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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lord John Clifford & Elizabeth Percy

1901322. Lord John Clifford & 1901323. Elizabeth Percy

4/23/1389, John born in Hart, Northumberland, England, heir & s/o 3802644. Thomas de Clifford & 3802645. Elizabeth de Roos.

1391, John’s father died.

1392, John age 3.

~1396, Elizabeth born in England, d/o 3802646. Sir Henry Percy & 3802647. Elizabeth de Mortimer.

9/30/1399, Henry IV succeeded Richard II as King of England.

2/28/1403, John’s paternal grandmother, Maud, died.

3/15/1403, John’s uncle William de Clifford, ‘chivaler,’ has keeping of the lands of John’s grandmother of his inheritance until he reaches full age with an annual stipend of 200 marks. On this date, William requested that the lands be released to John’s mother, Elizabeth. (S) CFRs.

5/20/1403, IPM of Maud [John’s paternal grandmother] widow of Roger Clifford, knight. Northumberland: She held the manor of Hart … She died on 28 Feb. John Clifford, under age in the king’s ward, is the next heir of Roger, being the son of Thomas, knight, son of Roger, and aged 13 years and more. (S) CIsPM.

7/21/1403, Elizabeth’s father slain at the Battle of Shrewsbury.

12/18/1403, To the abbot of Shrewsbury. Order to suffer the head of Thomas Percy late earl of Worcester [Elizabeth’s granduncle], which the king has commanded to be delivered to John Clifforde esquire and Thomas de Burgh for burial with the earl's body, to be so buried in his church of St. Peter Shrewsbury. By K. (S) CCRs.

8/1403-11/1411, John married to Elizabeth.

3/4/1411, IPM of Euphemia widow of Walter de Heslarton, knight. Derby: She held the manor of Staveley … with reversion to John son and heir of Thomas de Clifford, knight, annual value 100s. She died on 24 Oct. 1393. John de Clyfford is heir, aged 21 years and more. (S) CIsPM.

6/9/1411, Proof of age of John de Clifford. Elizabeth widow of Thomas de Clifford, who has the wardship by the grant of Anne late queen of England, should be informed. Northumberland: John son and heir of Thomas de Clifford, knight, was born at Hart and baptised there on 23 April 1389, and is therefore aged 22 years and more. William Whitchestre, knight, aged 50 years, saw the baptism. Robert Lysle, knight, 60 and more: Robert his son was born within 3 days of the birth and is now aged 22 and more. … (S) CIsPM.

Aft. 9/21/1411, John’s sister Matilda became the 2nd wife of Richard of Conisburg, 3rd earl of Cambridge, and stepmother to Richard, future 3rd Duke of York [father of King Edward IV.] (S) The Wars of the Roses, Weir, 1995, P60.

11/1411, 3 new members summoned to parliament as ‘lords temporal’: John Clifford replacing his father, Robert Wiloughby replacing his father, and Hugh Stafford who had married Elizabeth, heiress of Bartholomew Bouchier. (S) Parliament Rolls, Henry V, November 1411.

1412, John and Elizabeth received a papal indult for a portable altar. [Usually granted to a young wife when she was pregnant.]

9/21/1412, John summoned to parliament as 7th lord of Skipton, York.

3/20/1413, Henry V succeeded Henry IV as King of England.

3/22/1413, Writs issued for a parliament to meet at Westminster on Monday 15 May. Lords spiritual … Lords temporal: The earls of Devon, Arundel, Westmorland, Salisbury, and Warwick, and the earl marshal; Hugh Stafford, Edward Charlton of Powys, William Clinton, Thomas de la Warre, John Oldcastle, Henry le Scrope of Masham, William Roos of Helmsley, Henry Fitzhugh, William Ferrers of Groby, Thomas Morley, Hugh Burnell, Thomas Berkeley, John de Welles, Ralph Cromwell, Ralph baron Greystoke, Thomas Dacre of Gilsland, John Harrington, Robert Willoughby, John Lovell of Tichmarsh, Richard Grey of Codnor, Reginald Grey of Ruthin, Peter Mauley, Thomas Camoys, William la Zouche of Harringworth, Henry de Beaumont, William de Botreaux, John Latimer, Richard Strange, Robert Poynings, Gilbert Talbot, John Clifford, and John Talbot of Furnivall. [47 ‘spiritual’, 38 ‘temporal’, 73 knights, 178 burgesses.] (S) Parliament Rolls, Henry V, May 1413.

