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Monday, June 21, 2010

Sir William le Brune & Alice Lacer

1901184. Sir William le Brune & 1901185. Alice Lacer

~1320, William Bruyn born in England, s/o 3802368. Maurice le Brune & 3802369. Matilda Rockley.

~1330, Alice born in London, England, d/o 3802370. Richard de Lacer & 3802371. Juliana Asshewy.

1/24/1327, Edward III succeeded Edward II as King of England.

4/26/1346, Witnesses : Sir Maurice le Brune, Sir William le Brune, knights, … (S) CCRs.

6/20/1346, Licence for Maurice de Bruyn to enfeoff his son, William de Bruyn, of the manor of Randelston, co. Dorset, said to be held in chief. By fine of of 40s. (S) CPRs.

5/10/1347, William Bruyn and others sent to make a visitation of the king’s hospital of St. Bartholemew, Gloucester touching the decayed estate thereof. (S) CPRs.

1348-50, “…  people mentioned: William Bruyn, knight; Richard Lacer, citizen of London …” (S) UKNA.

6/1349, The Plague reached Dorset, and had spread across England by the end of 1349.

~1350, William married Alice.

6/19/1350, To the keepers of 40 acres of meadow and 80 acres of pasture at Hulle in co. Dorset, … Order to pay to William Bruyn what is in arrear to him of a yearly rent of 5s. 10d. and 140 geese, … (S) CCRs.

2/8/1352, William le Brun created coroner of co. Essex and named as a juror for pleas of the crown at Relegh of the hundred of Rocheford. (S) CPRs.

3/17/1354, William’s father died.

3/24/1355, Writ for IPM of Maurice le Buryn. Kent: Beghenham. The manor … William his son, aged 40 years and more, is his heir. Essex: Wokyndon Rokele. The manor, … Southampton: William le Bruyn, knight, aged 30 years and more, is his heir. (S) CIsPM.

4/8/1355, Order to escheator in the county of Kent, to deliver to William le Bruyn, son and heir of Maurice le Bruyn, the lands late of his said father; he having done homage. (S) CFRs. William succeeded to his lands of South Okendon, co. Essex, including Rowner manor.

6/1357, William de Bruyn, chivaler, and Alice his wife plaintiff, ... church of Beghenham, deforciant, ... the advowsons of the church and chapel ... Essex. (S) CPRs, 2/23/1484.

1358, “William Bruyn, knight, to settle the manor of Rowner, with the advowson of its church, on himself for life, with remainder to William son of Thomas Wayte, Joan daughter of the grantor, and the heirs of their bodies …” (S) UKNA.

1361, There was an outbreak of the plague in London. (S) Black Death in London, Sloane, 2011.

7/28/1361, Alice’s father died. (S) Black Death in London, Sloane, 2011.

11/1361, Richard Lacer’s daughters, Katharine, widow of John atte Pole, and Alice, with Alice's husband, Walter Brun, knight, made a claim on the property when Richard’s wills were enrolled. (S) Hist. Gaz. of London Before the Great Fire, 1987, St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/1.

10/13/1361, “Sir William Bruyn, Kt” the Patron for Richard Pruwet as Rector of S. Mary the Virgin church in Rowner.

2/24/1362, “William Bruyn, knight: Essex, Dorset, Kent, Hampshire” died. (S) UKNA, IPM.


3/8/1362, Writ for IPM of William Bruyn, Knight. Essex: Wokyndon Rokele. The manor (extent given), with the advowson of the church, held by the said William jointly with Alice, his wife, by a fine levied in the king’s court, of the earl of Hereford by knight’s service. The extent includes a leet on Tuesday in Whitsun week. He held no other lands &c. in the county. He died on 24 February last. Ingram (Ingeramus), son of the said William and Alice, aged 8 years and more, is their heir. Dorset: Randolfston … by gift of Maurice Bruyn, father of the deceased, … Kent: Beghenham … Southampton: Fordyngbrigg and Migham … (S) CIsPM.

2/27/1362, Robert Cok of Rowenore, executor of the will of Sir William Bruyn knight, granting and delivering to Dame Alice who was wife of the said Sir William the moiety of the goods and chattels moveable and immoveable, which were his at his death, …, with sale and delivery to her of the other moiety thereof for a sum of money in hand paid, and power to dispose and enjoy the same. (S) CCRs, 5/17/1362.

11/16/1362 at London, Alice who was wife of Sir William Bruyn knight, granting to John de Worstede citizen and mercer of London, …, a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. to be taken of her whole tenement at Seint Nicholas Flesshameles London …; and she has paid them 2d. thereof. (S) CCRs.

1/30/1363, Alice who was wife of William Bruyn Knight, Robert de Marny knight …. Recognisance for £200, to be levied, in default of payment, of their lands and chattels in Essex. (S) CCRs. [The money was used to purchase the marriage and wardship of Ingelram from Walter Whithors. (S) CCRs, 2/28/1363.]

