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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sir John de Coggeshall & Margaret de Staunton

2955048. Sir John de Coggeshall & 2955049. Margaret de Staunton

1301, John de Coggeshale born in England, s/o 5910096. Sir John de Coggeshall & 5910097. Sarah le Brun.

By 1303, Margaret born in England, d/o 5910098. John de Staunton & 5910099. Margery ?.

1303, Margaret’s father died.

11/10/1303, Thomas de Hindenes pardoned for the death of John de Staunton. (S) CPRs.

7/7/1307, Edward II succeeded Edward I as King of England.

7/6/1313, Licence for Anfrid de Staunton to enfeoff … in Wylegh, held in chief, … to regrant the same to him and Margery his wife and their issue, with remainder failing such issue to Philip de Staunton, for life, and then Mabel [Margaret] daughter of John de Staunton and the heirs of her body, … (S) CPRs.

1319, John’s father died.

3/24/1319, at IPM of John’s father: Essex: marsh called Rugworth, manor of Sutton; Codham manor; rent at Halstede, Little Berdefeld and Reynes; capital messuage at Shaldeforde; Dodinho manor; land at Arkesdene and Critishale; capital messuage and land at Little Bemflete; capital messuage, mill and land at Coggeshale; messuages at Messingg and Inworth; manor of Pakelesham; manor of Bradeker in Norfolk.

5/29/1319, Grant, for a fine of 100 marks, to Bartholomew de Badelesmere of the marriage of John, son and heir of John de Coggeshale, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's ward. (S) CFRs.

6/3/1319 at York, Release by Hugh son of William Giffard, knight, to Sir Bartholomew de Badelesmere, knight, … Witnesses: Sir Thomas de Grey, Sir Robert de Bures, Sir Robert de Asphale, Sir Robert de Watevill, Sir Bartholomew de Burgherssh, knights; John son of John de Coggeshale, John de Goldyngton. (S) CCRs.

2/26/1320, Protection, until Michaelmas, for John de Coggeshale going on the king’s service with Bartholomew de Badelesmere to the Court of Rome. (S) CPRs.

2/28/1321, The heir [this John] of John de Coggeshale, tenant in chief, a minor in the king's ward. (S) CFRs. [Multiple similar entries for this year.]

7/1322, John summoned to military service against the Scots.

[––John & Margaret––]

6/30/1324, Margaret wife of John de Coggeshale of the county of Hertford has given security by oath etc. under a penalty of £100 and has found as mainpernors … [“Vacated because of the quarrel.”] (S) CFRs.

1/24/1327, Edward III, age 14, succeeded Edward II as King of England.

2/12/1326, Respite, … to John son of John de Coggeshale from taking up the arms of a knight until Midsummer. (S) CPRs. [Apparently delayed until 1337.]

1327, John and Margaret held the manor of Bradker, Shropham. (S) History of Norfolk, V1.

6/1328, John de Coggeshale and Margaret his wife, pi. John son of William de Storteford, def. The manors of Sharnhalle … co. Essex; … co. Norfolk … and the heirs of John de Coggeshale to hold of the chief lords Essex. (S) Feet of Fines, Essex.

1331, John and Margaret settled the manor of Bradker, Shropham on their son John. (S) History of Norfolk, V1.

11/15/1334, Commitment during pleasure to John de Cogeshale of the counties Essex and Hertford and the castle of Colecestre, so that he answer at the Exchequer as other sheriffs and keepers hitherto. (S) CFRs.

1334-6, 1339, 1343, John a M.P. as a Knight of the Shire.

1335, John called to conscript 200 archers in the county of Essex for the Scottish war.

1/3/1337, IPM of Aufridus de Staunton. Essex: Wyleye. 4 messuages, lands and wood, held jointly with Margery his wife, who still survives … Bentleye, Chicche, and St. Osyth. Lands held jointly as above, … Wikes. 4 messuages, lands and rent … After the death of the said Margery, … the manor, advowson and lands &c. in Alesford, to John de Coggeshale, knight, who is 30 years of age and more, and his heirs; … (S) CIsPM.

4/1337, Amfrid de Staunton [brother of Margaret] and Margery his wife, pi. … in Alesford. PI. … with successive remainders to John de Coggeshale, knight, and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies, John son of John and Henry his brother and the heirs of their bodies, and the right heirs of John de Coggeshale, knight. (S) Feet of Fines, Essex.

1337, John of Great Codham Hall, Wethersfield, knighted. [Other principal family estates in Essex included Sheering Hall in Shalford, Coggeshall Hall in Little Coggeshall, Duddenhoe in Wendon Lofts, and lands in Paglesham, Rugwood, and North Benfleet.]

6/2/1337, John de Coggeshale, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Geoffrey le Scrop, 600 marks; to be levied, etc. in co. Essex. (S) CCRs.

1/3/1338, Margaret coheir to her brother Anfrid: after the death of his wife, lands at Wyleye, Bentley, Chicche and St Osyth go to Mabel, sister of Aufridus, aged 30 and more; lands at Alesford go to John de Coggeshale, knight, aged 30 and more, and lands at Wix and Tendring go to Hugh le Gros, aged 40 and more.

9/8/1338, Licence for John de Lyston to enfeoff John de Coggeshale, knight, … of the manor of Lyston, … (S) CPRs.

8/11/1339, … Appointment, … of John de Coggeshale, sheriff of Essex, … (S) CPRs.

10/1339, Hugh de Feryng and Eleanor his wife, … with remainder to John de Coggeshale, 'chivaler,' and Margaret his wife and his heirs. Cons. 10 marks. (S) Feet of Fines, Essex.

