,—to take the fealties of Margaret and Elizabeth, make a partition of the premises into 2 equal parts, and deliver to Margaret and Elizabeth their respective pourparties ; as the king has respited their homages. (S) CFRs.

 [––William & Margaret––]

~1362, William married Margaret.

7/15/1364, Commission to John de Monte Acuto, John de Ferrers, ‘chivaler,’, William Bonevill, … (S) CPRs.

5/10/1366, Commission of peace … William Bonevyle … county of Devon … (S) CPRs.

1369, William in the retinue of the Duke of Lancaster when he “laid waste the Pais de Caux in Normandy”.

8/1369, John, Duke of Lancaster, landed at Calais and won the Battle of Balingham Hill, part of the Caroline war, which allied England and Portugal against France and Spain. With little other success due to the weather, dwindling supplies, and the plague, they returned to England.

3/4/1371, Commission to Guy de Bryene, admiral of the king’s fleet of ships … and William Bonevill to make inquisition in the counties of Devon and Dorset … ship … broken by tempest … (S) CPRs.

1372, William, age 40 and upwards, heir “virtute doni” to lands of Sybilla, wife of Robert St. Clere.

12/3/1373, Whereas … land in Wodebury … Geoffrey de Alba Marlea (121688144), late lord of the manor of Wodebury … William de Alba Marlea (60844072) son and heir of the said Geoffrey … the king, for 40s. paid by William Bonevill (7605508) and Margaret, his wife, kinswoman and heir of the said Geoffrey and William … may enter … as the right and inheritance of Margaret. (S) CPRs.

7/10/1376, John Beaumond knight, and William Bonevyle knight, to be paid £35 4s for 88 days at parliament representing Devon. (S) CCRs.

7/23/1376, Commission … touching all who have taken out of the county to Scotland or other foreign parts wheat, flour, malt, barley or other corn, contrary to the king’s prohibition. … Guy de Brien, John Beaumond, William de Bonevill, … county of Devon. (S) CPRs.

6/21/1377, Richard II, age 10, succeeded Edward III as King of England.

10/18/1377, Licence, on payment of 5 marks by William de Boneville, knight, for him to enfeoflf John Passeware … moiety of the manor of Westkyington, held in chief, … feoffees to grant the same to the said William for life, with remainder to John his son, and Elizabeth the said John’s wife, in fee tail. (S) CPRs.

1378-9, William Commissioner of Array for the defense of the coasts of Devon.

5/27/1379, John Beaumont knight, and William Bonevyle knight, to be paid £18 16s for 47 days at parliament representing Devon. (S) CCRs.

12/7/1380, Commission to survey and control the assessment of the subsidy … William Bonevill, ‘chivaler,’ … John Newenham, … John Denbaud, … Devon, except the city of Exeter. (S) CFRs.

1/29/1381, “Letter of Osberne Hamelyn certifying … to Lady Margaret de Courtenay, Widow of Sir Hugh de Courtenay, Earl of Devon, … Wits. Sir William Bonevyle” (S) UKNA.

1381, “…  Endorsement: William Bonville, Sheriff, sent the writ to the bailiffs of the liberty of the town of Bridgwater …” (S) UKNA.

2/7/1382, Grant to William Bonevyll, knight, … manor and hundred of Wynfred Neburgh, co. Dorset, … (S) CPRs.

11/26/1383, Giles Daubeneye knight and William Boneville knight to be paid £15 4s for 38 days at parliament representing Somerset. (S) CCRs.

10/24/1384, Licence … to enfeoff John Wadham … feoffees, after seisin had, to grant to the said William, Margaret, his wife, and the heirs … (S) CPRs.

12/14/1384, Giles Daubeneye knight and William Boneville knight to be paid £15 12s for 39 days at parliament representing Somerset. (S) CCRs.

6/16/1386 at the palace of John of Gaunt, King of Castile and Leon, William gave a deposition in the case of Richard le Scrope. William testified he had seen Sir Richard Scrope in the arms of Sir Henry Scrope, but had never heard of Sir Robert Grosvenor before the hearing.

10/16/1388, John Umfray rector of Marnhulle in the diocese of Salisbury to Ralph bishop of Bath and Wells, …, William Bonevyle knight, John Wadham, … Charter of all his lands, rents, services, horses, oxen, kine, swine, goods … (S) CCRs.