2/6/1363, Licence, for 20 marks … by Alice late the wife of William Bruyn who held of the king in chief, for her to marry whomsoever she will of the king’s allegiance. (S) CPRs.

4/21/1363, Alice who was wife of William Bruyn knight to …. Recognisance for £600 …, to be levied in Essex. (S) CCRs. [The next day, at  South Wokyndon, Alice sold the rights to the whole manor of South Wokyndon for her life. (S) CCRs.]

[––Alice & Robert––]

Alice married 2nd Sir Robert de Marny.

6/24/1365, Quitclaim: Robert de Marny, Alice his wife, … (S) UKNA.

10/8/1365 at London, Robert Marny, kt., and Alice his wife, daughter and one of the heirs of Richard Lacer senior, her father, late citizen, and sister and heir of Richard Lacer junior, … of the one part and Katherine, who was the wife of John atte Pole of Shordich, the other daughter and heir of Richard Lacer senior and sister and heir of Richard Lacer junior, of the other part, witnesseth that, since Katherine sued out a writ in the Husting against Robert and Alice to secure a sharing out of all the tenements held by the late Richard and his father … an agreement was made between Robert and Alice and … should have belonged to Alice of her purparty by enfeoffment made to Alice before her marriage and Katherine in the following manner: [Alice for her] purparty all the tenements between the church of St. Michael Paternosterchirch and Bowelane on the south side and the tenement held by Domengo de Espayne on the north and between the highway called le Reole on the west and Walbrok and a long stable of Domengo's tenement on the east together with the stone walls etc. belonging to the tenement and with access to light for the 4 windows in the said tenements on the north side, 1 window in the wall of the room, another in the wall of the solar at the end of the said room, one in the wall of the kitchen and the fourth in the stone wall of a cellar, in length and breadth as they are at present, with the gutters and other water courses descending from the same tenements already built or to be built in the future … Katherine has for her purparty … the purparty of the first party [Alice] should be charged at 7 marks a year and the purparty of Katherine at 4 marks a year … (S) Cartulary of Holy Trinity, Aldgate, 1971, St. Michael Paternoster.

3/13/1371, Joan who was wife of Thomas de Overton and daughter of Sir William Bruyn knight, being a quitclaim with warranty to Sir Robert de Marny knight, Dame Alice his wife mother of the said Joan, Ingelram and Richard brothers of the said Joan, and the heirs and assigns of the said Ingelram and Richard, of the manors of Southwokyndon co. Essex, Bekynham co. Kent, Rounore and Migham co. Suthampton and Randolveston co. Dorset, now held by the said Sir Robert and Alice. (S) CCRs.

12/2/1371, Robert de Marny, knight, and Alice his wife, daughter of Richard Lacer, late citizen of London, demanded … 4 deeds … (S) Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls, V1, 1926.

1374, Sir Robert Marny made certain covenants with Dame Katharine de la Pole, sometime the wife of Sir William de la Pole, and Sir Edmond de la Pole, son and heir of the said William. (S) CPRs, 2/23/1484.

1376-7, “Robert de Marny to settle the manor of Kingsey on himself, Alice his wife, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to Ingram Bruyn.” (S) UKNA.

6/21/1377, Richard II, age 10, succeeded Edward III as King of England.

6/12/1384, Robert de Marny, knight, and Alice, his wife, querents … Kyngeseye. (S) Feet of Fines.

9/14/1385, On the birth of grandson Maurice, Thomas Turvylle, on the second day after the baptism, Maurice was put to nurse at Aveley, and he was sent to the same place by Alice wife of Robert Marny, knight, aunt [grandmother] of Maurice, to see how Maurice was kept and nursed, and he received a gold ring for his trouble. (S) Proof of Age of Maurice, 9/23/1407.

1386, A fine ... parson of the church of Southwokyndon ... Robert de Marny, knight, and Alice his wife, deforciants ... 200 marks of silver. Essex. (S) CPRs, 2/23/1484.

1389, A fine ... parson of the church of Southwokyndon ... Robert de Marny, knight, and Alice his wife, deforciants ... 500 marks of silver. Essex. (S) CPRs, 2/23/1484.

By 10/29/1391, Alice died. (S) Robert de Marny knight, for life, with remainder to Ingram Brun knight and the heirs male of his body, remainder to William de Marny son and heir of the said Robert and to the heirs male of his body, remainder to Maurice Brun knight, his heirs and assigns. Indenture of gift with warranty of the manor of South Wokyndoun co. Essex. (S) CCRs.

(S) A Gen. and Heraldic Hist. …, 1835, Burke, P205. (S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P413.

Children of William and Alice:

i. Joan Brune, born ~1350 in England.

Joan married Thomas de Overton.

1358, Joan and her husband received Rowner manor from her father.

By 3/13/1371, Thomas died. [See record above.]

3/20/1371, Joan released all her right in the manor to her mother, Dame Alice, and her husband, and to her brothers Ingram and Richard. (S) CPRs, 2/23/1484.

ii. Ingelram Brune (950592), born 12/6/1353 in England. [Heir]

iii. Richard Brune, born ? in England.

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