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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jean Lebrun & Catherine Caffier

3756. Jean Lebrun & 3757. Catherine Caffier

2/1/1629, Jehan de Bremme [Bresme] baptised in Havernas, Somme, France; under the Reformed Church minister Delacloche [a Protestant]; s/o 7512. Francois Lebrant & 7513. Madeleine Dubois Leroy. Jacques du Bois was the godfather.

3/22/1632, Catherine baptized in St Joseph parish, Boulogne sur Mer, France; d/o 7514. Antoine Caffier & 7515. Marie Caron. Her godfather was Louis Ricouart assisted by Leclercq; godmother Dam’ile Catherine Preudhomme assisted by Dam’ile Nicolle Heuze.

1/31/1661 in St Nicolas parish, Boulogne sur Mer, “Jehan de Bremme et Catherine Caffier” were married. Attending: Jean’s sister Jeanne and her husband Jacques Riquier; Catherine’s father Antoine and step-mother Francoise.

By 1670, Jean became the “guettor” to the belfry of Boulogne sur Mer at a salary of 8 pounds per year. His job was to watch for arriving ships off the coast or men on horseback; and to make announcements concerning the village. During festivals the guettor would direct events and ring the bells. [Jean would retain this job at least 30 years.]

5/1/1670, on the burial certificate of his baby daughter, Jean’s occupation is guettor.

1685, Jean’s salary increased by an allotment of coal.

1686-1699, Jean on the paylists as the guettor.

1/21/1700, Jean attended the wedding of his daughter Jacqueline. Jean signed his name.

2/9/1700, Jean “le Bresme”, age 75, died, apparently on duty.

9/2/1712, Catherine, age 90, died in St Joseph parish, Boulogne sur Mer, France.

Children of Jean and Catherine:

i. Gille Lebrun, baptized 11/10/1661 in Saint-Nicolas, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France.

ii. Antoine Lebrun, baptized 1664 in Saint-Nicolas, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France.
11/19/1664, Antoine buried.

iii. Noel Lebrun (1878), born 11/22/1665 in Saint-Nicolas ou basse-ville à Boulogne-sur-Mer dans le Pas-de-Calais, France.

iv. Jacqueline Lebrun, baptized 9/23/1671 in Saint-Nicolas, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France.
1/21/1700 in St Joseph’s parish, Jacqueline married Jehan le Seure of St Germain des Pres, Paris. Jacqueline signed her name.

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