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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Sir Geoffrey de Neville & Margaret de Longvillers

5908560. Sir Geoffrey de Neville & 5908561. Margaret de Longvillers

~1230, Geoffrey Nova Villa born in England, s/o 11817120. Geoffrey de Neville & 11817121. Joan de Monmouth.

~1240, Margaret born in England, heir & d/o 11817122. Sir John de Longvilliers [Longvilers]. [Nephew of Roger de Montbegon, d. 1226]

Bef. 9/29/1242, Geoffrey ‘s father died; older brother Robert the heir. (S) DNB.

[––Geoffrey & Mabel––]

Geoffrey 1st married Mabel, d/o John Malherbe & Matilda fitz Swain.

By 1254, Grant by Olyva de la Mare, widow, to Richard de Thornhil, her son, of all her land in Galthorn namely all that land which she had of Geoffrey de Nevill and Mabel, his wife, in exchange for land in Culgarth, …. Witnesses, John de Lungvilers, … (S) Yorkshire Archaeological Society: Clarke Thornhill of Fixby Collection.

1254, Margaret’s father died. With her inheritance, Hornby became a family seat of the Neville family. (S) Art, Identity and Devotion, Smith, 2003, P44.

8/1/1260, Grant to Geoffrey de Neville of £20 a year. (S) CPRs. [Service retainer.]

7/5/1261, Protection without clause for Geoffrey de Neville, going beyond seas with Edward the king’s son, for as much time as he be there. (S) CPRs. [For about 2 years Lord Edward took a group of knights touring tournaments in Europe.]

1262, A charter of Lord Edward, the King's son, granting the manor of Kilmeadan to Geoffrey de Nevill and Robert de Offord. (S) UKNA.

5/11/1264, Geoffrey in the army of King Henry III converged in Sussex with that of Montfort.

5/14/1264, Geoffrey fought at the battle of Lewes for King Henry III where the King and his son Lord Edward were captured by Simon de Montfort. Geoffrey was also captured. An estimated 2700 died. Lord Edward and his knights penetrated the center of Montfort’s army, but was flanked on both sides by armored calvary.

5/21/1264, Mandate to John de Grey, constable of the castle of Nottingham, to deliver Robert de Newenton lately taken by the king at Northampton and committed to his keeping ; as Geoffrey de Nevill, one of the meisne of Edward the king’s son, lately taken by the barons at Lewes, has been delivered for him. (S) CPRs.

9/15/1264, Simple protection without clause until All Saints for Geoffrey de Nevill. (S) CPRs.

1264-65, Simon de Montfort effectively ruled England.

1265, Geoffrey joined Lord Edward after his escape and was put in charge of Dover castle.

8/4/1265, Lord Edward (I) defeated Montfort’s army at the battle of Evesham, Worcester, ending the Baron’s Revolt and freeing his father, who was wounded. Montfort and 2 of his sons were killed.

2/20/1267, Geoffrey granted a market and fair at Appleby, Lincolnshire. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516.

[––Geoffrey & Margaret––]

1268, Geoffrey married Margaret.

1270, Geoffrey the Governor of Scarborough castle.

11/16/1272, Edward I succeeded Henry III as King of England. [While on crusade.]

1274, Geoffrey of Raby held Hornby in right of his wife Margaret.

1275, Geoffrey de Nevill (brother of Robert de Nevill of Raby), and husband of Margaret, heir & d/o John de Longvilers, and Geoffrey, son of Dom. Hugh de Nevill, held the soke of Appleby. (S) FMG.

1275, Geoffrey the chief assessor in Cumberland and Lancashire.

1277, Geoffrey summoned to serve against Llywelyn.

6/1277, King Edward was in Chester where he cleared a road through a dense forest, and started construction on the castles of Flint and Rhuddlan. King Edward made forays into the Welsh lands of Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, prince of Wales, capturing Snowdonia and the isle of Anglesey.

2/4/1279, Commission of oyer … by jury of York, touching … injuries to Robert de Balliolo by Geoffrey de Nevill and vice versa. (S) CPRs.

1279, Sir Geoffrey de Novavilla held Hornby castle in Lancashire, Melling, Wray and Arkholme in right of his wife Margaret de Lungvilers.

12/28/1279, Geoffrey held the market and fair of Arkholme, Lancashire. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516.

1280, Geffery de Nevile given a grant of free warren at Cawthorne and  his demesne lands of Hornby, Melling, Wray and Arkholme.

1282, Geoffrey an executor of the estate of his older brother Robert.

1282, Geoffrey summoned to serve against Llywelyn.

