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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lord Thomas de Roos & Countess Beatrice de Stafford

1477620. Lord Thomas de Roos & 1477621. Countess Beatrice de Stafford

1/13/1336, Thomas born in Stoke Albany, Northamptonshire, England, s/o 1249374. Lord William de Roos & 1249375. Margery de Badlesmere.

2/3/1343, Thomas’ father died; his older brother William the heir.

~1345, Beatrice born in England, d/o 30422828. Sir Ralph de Stafford & 30422829. Margaret de Audley.

1348, the Black Plague began to spread in Europe. [England would loose about a third of its population, France about a fourth.]

9/7/1349, Beatrice’s mother died.

[––Beatrice & Maurice––]

Beatrice 1st married Maurice Fitz Maurice.

1351, Thomas heir to his older brother William, who died overseas.

11/25/1351, Thomas de Arundel, knight, and Margery, his wife, querents ... And after the decease of Thomas and Margery the same castle, manors and tenements shall remain to William de Roos of Hamelak' and his heirs, to hold, to wit, the castle and manor of Chilham ... after the decease of Margery the same manor shall remain to Thomas, son of William de Roos, ... (S) Feet of Fines, Kent, Suffolk, Wiltshire, Dorset, Essex, Shropshire.

2/14/1353, To ... Escheator of York. Deliver to Margaret late the wife of William de Roos of Hamelak, tenant in chief, the manors ... in the king’s hands by reason of the minority of Thomas, William’s brother and heir ... assigned to Margaret ... of the grant of William de Roos, William’s father, ... (S) CPRs.

11/2/1355, Thomas with King Edward III landing in Calais, proceeds on raids into Pas de Calais, Artois and Picady.

9/26/1356, Thomas in the retinue of Prince Edward, the Black Prince, where they captured King John II of France at the battle of Poitiers; as well as killing 2000 French knights.

5/12/1358, Thomas de Roos, brother and heir of William de Roos of Hamelak (proof of age).  Northampton: John Hunte of Stoke Daubeney, aged 36 years, says that the said Thomas was born in the manor of Stoke Daubeney and baptized in the parish church of that town and was 21 years of age on the feast of St. Hilary last, and he knows this because the day and year of the birth are written in a book in the church. … William Fraunceys, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that he was in the service of (stetit cum) William de Roos, the father, and has the day and year of the birth of all his sons and daughters. … William Assewelle, aged 40 years and more, agrees and says that he was present at an inquisition after the death of William de Roos, brother of the said Thomas, taken in the county of Nottingham, where it was found that the said Thomas was 15 years of age on the feast of St. Hillary, 26 Edward III. (S) CIsPM.

Bef. 6/5/1358, Maurice died.

[––Beatrice & Thomas––]

1/1/1359, by royal license, Beatrice married 2nd Thomas de Roos, 4th Lord Roos of Helmsley, Yorkshire.

6/13/1359, IPM of Elizabeth, late the wife of Hugh Le Despenser (s/o 2954874), formerly wife of Giles De Badelesmere … Sussex: … Bourn and Heghyngton. The manors … belong to Thomas de Roos (1477620), son and heir of Margery de Roos (1249375), sister and one of the heirs of Giles de Badelesmere … Buckingham: …  Thomas de Roos, knight, aged 23 years, is her heir. …  (S) CIsPM.

9/17/1359 at Masliefield, Grant from Thomas de Roos de Hamlack, that the manor of Blean, after the death of his mother, should go to …, master of Eastbridge, and his successors forever, in support of a Chantry and alms in the hospital. (S) UKNA.

9/24/1359, Respite until Easter next to Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, and Beatrice, his wife, countess of Desmond, of all debts to the king current in demand against them in Ireland. (S) CPRs.

10/1359, Thomas in the army of King Edward invaded France, eventually taking Saint-Florentin and Tonnerre. The army nearly reached Paris before turning back.

2/10/1361, Pardon for good service in the war in France [John Becheman of Sandhurst] in the company of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak. (S) CPRs. [Other members of Thomas’ company are also pardoned near this time.]

10/15/1361, Licence in mortmain for Thomas de Ros of Hamelak to releast to the abbot and convent of Barlunges 20s. of rent … his castle of Beauver for lands in Northcarleton by Lincoln. (S) CPRs.