7/21/1340, “…  Writ to: Sheriff of Herts. Sent by: Chancery. Endorsement: John de Coggeshall, Sheriff, replies …” (S) UKNA.

1342, John involved in a lawsuit with Sir John de Hevenyngham in Essex.

7/24/1343, IPM of Margery, late the wife of Humphrey de Staunton (Margery is Margaret’s sister-in-law remarried). Essex: … The said Humphrey and Margery died without heir of their bodies, … Alesford [or Aleford]. The manor with the advowson of the church … remainders to John de Kogeshale, knight, and Margaret his wife, who still survive … to John son of the same John, knight, and the heirs of his body, to Henry brother of the said John … She died on 18 July in the year aforesaid. (S) CIsPM.

8/25/1343, Order to deliver to John de Coggeshale, knight, and Margaret his wife the manor of Alesford together with the advowson of the church of that town … Margery late the wife of Humphrey de Staunton, held no lands at her death in her demesne as of fee in chief. (S) CCRs.

3/2/1344, … John de Coggeshale, eshceator in the counties of Essex, Hertford, and Middlesex. (S) CPRs.

1344-5, “Account and official: John de Coggeshall, sheriff of Essex, for provisions for horses.” (S) UKNA.

11/15/1344, “…  Writ to: Sheriff of Essex. Sent by: Chancery. Endorsement: J. de Coggeshall, Sheriff [of Suffolk], replies …” (S) UKNA.

1346-7, “Account and official: John de Coggeshall, sheriff of Essex, provisions for oats.” (S) UKNA.

1346-7, John assigned duties associated with the defense of the coast.

Aft. 1346, Joan de Welle’s wardship granted to Guy de Brian. John de Coggeshale paid £400 to Guy for Joan’s marriage to his son Henry. (S) Women of the English Nobility and Gentry, Ward, 1995, P25.

3/10/1347, John de Coggeshale, escheator in the counties of Essex and Hertford. (S) CFRs.

1347-8, “Account and official: John de Coggeshall, sheriff of Essex, provisions for the king's horses. … for victuals and feed sent to Stratford … for victuals for Calais.” (S) UKNA.

11/28/1347, Commitment during pleasure to John de Coggeshale of the counties of Essex and Hertford and the castle of Colecestre. (S) CFRs. [Held until 5/12/1348.]

1348, John settled the manor of Bradker, Shropham with advowsons on himself and Margaret his wife, and Thomas their son in tail. (S) History of Norfolk, V1.

1348, The Black Death entered the west countryside of England [likely entering through Bristol].

1349, John inquired into money which had been raised to pay archers, but had never been sent to the king at Calais.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

9/1349, John de Coggeshale and Margaret his wife, pi. by Geoffrey Baldewyn in his place. William deTeye …, def. The manor of Little Bemflete and the advowson of the church … with remainders to Henry their son and the heirs male of his body and the right heirs of John. Cons. 100 marks. (S) Feet of Fines, Essex.

[Margaret likely died in the plague.]


2/6/1350, Commitment to John de Coggeshale and Isabel late the wife of John Baynard of the wardship of all the lands in the county of Essex of the inheritance of the heir of the said John Baynard … (S) CFRs.

11/4/1351, Commitment during pleasure to John de Coggeshale of the counties of Essex and Hertford as sheriff. (S) CFRs.

5/23/1353, General pardon to John de Coggeshale, knight, for all trespasses whether of the time of the late or present king. (S) CPRs.

1353-4, “Account and official: John de Coggeshall, sheriff of Essex, for feed for the king's horses.” (S) UKNA.        

9/8/1353, IPM of Augustine le Waleys (2110854), Essex. Escheator John de Coggeshall. … (S) CIsPM.

9/23/1354, John de Coggeshale, escheator in the county of Essex. (S) CFRs.

1358, John a M.P. as a Knight of the Shire.

1360-1, “Account of John de Coggeshale and William atte Wode of corn provided for Calais in Essex.” (S) UKNA.

6/4/1361, John died.

6/26/1361, Order to the escheators in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Hertford to take into the king's hand the lands whereof John de Coggeshale who held in chief, was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death. (S) CFRs.

11/13/1361, Order to escheator in the county of Essex … John de Coggeshale held in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death the manors of Benflet, Codham, Coggeshale, Sharnhalle, Hakewell, Pagesham and Roghirde, together with the advowsons of the churches of Hakewell, Benflet and Asshenden, and the chapel of the manor of Sharnhall, … and that Henry, son of the said John, is his next heir and of full age … (S) CFRs.

6/4/1362, IPM of Sir John de Coggeshale, knight, died. The manor, held of Robert de Ufford, earl of Suffolk, by service of suit to the earl’s court at Caldewell every 3 weeks. … This manor … by his charter indented to Henry, parson of the church of Stutton, … rendering to the deceased and his heirs 5 marks of silver yearly. He died on 4 June. Henry de Coggeshale his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. … (S) CIsPM.

(S) History of Coggeshall, Beaumont, 1890. (S) The Tendring Hundred in the Olden Time, Watson, 1888, P107.

Family notes:

·         1337-47, John de Coggeshale has 38 entries in the CFRs for the period.

·         1347–56, John de Coggeshale has 58 entries in the CFRs for the period.

Children of John and Margaret:

i. John de Coggeshall, born ? in England.

1346-7, John killed at the siege of Calais, France.

ii. Henry de Coggeshall (1477524), born 1331 in England.

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