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Monday, August 9, 2010

Pierre St-Denis & Madeleine Tivierge

3994. Pierre St-Denis & 3995. Madeleine Tivierge

1651, Pierre born in Dieppe, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France, s/o 7988. Pierre de StDenis & 7989. Vivienne Brunelle.

1651, Madeleine born in France; d/o §Jacques Tivierge & §Marguerite Lehouet.

1666 census of Comte de Montmorency, Pierre, age 20, lives with his parents and sister Anne.

9/13/1670 in Chateau Richer, Pierre, resident of Ste Anne, married Madeleine, a “fille du roi” with a dowery of 450 pounds. Madeleine’s origin given. All parents named. Attending: Pierre Boucher of I.O., Georges Pelletier of Ste Anne, Marin Boucher of Chateau Richer.

1681 census of Ste Famille, Pierre age 30, Madeleine, age 30, daughter Marie age 5.

6/19/1691, Madeleine present for the signing of the marriage contract of daughter Madeleine. [Pierre was ill and not present.] Madeleine Tivierge, with the strong consent of her husband, gave daughter Marie all that belonged to them in personal property and real estate. They had 2 arpents frontal between Francois Turcot and Charles d’Allaire which had a house and shed, with 20 arpents under cultivation, 2 milk cows, and other items. Pierre and Marie were to support them for the rest of their lives. Pierre promised a dowery of 600 livres. Madame St Denis signed the document.

6/25/1691, Pierre and Madeleine residents of Ste Famille. (S) Wedding of daughter Madeleine.

5/22/1692, Pierre, age 40, of origin St Jacques, Dieppe, a resident of Hotel Dieu du Quebec.

12/11/1696, Pierre died in Ste Famille, I.O.

12/16/1700, Madeleine died in Ste Famille, I.O.

Child of Pierre and Madeleine:

i. Marie Madeleine StDenis (1997), born 3/25/1676 in Ste Famille, I.O., Canada.

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