9/27/1361, Licence for Thomas de Roos of Hamelak to enfeoff Simon de Thorl … of the manor of Bourn, … and to grant that the manor of Addirlegh, … which Margery late the wife of William de Roos of Hamelak holds for life, … to grant the said manor and reversion to him and Beatrice, his wife, in tail, … (S) CPRs.

1362-83, Thomas summoned to parliament.

10/18/1363, Thomas’ mother died.

10/22/1363 Writ for IsPM of Margery: York: Thomas de Roos aforesaid, son of the said William de Roos and Margery, aged 25 years and more, is heir of the same William and Margery, and also of William de Roos, his brother, deceased. (S) IsPM.

11/10/1364, Licence for Thomas de Roos of Hamelak to enfeoff Richard de Stafford, clerk, … of the castle and manor of Chilham and the manor of Addirlegh, co. Salop, held in chief; … to grant the same to him and Beatrice, his wife, in tail, … (S) CPRs.

11/3/1365, Thomas, staying in England, nominates an attorney in Ireland. (S) CPRs.

1368, Thomas ordered to reside on his lands in Ireland with armed forces.

5/10/1369, Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, ‘chivaler,’ and Beatrice his wife, staying in England, nominates an attorney in Ireland. (S) CPRs.

12/1/1370, Whereas Thomas de Roos of Hamelak enfeoffed William de Hampsterly … manor of Inchecoigne … manors of Gleynnogre, Inskisty and Shened, … which he held for the life of Beatrice, his wife, before the late ordinance … all lords and possessors of lands in Ireland should come personally, … on pain of forfeiture … neither Thomas nor William observed … at the supplication of John de Nevill and for good service rendered by William in Ireland, has pardoned the said trespasses … (S) CPRs.

8/31/1372, Beatrice’s father died.

7/8/1373, Letter of attorney by Thomas de Roos, lord of Hamelak, …, for the delivery to John de Nevill, knight, lord of Raby, of seisin of the manors of Baildon and Thornton in Craven [York]. (S) UKNA.

1374, Thomas served in France. [The Black Prince, duke of Aquitaine, very ill had returned to England.]

1374, Thomas held the market at Chilham, Kent; previously held by the Badlesmere family. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs to 1516.

4/18/1375, Thomas of Helmsley, knt., held the market of Watton, Norfolk. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs to 1516.

1376, Thomas de Roos of Helmsley to settle his castle and manor of Helmsley on himself, Beatrice his wife, and the heirs of their bodies. York. (S) UKNA.

7/16/1377, Richard II, age 10, crowned king of England.

9/14/1377, To the baliffs of the city of Lincoln. Writ de intendendo, directing them of the farm of the city to pay every year to Thomas de Roos, cousin and heir of William de Roos of Hamelak, a rent of £146 13s 4d. until profision of 400 marks a year of land and rent shall be made to him or his heirs. (S) CCRs. [The widow of Thomas’ brother died, Thomas taking possession of her dower lands.]

1378, James de Pykeryng, who was one of the knights for Westmorland in the last parliament at Westminster, states that while he was there, Thomas de Roos of Kendal and his 4 sons, with 300 armed men laid in wait for James' men and tenants of the high road in the town of Helsington, and on the Saturday before St Nicholas last attacked them, killing two and wounding 6. He requests a remedy. (S) UKNA.

6/25/1381, Pardon, at the supplication of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, to William Covill of Botellesford for the death of John Aleyn of Botellesford, killed on Sunday after Easter, 3 Richard II.

3/22/1382 at York, Debtor: Thomas de Roos of Helmsley {Hamelak} [Ryedale Wapentake, N.R.Yorks], knight. Creditor: John de Neville of Raby, knight [of Co. Durham, held numerous fees in N.R.Yorks]. Amount: £600. (S) UKNA.

12/21/1382, Commission … to keep the peace … to arrest, imprison and punish such rebels, … John, duke of Lancaster, Alexander, archbishop of York, Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, Thomas Roos of Hamelak, John de Nevill of Raby, Roger de Clifford, Richard lescrope, John Marmyon, … in the count of York. (S) CPRs.

5/1383, Thomas died at Uffington, Lincolnshire; buried at Riveaulx. (S) UKNA.

