1870. Eustache Fortin dit Bellefontaine & 1871. Louise Cloutier
1658, Eustache born in Quebec, Canada; s/o 3728. Julien Fortin dit Bellefontaine & 3729. Genevieve Gamache dit Lamarre.
1666 census of Comte de Montmorency; Eustache, age 8, lives with his family.
8/1/1676, Louise born in Chateau Richer, Canada; d/o 3740. Rene Cloutier & 3741. Marie Elisabeth Leblanc.
10/31/1679, Nicolas Gamache ceded a piece of land to his nephew Eustache Fortin in Cap-Saint-Ignace.
1681 census of Comte de Montmorency; Eustache, age 23, lives with his parents.
1681 census of Berthier en Bas; Louise, age 5, lives with her family.
5/25/1693 in Cap St Ignace, Eustache, age 34 and resident of St Joachim, eveche de Quebec, married Louise, age 17 and resident of Cap St Ignace. All parents named. Eustache’s father deceased. Attending: Eustache’s brothers Charles and Pierre, Louise’s uncle Nicolas Gamache.
1/13/1698 in Cap St Ignace, Louise godmother to 452. Pierre Gamache.
10/24/1699 in Cap St Ignace, Eustache attended the burial of 905. Elisabeth Ursule Cloutier.
3/29/1716 in Cap St Ignace, Sieur Eustache Fortin, lieutenant de malice de la seigneuriede la riviere du sud, witnessed a contract of 1814. Francois Thibault & 1815. Elisabeth Agnes Lefebvre.
2/13/1719, a Monday, Eustach attened the funeral of Pierre Richard in the church of Cape St Ignatius.
1729, Eustache the Major of the Militia for the south coast.
1/11/1734, in the wedding documents of his daughter Marie Claire, Eustache identified as “Major des Milices de la Cote du Sud.”
1/23/1736, Eustache, age 78, died in Cap St Ignace.
Children of Eustache and Louise:
i. Marguerite Fortin, 2/10/1694 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
6/21/1716 in St Thomas, Marguerite married Louis Couillard, s/o Louis.
4/24/1717, Marguerite, age 23, died in St Thomas.
ii. Francois Fortin, 10/28/1695 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
1/31/1719 in Michon, Francois married Marie Madeleine, d/o Pierre Richard & Francoise Miville.
4/1752, Francois, age 57, died.
iii. Pierre Fortin, 6/29/1697 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
1/11/1719 in Cap St Ignace, Pierre married Louise Caron, d/o Pierrre Caron & Marie Michelle Bernier.
iv. Marie Louise Fortin, 3/26/1699 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
11/24/1723 in Cap St Ignace, Louise married Alexandre Bernier, s/o Charles Bernier & Marie Anne Lemieux.
2/28/1749, Louise, age 50, died in Cap St Ignace.
v. Joseph Fortin, 11/12/1701 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
8/20/1725 in Cap St Ignace, Joseph married Marthe, d/o Charles Bernier & Marie Anne Lemieux.
vi. Genevieve Fortin, 5/16/1704 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
6/14/1723 in Cap St Ignace, Genevieve married Joseph Alexis Lemieux, s/o Francois.
4/26/1760, Genevieve, age 56, died in Montmagny.
vii. Philippe Fortin, 6/12/1706 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
2/21/1746 in Cap St Ignace, Philippe married Marie Genevieve, d/o Pierre Richard & Elisabeth Gamache.
viii. Jean Baptiste Fortin, 8/10/1708 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
5/6/1731 in Cap St Ignace, Jean married Angelique, d/o Pierre Richard & Francoise Miville.
10/26/1756 in Cap St Ignace, Jean married Marguerite, d/o Jean Aubertin & Claire Francoise Gauthier.
ix. Louis Fortin, 5/24/1711 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
10/26/1730 in Cap St Ignace, Louis married Marie Francoise, d/o Guillaume Blanchet & Marie Anne Gagne.
4/8/1788, Louis, age 77, died in Cap St Ignace.
x. Madeleine Marthe Fortin, 31 Dec 1713 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
7/17/1729 in Cap St Ignace, Marthe married Jean Baptiste Cote, s/o Louis Cote & Genevieve Bernier.
10/4/1734 in Montmagny, Marthe married Jean Baptiste Langlois, s/o Joseph Langlois & Louise Nolin.
xi. Marie Claire Fortin (935), born 4/28/1716 in Cap St Ignace, Canada.
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