4/9/1413, Henry V crowned king of England. John attended the coronation.

5/7/1415, Licence for John, lord of Clifford, to enfeoff William de Haryngton, ‘chivaler,’ … castles and manors of Appleby and Burghan, co. Westmoreland, … (S) CPRs.

~1415, John, 7th Lord Clifford, wounded in the great tournament of Carlisle between English knights and Scottish knights. The tournament was hosted by Ralph Nevill, earl of Westmoreland. Sir John Clifford jousted with Sir William Douglas. Sir William Harrington jousted with Sir David Mynges. Sir Ralph Greystoke jousted with William Edmundson, esquire. Sir Christopher Curwen jousted with Halyburton (who as injured in the neck), and Sir John Lancaster jousted with Sir John Singeler. The English won the prize. (S) Trans. Architectural and Archaeological Soc., V4, 1896, P179.

8/13/1415, John, a captain with 29 men-at-arms and 90 archers, in King Henry V’s force of 12,000 landing at the mouth of the Seine at Harfleur. (S) Univ. of Southampton, “The Soldier in Later Medieval England”.

9/22/1415, The English capture Harfleur after a siege. [Of John’s retinue, 4 men-at-arms and 13 archers had to be sent home due to illness or injuries.]

10/25/1415, Battle of Agincourt in northern France. [Documented by 3 eye witnesses.] The English longbows gave “a terrifying hail of arrow shot.” French estimate of their own dead of 4,000 would imply a ratio of nearly 9 to 1 in favour of the English. (S) Hist. of the Battle of Agincourt, Nicolas, 1827, P88.

1416-7, “Parties to Indenture: Indentures between the king and the following for war-service, (actually for the relief of Harfleur). John Clifford.” (S) UKNA.

1417, King Henry captured Argentan.

1417-18, In a winter siege, King Henry captured Falaise.

1418, John the commander that received the surrender of Cherbourg.

9/17/1418 at the siege of Rouen, France. The K. appoints John Clifford to be bearer of the black rod of the order of the Garter at Windsor. (S) Rymer’s Foedera, V9, PP619-23.

1/19/1419, The capture of Rouen, France. A major event in the Hundred Year's War, where English forces captured the capital of Normandy.

1421, John made Knight of the Garter. (S) Lists of Knights and Ladies of the Garter.

6/10/1421, John a legatee in the will of King Henry V.

8/31/1422, King Henry V died leaving an infant son Henry VI.

3/13/1422, John died at the siege of Meaux, France.

8/31/1422, Henry VI (an infant) succeeded Henry V as King of England.


5/18/1424, Commitment to Elizabeth late the wife of John late lord de Clyfford, by mainprise of William Haryngton of the county of York, knight, … of the keeping of all the castles, manors and lands late of the said John late lord de Clyfford, who held of Henry V in chief on the day of his death, and of the shrievalty of Westmoreland, late of the said John, which by the death of John and by reason of the minority of Thomas his son and heir (S) CFRs.

5/7/1426, Elizabeth married Ralph Neville, 2nd Earl of Westmorland.

10/26/1436, Elizabeth died; buried at Staindrop, Durham.

1436-37, Westmorland, Elizabeth [Percy], wife of Ralph [Nevill], and formerly of John Clifford, kt: Yorks, Westmor, Cumb, Northumb. (S) IPM, UKNA.

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P218.

Children of John and Elizabeth: [2 sons, 2 daughters]

i. Thomas Clifford, born by 1415 in England.

Thomas, 8th Lord Skipton, married Joan de Dacre, d/o Thomas Dacre & Philippe Neville.

5/22/1455, Thomas died at the 1st Battle of St. Albans fighting as a Lancastrian against the Duke of York.

Children: Baron John Clifford, 9th Lord of Skipton born 1435, nicknamed “the Butcher” for killing Edmund, age 17, 2nd s/o the Duke of York following the battle of Wakefield.

ii. Mary Clifford (950661), born bef. 1422 in England.

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