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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lord Edmund de Thorpe & Joan Bainard

2955112. Lord Edmund de Thorpe & 2955113. Joan Bainard

8/29/1319, Edmund born in England, s/o 5910224. Lord Robert de Thorpe & 5910225. Beatrice de Hengrave.

~1325, Joan born in England, d/o 5910226. Robert Baynard & 5910226. Lucy atte Ash. (S) Hundred of Launditch and Deanery, V1, Carthew, 1877, P97.

2/1/1327, Edward III, age 14, crowned king of England.

1330, Edmund heir to his father.

1331, Joan’s brother Thomas heir to their father. [Thomas age 26.]

1340, Edmund heir to his older brother John [but John’s wife Joan held property in dower]. (S) Massingham Parua Past and Present, McLeod, 1882.

11/14/1340, IPM of John son of Robert de Thorp, knight. Suffolk: Combes. 2 parts of a moiety of the manor … Horham. 2 parts of the manor held, jointly with Joan his wife, … Hoxne, Wutton, Stradebroke, Welebeye and elsewhere in the county. 20s. of land, tenements and rent, … Edmund de Thorp, his brother, aged 21 years and more at the feast of St. John the Baptist last, is his next heir. Norfolk: Aschewelle Thorp, Fundenale and Wrenyngham. The manors held jointly with Joan his wife, who still survives … (S) CIsPM.

[––Edmund & Joan––]

Bef. 1342, Edmund married Joan.

1343, Edmund held Hengham’s manor [which was held by Robert Baynard of Whetacre in 1331.]

2/9/1344, John de Wylughby, knight, and Joan, his wife, querents, … in the county of Suffolk and a sixth part of the manors of Magna Hautboys and Whetacre, … in the county of Norfolk … Endorsed: Edmund de Thorp' and Joan, his wife, Beatrice, daughter of Edmund de Thorp', and Robert Aylward' put in their claim. (S) Feet of Fines, CP 25/1/287/41, no.335.

1345, Edmund heir to his brother John de Thorp’s properties held in dower. [John’s widow Joan Eshe died.]

6/18/1346, Whereas Edmund de Thorpe, tenant of a moiety of the manor of Combes, held in chief, by his deed manumitted John Adgor, … held of the said Edmund … by the rent of 12s. and doing suit at the court of the said Edmund of Combes every 3 weeks … (S) CPRs.

7/12/1346, King Edward landed an invasion force of 10000 in Normandy, which marched north plundering the countryside. King Philip VI, with 8000 horsemen and 4000 Genoese crossbowmen pursued. Edmund de Thorp served in the retinue of Thomas, earl of Warwick.

7/26/1346 at Caen, capital of Normandy, Edward’s forces captured the city; and Raoul, Count of Eu, Constable of France, and Jean de Tancarville, Grand Chamberlain of France.

8/26/1346, Edmund fought at the Battle of Crecy, north of Paris. Edward III vs. Philip VI, heralded the rise of the longbow as the dominant weapon, and also saw the use of the ribauldequin, an early cannon, by the English. The English longbowmen could fire much more quickly than the Genoese, with a killing range of 250 yards.

9/1346, The English began the year-long siege of the port of Calais. [Ended 8/1347, held by the English until 1558.]

1346-47, Edmund in 3 lands transactions. [Likely to cover his war expenses.] (S) Chancery: IsPM.

1347, Edmund at the siege of Calais. [Calais captured 8/4/1347.]

1348, A suit commenced to determine if Joan was a bastard. Bishop Bateman certified, that she was legitimate, and was sister of Thomas, son of Robert, son of Robert Baynard, who died seized of Colkirk and Gately manors in 1329, and cousin and heir of Robert Baynard, who lived in 1257, and therefore Edmund had those manors of her inheritance.

1349, Edmund settled 100 marks annuity on William de Bergh, rector of Cantley, …

6/22/1351, Licence for Edmund de Thorp, to enfeoff Edmund de Ufford, ‘le frère,’ … of one moiety of the manor of Combes … for them to grant to Robert de Ufford, earl of Suffolk … (S) CPRs.

11/1/1352, 3 Flemish ships driven ashore in Suffolk. Their good, valued at £1300, were taken on the orders of Joan, wife of Edmund de Emgrave [Hengrave – a maternal cousin], lord of the manor, and Edmund de Thorp, in contravention of the king’s peace. (S) Medieval Lowestoft, Butcher, 2016, P182. [Their pretense was that the ships were Scottish.]

3/5/1353, Commission to Robert de Thorp and Henry Grene to make inquisition in the county of Suffolk touching a grievous complaint by merchants of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Berwick on Tweed that … ships … driven ashore … as has been testified by letters patent … shewn before the king and council, Edmund de Eingrave, ‘chivaler,’ Edmund de Thorp and others … claiming the goods and merchandise as wreck … (S) CPRs.

3/30/1353, The inquiry into the 1352 ships incident involving Edmund continued. (S) CCRs.

2/21/1354, “Debtor: Edmund de Thorpe [held fee in Colkirk, Brothercross Hundred, Norfolk], knight. Creditor: William, Bishop of Norwich [Norfolk]. Amount: £20.” (S) UKNA.

1358, Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt., presented William son of Andrew de Stivekele Magna, to Nelonde St. Peter.

1358, Sir Edmund infeoffed his manors, &c. to raise 100 marks per annum, for 21 years, to pay his debts, and 100l. to each of his daughters, Beatrix and Joan, by the advice of Joan his wife.

10/20/1359, “…  manors of Horham and Wutton [Wotton in Horham] late of Sir Esmond de Thorp', kt and Dame Beatrice his mother, …” (S) UKNA.

1361, Edmund’s mother, holding a third in dower, died.

11/10/1361, Edmund de Thorp appointed Sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk.

5/15/1362, Edmund de Thorp died. (S) Lists and Indexes, V9, 1898, P87. [This previously undiscovered record significantly changes the assignment of various records in other genealogies.]


10/6/1368, Joan, with King Edward I, attended the wedding of her son Edmund and Margaret de la Rivere. The marriage was performed by Sir Jeffery de Massingham, rector of Ashwellthorp.

1373, Joan, as heir of Thomas, brought a suit [unsuccessfully] against Lord John Willoughby, who had acquired Chatgrave manor.

1393, Joan’s son and heir Edmund died, leaving a male heir.

6/15/1395, Writ of supersedeas omnino in respect of the demand upon Joan who was wife of Edmund de Thorp the father, now deceased it is said, or upon Edmund de Thorp his son and heir (also deceased), being tenants of the lands of the said Edmund, who was with others appointed a guardian of the peace and justice of oyer and terminer in Norffolk, for delivery of any estreats … as that commission was never delivered to the said Edmund. (S) CCRs.

2/1399, Joan died in Colkirk, Norfolk, buried with Edmund.

(S) Visitation of Norfolk. (S) Baronia Anglica Concentrata, V2, Banks, P144. (S) An Ess. Tow’s the Topo. Hist. of the Co. of Norfolk, Parkin, 1808. (S) Collections of a History of Staffordshire, V18, 1897, P181. (S) Hundred of Launditch and Deanery, V1, Carthew, 1877, P96.

Child of Edmund and Joan:

i. Edmund Thorpe (1477556), born ~1343 in England.

ii. Thomas de Thorp, born ? in England.

1358, Bunwell manor, Norfolk, settled by Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, on Thomas de Thorp, his second son, with remainder to Sir Edmund Thorp, Knt. his eldest son.

1414, Sir Thomas de Thorp ordered Bunwell manor to be sold, or to go with wife Eliz. And Eleanor his daughter.

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