5/26/1390, “…  William Bonville, knight, sheriff of Devon; …” (S) UKNA.

1391, Lucy, widow of Richard Kendale, states that her late husband bought the wardship and marriage of Thomas Byttelesgate, son and heir of Thomas de Byttelesgate, and married him to Alice, his daughter. He then died, leaving Lucy and others as his executors. Thomas remained in Lucy's keeping until, by the command and procurement of William de Bonevyll, he was abducted with force and arms …; and they are still holding him and have entered his land and taken the rent and profits, expelling Lucy. Exeter, Devon, London. (S) UKNA.

2/28/1392, “Debtor: John Smith [merchant] of Dartmouth of Devon. Creditor: William Bonville, knight [of Devon] Amount: £90, for merchandise bought from him.” (S) UKNA.

5/8/1392, Pardon … Willam Bonevill, knight, for the acquisition, in fee, without licence from William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, … manor of Thurlebeare, … William and Margaret, his wife, … Thomas, their son, and Cecily, his wife, … (S) CPRs.

5/7/1393, “Philip de Courtenay knight to … To deliver seisin to William Bonevill knight of the manor of Southlegh in Devon and lands in Yvelchestre, Socke Denys and Lymyngton in Somerset.” (S) UKNA, Devon Record Office.

8/30/1393, William Bonevile, knight, was at his manor of Southleigh, placing metes and bounds to define the limits between a parcel of his land called ‘Borcomb’ and the land of William Walrond. William then went to Shute to be the godfather to his grandson. … William Bonevyle, knight, and Agnes Bygod being the godparents. … Thomas Bower, 48 and more, came to Shute with 12 hunting bows as he had arranged with William Bonevile, and he was showing them to William, displaying his merchandise when the boy was being baptised. He saw the baptism and received 40s. for the bows. … William gave £20 to the fabric of the church. (S) CIsPM, Writ for proof of age of William, son of John, son of William and Margaret Bonevyle.

5/1/1397, Debtor: Philip Bat [merchant] of Devon. Creditor: William Bonville, knight [of Devon]. Amount: £40, for merchandise bought from him in the Staple. (S) UKNA.

8/1397, William received a bond for £100 he had lent to the King.

9/26/1397, John Chidioke, … to William Bonevile knight and Margaret his wife, Humphrey Stafford knight and Elizabeth his wife, …. Quitclaim of the manors of Great Lopene and Great Stratton co. Somerset. Witnesses: Peter Courtenay, … knights … (S) CCRs.

5/13/1399, Margaret died.


9/30/1399, Henry IV succeeded Richard II as King of England. [Richard II died a prisoner in the Tower.]

11/22/1399, Exemption for life of William Boneville, ‘chivaler,’ from being put on assizes, juries, … against his will. (S) CPRs.

1400, William, Sheriff of Devon.

8/1401, William, knt. of Somerset, commanded to attend the King’s council.

By 1402, William married Alice (7605511), mother-in-law of his son John. [No children.]

1402, “William Bonevylle and Alice his wife state that William, brother of Ralph Carmynow, Alice's former husband …” (S) UKNA.

1402, William settled lands on William, his son by Margaret; by default to be divided between his married daughters Katherine and Elizabeth.

9/12/1403, Commission to … to Peter Courtenay, Hugh Courtenay, … William Bonville, … to take 119 quarters of wheat, 14 tuns of wine, 46 tuns of ale, 2,700 fishes calle ‘hakes’ and 620 quarters of oats within the county of Somerset … to the castle and town of Kermerdyn, … to the castle of Kedwelly, … to the castle and town of Sweynseye … to the castle of Kyllenny. (S) CPRs.

4/17/1404, William had a house [or hotel] in the parish of the Holy Trinity, Exeter. “ut in aula infra mansum domini Willelmi Bonevyle, militis, …”

7/2/1405, Commission of array … Philip Courteney, ‘chivaler’, William Boneville, ‘chivaler,’ … county of Devon … (S) CPRs.

6/28/1406, William Bondville, ‘chivaler’, assigned to a commission to enquire about all sums of money … due the king and concealed by any sheriffs … co.’s of Cornwall and Devon. (S) CPRs.

