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Sunday, August 1, 2010

High Sheriff Thomas de Pabenham & Alice de Ufford

2955124. High Sheriff Thomas de Pabenham & 2955125. Alice de Ufford

~1310, Thomas born in Thenford, Northampton, England, s/o 5910248. Sir John de Pabenham & 5910249. Elizabeth de Criol.

~1315, Alice born in England.

1322-23, Thomas’ father died; his older [half-brother]Sir John de Pabenham, Knight of the Bath, the heir.

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England.

1330, Thomas de Pabenham in a writ of covenant against John son of John de Pabenham in respect to the manors of Wyldene and Pabenham, Bedford, and Emberton, Buckingham. (S) Year Books of Edward III, Pike, 2012, Pg-LXXVIII.

~1333, Thomas married Alice.

5/13/1337, Comfirmation of a grant by the king’s uncle, Thomas, earl of Norfolk, the marshal, … to Thomas de Pabenham, king’s yeoman, whom the earl has retained as his yeoman-at-arms, of the hundred of Loose, co. Suffolk, … to hold for life … (S) CPRs.

1340, Wilden manor alienated to Thomas de Pabenham by his mother. (S) Hist. of the Co. of Bedford, V3, 1912.

9/1340, Hynewyk. The manor held by Thomas jointly with Alice his wife, by fine levied in the king’s court at Westminster, to them and the heirs of the said Thomas, of Elizabeth late the wife of William le Latymer by service of a knight’s fee and a half and by suit at her court at Bedford every 3 weeks. (S) IPM of Thomas.

1341-42, Thomas, High Shreiff of Northamptonshire. (S) Hist. Topo. and Dir. of Northamptonshire, Whellan, 1874, P92.

1/14/1342, … Thomas de Pabenham, escheator in the county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

7/20/1342, Appointment of Thomas de Pabenham, Edward de Pabenham, … king’s serjeant-at-arms, and … to collect the farms, rents and pensions … of the priory of St. Andrew, Northampton, … (S) CPRs.

1341-43, Thomas de Pabenham, Exhcequer: King’s Remembrancer, Escheators’ Particulars of Account, Northants. (S) UKNA.

1/18/1342, Inquisition taken by Thomas de Pabenham, escheator in the county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

1344, John de Batesford acts as mainpernor for Thomas de Pabenham. (S) CCRs.

7/24/1344, Commission to Thomas de Pabenham, … to make inquisition in the county of Huntingdon, … (S) CPRs.

9/1344, Thomas of Northamptonshire and Bedfordshire died. (S) UKNA, IPM. (S) Notes and Queries, 1901, P73.


3/10/1345, IPM of Thomas de Pabenham. Northampton: Thenford manor … jointly held with Alice his wife, by fine levied in the king’s court, … He died on Saturday after St. Ignatius, … Lawrence his son, aged 11 years, is his next heir. Irencestre. A moiety of the manor … Befdford: Hynewyk. 1a. land … Harewolde. Nine messuages, 120a. land, … Hynewyk. A messuage and a carucate of land … Farendyss. The manor held jointly with Alice his wife … (S) CIsPM.

4/23/1345, Commission of oyer … on complaint of Alice late the wife of Thomas de Pabenham that Edward de Pabenham, … and others carried away her goods at Hynewyk. Bedford. (S) CPRs.

5/6/1346, Writ for IPM of Thomas de Pabenham. Northampton: Thenford. The manor  held jointly with Alice his wife, by fine levied in the king’s court, of John de Wolverton by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee and 5s. yearly. He died on Saturday after St. Matthias, 19 Edward III. Lawrence his son, aged 11 years, is his next heir. Irencestre. A moiety of the manor … Bedford: Harewolde. Nine messuages, … Hynewyk is held to the said Thomas and Alice [jointly] and the heirs of the said Thomas … Pabenham. The manor held jointly with the said Alice, … Farendyssh. The manor held jointly with the said Alice, …  [records of grandfathers cited given in their individual records.] (S) CIsPM.

By 1347, Alice married 2nd William Croyser.

2/20/1347, Order to supersede the demand made upon Master John de Offord, the king's clerk, and William Croyser for the issues of the manors of Hynewyk, Pabenham and Farendissh from the time of the death of Thomas de Pabenham … the said William and Alice his wife, late the wife of Thomas, claim to hold the said manors and the manor of Thenford, co. Northampton, which belonged to Thomas at his death, for the life of Alice, by a fine levied in the king's court during Thomas's life … (S) CCRs.

12/2/1348 at Pabenham, Grant by William Croyser [husband of Alice] to Lady Elizabeth de Pabenham (5910249), mother of Thomas de Pabenham, of 16 marks early rent to be received of his manors of Hynewyk and Pabenham, co. Bedford, to hold for life. (S) CCRs.

Child of Thomas and Alice:                              

i. Laurence de Pabenham (1477562), born 1335 in England.

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