12/11/1282, King Edward’s forces defeated Llewelyn ap Gruffydd at the Battle of Radnor in eastern Wales. King Edward received the head of Llywelyn at Rhuddlan castle. [Aka Battle of Orewin Bridge.]

2/7/1283, Grant to Geoffrey de Nevill for a fine of 100 marks, … custody, during minority of the heir, of the land and heir of William de Chauncy, … together with the marriage of the heir. (S) CPRs.

6/28/1283, Geoffrey summoned to Shrewsbury by writ from Rhuddlan to the king to hold a colloquium to ordain what should be done with David, brother of Llewellyn, formerly prince of Wales. (S) The Titular Barony of Clavering, 1891, P16.

1285, Geoffrey died, holding the manor of Hornby in chief of the king as half a knight's fee, it being his wife’s inheritance. John the son and heir was 15 years of age.

3/26/1285, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to take into the king's hand the lands late of Geoffrey de Nevill, deceased, tenant in chief. (S) CFRs.


4/3/1285, Order to deliver to Margaret, late the wife of Geoffrey de Nevill, tenant in chief, the castle of Horneby with appurtenances … (S) CCRs.

5/6/1285, Simple protection, for 2 years, for Margaret, late the wife of Geoffrey de Nevill. (S) CPRs.

1285, Margareta de Neville held Hoton Longvillers as a tenet of Rogero Moubray, … (S) The Survey of the Co. of York, Taken by John de Kirby, 1867, P168.

4/3/1285, The king by writ ordered Hornby castle to be delivered to Margaret.

1292, “Margareta” called upon to show her title to market, fair and free warren … and to various feudal rights, …, in Hornby and Melling, and Gallows in Melling. These rights were claimed as ‘of old time,’ and were allowed. (S) Gaz. of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516.

1292, Quo warranto proceedings in eyre touching liberties in Hornby, Melling, ?Arkholme (Askholme) and Wray, Lancs, claimed by Margaret, widow of Geoffrey de Nevill. (S) UKNA.

11/15/1293, Grant, for a fine of 200 marks …, to Margaret, late the wife of Geoffrey de Nevill, … that she may marry whomsoever she will of the king’s allegiance. (S) CPRs.

1294, Margaret ordered to render military service in Gascony.

1297, Margaret had to give an accounting of her lands.

1294, Margaret ordered to render military service against the Scots.

1302, Margaret had to give an accounting of her lands.

7/7/1307, Edward II became king on the death of his father.

1316, Returns for the proposed Scotch wars; one man at arms from each township; Margareta de Neville, lord of Stonehouse, Hundred of Wiston, co. Gloucester. (S) Gloucester Notes and Queries, V2, 1882, P463.

Bef. 1319, son John died, John, s/o John heir; and Margaret retained Hornby.

1316-17, Margaret de Nevill [wife of Geoffrey], as Lady of Hornby, granted Ulthewaite, in the hamlet of Wray to the occupier, Adam the Tanur of Hornby, …. Sir Robert de Nevill released to Adam the Tanner … the lands … in Hornby, Wray and Melling.

2/13/1319, Margaret died, leaving Hornby to her son Geoffrey. The inquest on the lands of Margaret de Nevill, found that she had held the castle of Hornby with the appurtenances of Thomas Earl of Lancaster by knight's service as of the honour of Lancaster. The heir was John son of John de Nevill and he was 18 years old. In the castle was an acre of land, but nothing was rendered, because the castle needed repairs. In demesne were 200 acres of arable land and 25 acres of meadow. There were 6 vacaries, 2 parks, a water mill, fulling mill, court baron and borough court.

2/20/1319, Order to the escheator beyond Trent to take into the Idng's hand the lands late of Margaret de Nevill, deceased, tenant in chief. (S) CFRs.

(S) The History of Cawthorne, 1881. (S) Hornby, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V8, 1914. (S) DNB, Smith, 1973, P252. (S) Art, Identity and Devotion in 14th-Century England, Smith, 2003 P45.

Children of Geoffrey and Margaret:

i. John de Nevill, born 8/10/1269 in England. [Heir]

4/1309, John (I) died before his mother.

Children: John de Nevill (II), born 11/30/1299 in England. Bef. 1319, John (III) heir to his father. 12/1/1335, John (III) died.

ii. Geoffrey de Nevill, born ~1272 in England.

1319, Geoffrey heir to his mother of Hornby.

1330, Geoffrey held the knight’s fee of Hornby.

1336, Geoffrey died; heir of Hornby being the son of his brother Robert.

iii. Robert de Nevill (2954280), born ~1275 in England.