1407, William summoned on the King’s service. [A letter of the Duke of York dated 6/22/1407 indicates that William was too ill to attend.]

6/17/1407, William and Alice granted to John Carmynowe, …  the manors of Tintern, Polrood, Dizzard, Trefreock, North Tamerton, Roskear, Treveniel, Trehill and Newhall … (S) IPM of William, 2/23/1408.

8/13/1407, William wrote his will. ... Church of Newenham ... £40 ... to his wife Alice ... devises 500 marks ... Books, Clothes, ... plate ... at her death to be sold for the good of their souls and the soul of his first wife Margaret ... to his sister Amice Bonevylle, a Nun of Wherwell ... 10 marks ... to his son William 200 marks in the aid of his marriage ... to Thomas son of the late John Bonevylle £20 ... to his daughter Dame Catharine Cobham £20 ... To John Churchehull 10 marks ... (S) Ecclesiastical Antiq.’s in Devon, Oliver, V3, 1842, P90.

2/14/1408, William, knt. of Shute, Devon died; buried before the great Cross in the choir of Newenham Abbey church. [Alice (d.3/27/1426) is buried next to him.]

2/23/1408, Writ for IPM for William Bonevyle, knight. Cornwall: Alice, now the widow of William Bonevyll, knight, … He died on 14 Feb. last. William Bonevyle, son of John, his son, is next heir, and was aged 16 years and more on 30 Sept. last. Wiltshire: … the manor of West Kington … Devon: After the death of Margaret, his [first] wife, he held the following by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of William, son of John, son of Margaret and himself … Lympstone, the manor and advowson, … annual value £12. Woodbury, the manor, … annual vaue £20. … Churchstanton, the manor, … annual value £20. In his last will and testament William Bonevyle willed Alice, his wife, to have the messuage formerly of Nicholas Audley, knight, as her house there, to go after her death to the heirs male of his body. … [many properties] … successive remainders failing such heirs to William Bonevyle (131282), son of John Bonevyle (3802754), deceased, and his heirs male, Thomas the brother of William and son of John and his heirs male, William son of William and his heirs male, the heirs male of William, Katherine (daughter) wife of John Wyke and their heirs male, Elizabeth (3802785, daughter) wife of Thomas Carreu, knight, and their heirs male, and the right heirs of William, knight. … Somerset: [many properties] … Dorset: [many properties] … He died on 14 Feb. last without heirs by Alice. William son of John, his son, is next heir, aged 16 on 30 Sept. last. Thomas son of William and Margaret died during his father’s lifetime. William is his son and heir, aged 12 years and more. (S) CIsPM.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, 108. (S) Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors in the West, Rogers, 2003, P41. (S) De Controversia in Curia Militari Inter Ricardum Le Scrope et Robertum, Scrope, 1832, P257.

Children of William and Margaret:

i. Richard Boneville, born ? in England.

Bef. 1397, Richard died.

ii. Katherine Boneville, born ? in England.

Katherine married Sir John Cobham of Blackborough, Devon.

Katherine married 2nd John Wyke.

8/1/1416, Katherine died.

iii. Elizabeth Boneville (3802785), born ~1369 in England.

iv. John Boneville (3802754), born 1371 in England.

v. Thomas Boneville, born ? in England.

Thomas married Cicely Stretche, d/o Sir John of Sampford-Arundell, Somerset & Katherine Beaumont, d/o Sir John Beaumont of Sherwill, Devon. [His 2 sons died w/o issue.]

vi. Sir William Boneville, born ? in England.

William married Hester, d/o 3802586. Sir John le Moigne & 3802587. Cecily Eyot.

9/1405-9/1406, John Moigne, knight, to settle the manor of Owermoigne and the advowson of the church there on himself and Cecily his wife for life, with remainder to William son of William Bonevyll, knight, Eustacia his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, remainder tothe right heirs of the grantor, who retains the manor of Radeslo. Dorset. (S) UKNA.

7/28/1408, Licence … John Moigne, ‘chivaler,’ … remainders to William Bonevylle and Eustachia his wife, … (S) CPRs.

10/4/1409, … co. Somerset, … William son of William Boneville of Shete, knight, … (S) CPRs.

5/4/1415, … William Boneville, ‘chivaler,’ … (S) CPRs.