6/9/1383, Writ for IPM of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, Knight. Sussex: He held Bourne manor jointly with Beatrice his wife, who is still living, … He died on Tuesday before Corpus Christi last. John de Roos, knight, his son, aged 20 years, is his heir. [Additional details in IPM of Beatrice.]


12/4/1384, Commission of oyer and terminer to … on complaint by Beatrice, late the wife of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, knight, that John Forester, … entered and hunted in her free warren, took her goods besides hares, conies, pheasants and partridges, assaulted her men and the servants deputed by her to collect the toll and other profits of her Wednesday market there [Wragby, Lincolnshire], … (S) CPRs. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs to 1516.

1385, Beatrice a legatee of her brother Earl Hugh de Stafford.

Bef. 8/20/1385, Beatrice married Sir Richard de Burley. [No children.]

11/12/1385, Pardon, for 20£. … by Richard de Burley, knight, who has married Beatrice, late the wife of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, knight, of the trespasses committed in the enfeoffment … (S) CPRs.

1387, Richard died in Spain.

1/30/1394, Beatrice granted Ravenshtorpe by Gerard de Braybrooke, senior and junior, and William Chetwynd, knights. (S) IPM of Beatrice.

1399, Beatrice, Countess of Desmond, Lady Roos, provided a gown for the coronation of King Henry IV.

10/13/1399, Henry IV crowned king of England.

5/6/1402, Pardon, … to John de Notyngham, … in acquiring the manor of Wysete from Beatrice late the wife of Thomas de Roos of Hamelak, ‘chivaler,’ tenant in chief, … (S) CPRs.

11/25/1408, Licence, for 20£. paid in the hanaper by Beatrice late the wife of Thomas Roos of Hamelak, ‘chivaler,’ William Gascoigne, … for them to found a chantry … in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, for the souls of Richard de Beurley, knight, … and the said Thomas and his parents and for the good estate of the said Beatrice and for her sould after her death, and to grant in mortmain to the said chaplain a yearly rent of 12 marks from 6 messuages and 31 shops in London, held in burgage. (S) CPRs.

7/1/1409, Quitclaim by Beatrice formerly wife of Thomas de Roos, lord of Hamelak, to Thomas de Thornor of all right in the manor of Baildon. (S) UKNA.

1/9/1411, IPM of Robert Bussy. York: He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 4 cottages and 4 bovates in Barrowby of Beatrice Lady Roos of her manor of Ravensthorpe by knight service. (S) CIsPM.

8/24/1412, Beatrice attorned to Gerard de Braybrooke junior and William Chetwynd for properties in the city of York. (S) IPM of Beatrice.

1414, Lady Beatrice Roos, widow of Thomas, Lord Roos, mentioned all of her books in her will. (S) Growth of English Schooling, Moran, 2014, P155.

4/13/1415, Beatrice [of Leics, London, Lincs, Notts, Kent, Suff, Norf, Bucks, Essex, Herts, Northants, Sussex, Yorks] died; requested burial at Warter priory.

7/12/1415, Writ for IPM for Beatrice, widow of Thomas de Roos of Helmseley, Knight. York: She held £100 yearly from the fee farm of the city of York, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas by the bailiffs, by the grant of Hugh earl of Stafford and others, to Thomas and Beatrice and the heirs of their bodies, made with royal licence. She died on 14 April last. John [her grandson] son of William late Lord de Roos is her heir, aged 18 years and more. … London: She held 3 shops with gardens in St. Katherine Coleman parish in Aldgate ward in her demesne in fee tail in free burgage as all London is held, annual value 66s.8d. … Nottingham: … annual valued £35 28s 14d. … Kent: … £35 13s 4d. … Norfolk: … £51 13s 4d. … Bucks: … 10 marks … Essex: … £10 … Hertford: … 5 marks … Lincoln city: … £100 from the fee farm of the city … Lincoln: … £40 150s … Northampton: … £50 … Sussex: … £60 and 10 marks …

(S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P703.

Children of Thomas and Beatrice: [4 sons, 2 daughters]

i. John de Roos, born 1363 in England.

8/6/1393, John died, his brother William his heir. (S) CIsPM.

ii. Elizabeth de Roos (3802645), born ~1365 in England.

iii. Margaret de Roos (262567), born ~1368 in England. 

iv. William Roos (738810), born 1370 in England. 

9/1/1414, William died before his mother, his son John his heir.
