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Monday, July 26, 2010

Sir Thomas de Lathom & Joan Venables

2954962. Sir Thomas de Lathom & 2954963. Joan Venables

~1326, Thomas de Lathum born in England, heir & s/o 5909924. Sir Thomas de Lathom & 5909925. Eleanor de Ferrers.

~1340, Joan born in England, d/o 5909926. Sir Hugh de Venables & 5909927. Katherine ?.

10/20/1347, Thomas de Lathum, knight, the younger, acknowledges that he owes to Thomas de la More 40s.; to be levied etc. in co. Lancaster. (S) CCRs. [Thomas’ father in France.]

12/16/1354, Thomas de Lathum testified in behalf of Richard son of Thomas de Molineux in the death of Henry de Maghull. (S) CPRs.

By 1358, Thomas knighted.

2/15/1358, Pardon of special grace to Thomas de Lathum, ‘chivaler,’ the younger, of the king’s suit for the death of John son of Robert de Faryngton and Robert son of Robert de Faryngton, … and of any consequent outlawries. (S) CPRs.

~1360, Thomas married Joan.

1360, The Tower near the bottom of Water-street, built as a watch tower, presented to Sir John Stanley by Thomas. (S) County Palatine of Lancaster, V1, 1824, P151.

1361, Thomas granted an annunity of 20 marks by Henry, Duke of Lancaster.

3/13/1369, Letter of Attorney: Thomas of Harghum to Henry of Fayrclogh and Margaret his wife -- to prosecute Sir Thomas of Lathum, Sir Thomas of Laylont, …, for unjust detention of 45 marks. Given at Caernarvon. (S) UKNA.

9/14/1370, Thomas heir to his father.

3/28/1371, Commission to Thomas de Lathum, … in the county of Lancaster to collect a war levy. (S) CFRs.

2/21/1372, Thomas a witness of a grant from Katherine, formerly wife of Richard de Aston, to William de Aghton. (S) UKNA.

1372, Thomas granted a Borough Charter for Roby. (S) UKNA.

8/1/1375, John Blundell of Ines to Thomas the Molyneux -- manor of Inesblundell -- for life. Witn. Sir Thomas of Lathum … (S) UKNA.

4/27/1376, Thomas de Lathum, chivaler, and Joan his wife, quer., Robert Breton, vicar of the church of Hyton, … To hold to Thomas de Lathum and Joan and the heirs male of their bodies; remainder to Thomas son of the same Thomas de Lathum and the heirs male of his body; remainder to Isabel daughter of Thomas de Lathum and Joan and the heirs male of her body; remainder to Cicely, sister of Isabel, … (S) Feet of Fines for Yorkshire.

5/8/1376, Commission to Thomas de Lathom, … knights, … to make inquisition in the county of Lancaster … (S) CPRs.

5/11/1376, … plaintiffs, and Thomas de Lathum, knight, deforciant of the manors of Lathum, Knouselegh, Childewalle, Roby, and Huyton, and of 6 messuages, 100 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 100 acres of moor, and 18s. of rent in Anlasargh and Whistan, and of a third part of the manor of Wrightyngton, and of the advowson of the priory of Burscogh. Thomas de Lathum remitted all right to the plaintiffs and to the heirs of Robert, for which the plaintiffs gave him £1,000. (S) Final Concords for Lancashire, P2, 1902, 193.

11/5/1376, Thomas settled lands on his son and heir Thomas. “Messuages and lands in Anglezarke were included in a settlement of the estate of the younger Sir Thomas de Lathom.” (S) Anglezarke, A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V5, 1911.

1378, Thomas paid aid to make the duke of Lancaster’s son a knight.

1380, Thomas, his wife Joan, and their son Edward, pardoned for offenses committed within the forest of West Derby

1381, Thomas died; buried at Burscough Priory, Lancashire.


1382, Settlement of Huyton manor … remainders to Margaret daughter of Thomas and Joan, and her heirs male; to Isabel sister of Margaret; to Cecily sister of Isabel; and to Katherine sister of Cecily; then to Joan and her heirs for ever.

Bef. 1382, Joan married 2nd Roger de Fazakerley.

1382, Joan and Roger granted letters of protection by John of Gaunt.

3/6/1385, Misconduct of Joan in an inquisition. [Joan is charged with living with her lover Roger while her husband was still alive.]

Bef. 8/18/1397, Joan married 3rd Sir Nicholas Haryngton (d.2/1404).

8/18/1397, Joan, by fine, remitted to her daughter Margaret de Lathom and her heirs the moiety of the manor of Huyton. [Margaret married Nicholas de Harrington, s/o Joan’s husband.]

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P769. (S) A Hist. of the Co. of Lancaster: V3, 1907. (S) Abstracts of IsPM, Langton, 1875, P20.

Children of Thomas and Joan: [2 sons, 4 daughters]                            

i. Thomas Lathom, born ~1360 in England.

Thomas married Isabel de Pilkington, d/o Robert.

11/3/1383, Thomas died, Isabel pregnant.

Child: Ellen Lathom, born 1/1384. 2/22/1385, Ellen, age 1 year and 1 month, found to be family heir. Bef. 1391, Ellen died.

ii. Isabel Lathom (1477481), born ~1365 in England.

iii. Margaret Lathom, born ? in England.

Bef. 1397, Margaret married Nicholas Harrington [ancestors of the Harringtons of Huyton.]
