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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lord Hugh de Atherton & Joan ?

5908564. Lord Hugh de Atherton & 5908565. Joan ?

~1260, Hugh de Athyrton born in England, s/o §§Hugh de Atherton.

~1265, Joan born in England.

1301, Glodwick came into the possession of Hugh de Atherton. (S)

1302, Hugh de Atherton claimed reasonable estovers in Ashton, with heybote, housebote, &c., against Alan son of Peter de Burnhull, William de Atherton [brother of Hugh], and Jordan the Woodward.

6/16/1305, Henry son of Henry de Leghth … sought to replevy to Hugh de Atherton, … their land in Shevyngton, which was taken into the king's hands for their default. (S) CCRs.

2/9/1307, Alexander Atherton, plaintiff, and Hugh de Atherton, and Joan, his wife, deforciants … Oldham and Glodwick. Hugh and Joan acknowledged the tenement to be the right of Alexander, and rendered it to him, to hold to him and his heirs in perpetuity, of the chief lords of the fee, by the services thereto belonging. For this acknowledgment he gave them £100 sterling. (S) Lancashire Fines: 31-35 Edward I, Final Concords for Lancashire, 1899.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

1311, Land in Pendelbury, Hugh son of Hugh de Atherton and Richard son of William de Radcliffe were joined with Thomas de Prestwich as defendants.

1313, Alan de Burnhull claimed William and Hugh de Atherton, … as suitors at his mill.

1323, Hugh de Athyrton holds 2 oxgangs of land in Glodyke, Wapentake of Slafordshire, by the service of 3s 2d yearly. (S) Record Society, V54, 1907, P105.

11/18/1324, Between Robert de Ryselegh and Isabella, his wife, plaintiffs, by Hugh de Atherton put in Isabella's place … (S) Final Concords for Lancashire, Pt2, 1902, Lancashire Fines, 164B.

9/1325, Hugh de Atherton and John de Accres make a fine for Robert de Irlond [charged with being at Burton bridge with Thomas earl of Lancaster.] (S) South Lancashire in the Reign of Edward II, P80.

1330, Hugh son of Hugh de Atherton claimed a messuage and lands against Ellis de Bamford.

1332, Hugh de Atherton recorded in the Lay Subsidy of Rylands in co. Lancashire.

1339, Hugh de Atherton claimed lands in Bamford against Adam son of Adam de Bamford, against Nicholas son of Ellis de Bamford, and against Henry de Bamford; in each case 15 acres was in dispute.

(S) Ashton and Pendlebury, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster, V4, 1911. (S) Aintree, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V3, 1907. (S) Hist. of Lancaster, V5, 1911, Heap and Oldham.

Child of Hugh and Joan:

i. Henry de Atherton (2954282), born ~1285 in England.

2/4/1305, Debtor: Henry de Atherton [of Lancs]. Creditor: Thomas, the son of Adam de Anderton [of Lancs]. Amount: £100. (S) UKNA.

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