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Friday, May 28, 2010

Sir Henry Greene & Maud Mauduit

950770. Sir Henry Greene & 950771. Maud Mauduit     

~1350, Henry born in England, 2nd s/o 2110860. Sir Henry de Greene & 2110861. Catherine de Drayton.

11/6/1354, Maud born in England, heir & d/o 1901542. Lord Thomas Mauduit & 1901543. Joan de Bokland.

10/29/1361, Maud’s father died; her mother surviving.

4/4/1364, Writ for IPM of John Mauduyt of Wermenstre, knight [paternal grandfather of Maud]. Wiltshire: Weremenstre. The manor, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, in joint feoffment with Juliana his wife, who survives, … He died on 1 April last. Maud daughter of Thomas Mauduyt his son, aged 9 years on the feast of St. Leonard last, is his heir. … (S) CIsPM.

3/1369, Due to an outbreak of the plague in London, the royal court was moved to Windsor.

1370, Henry’s father died, his brother Thomas the heir.

1370, Henry heir, by special license of the King – being the 2nd son, to Greene’s Norton; as well as other lands in Buckingham and Bedford.

[––Henry & Maud––]

~1375, Henry married Maud.

7/16/1377, Richard II, age 10, crowned king of England.

1378-9, IPM of Thomas Mauduyt: Maud, wife of Henry Green, Knt. daughter, is heir, ... 24 years old. (S) N&Qs, 1993, P414.

4/20/1379, Maud’s paternal grandmother Juliana died.

5/10/1379, Writ for IPM of Juliana, late the wife of John Mauduyt. Southampton: … Cratele. The manor, …. Maud wife of Henry Grene, knight, aged 24 years and more, is kinswoman and next heir both of her and of the said John, to wit, daughter of Thomas Mauduyt, their son and heir. Wiltshire: … manor of Wermenstre … a third part of a moiety of the manor of Dicherich … Wermenstre. The manor, … Westbury. A messuage, … with the advowson of the chapel, … Dicherich. A third part of a moiety of the manor, … (S) CIsPM.

5/1379, Henry and Maud, age 24, took seisin of Maud’s inheritance after the death of her grandmother Juliana.

12/14/1381, Commission to … to preserve the peace … William la Zouche of Haryngworth, William la Zouche the younger, William de Thorp, Thomas de Grene, Henry de Grene, … in the county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

3/8/1382, Commission of peace ... and of oyer and terminer ... William la Zouche of Haryngworth, William la Zouche the younger, ... Ralph Basset, ... Thomas Grene, Henry Grene, ... John de Lyons, ... Northampton. (S) CPRs.

~1385, Maud died before Henry. (S) IsPM of Henry.

12/6/1385, Henry de Grene, knt., granted a market and fair at Lowick, Northamptonshire. (S) Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs to 1516.

1386, Henry Grene the Leicester Herald. (S) A Complete Guide to Heraldry, Davies, 2004, P32.

4/16/1386, Notarial obligation by the Portuguese commissioners in England to repay a loan of £1,000 advanced by Sir Thomas Moreaux, Sir Henry Grene and other merchants of London, to the King of Portugal. [Henry’s father had an IPM in London.]

7/12/1388, Commission of peace and oyer and terminer … William la Zouche of Haryngworth, William de Thorp, Thomas Grene, knight, Henry de Grene, knight, … in the county of Northampton. (S) CPRs.

1386, Henry Grene the Herald of the Duke of Guyen and Lancaster. (S) A Complete Guide to Heraldry, Davies, 2004, P32.

8/29/1390, Henry’s older brother Thomas, the family heir, died.

9/14/1391, IPM at Buckingham of Thomas: Henry Grene, knight, held of him on that day, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee, the manors of Wolston and Wavynden with the advowson of the church of Wolston, which manors were given to the said Henry and the heirs of his body by Henry Grene, knight, father of the said Henry, with reversion to the right heirs of the said Henry the father. The said service, with the said reversion, descended to Thomas as son and heir of Henry the father. Henry the son and Maud his wife held of the said Thomas on the day of his death, by service of a rose yearly, the manor of Emberton.

12/2/1391, Licence for Reginald de Grey of Ruthyn, knight, to enfeoff Henry Grene, … and Henry Bruyn of the castle, town, and land and lordship of Bergeveny in Wales, … (S) CPRs.

Maud died before Henry. (S) IsPM.


5/19/1396, IPM of William la Zouche of Haryngworth, Knight. Hertford: He held the under-mentioned manors in fee tail by gift of Henry Grene and ... Cadyngdon, Keynesworth. Huntingdon: The manor of Bukworthe by a knight’s fee, held by Henry Grene knight.

1397, Henry, Member of the King’s council.

1397, Henry counseled King Richard II to confiscate the estate of banished Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford and Lancaster.

3/20/1398, Henry witnessed a deed at Bristol concerning the Canons Ashby Priory. (S) UKNA.

1398, Henry Bolingbroke, duke of Hereford, and Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk, to undergo a duel of honor. Richard II stopped the duel, and banished both men.

6/20/1398, Commission ... against the enhancing and straitening of mills, weirs, ... Henry Grene, knight, ...   Northampton & Huntingdon. (S) Medieval Laws of Navigation, Biddylph, P19.

10/11/1398, Commitment (with like clause) to Henry de Grene, knight, of AVestminster. the keeping of the manor of Kybworth, … by reason of the forfeiture of Thomas late earl of Warwick. (S) CFRs.

7/4/1399, Henry Bolingbroke [IV – 1st cousin of Richard II] landed at Ravenspur; then proceeded through the Lancastrian lands in the north and took York. [Henry IV invaded while Richard II was in Ireland.] Henry Grene fled to Bristol where he was captured.

7/24/1399, King Richard II landed in Wales, returning from Ireland.

7/28/1399, Henry was arraigned before the Constable and Marshall and found guilty of treason for misgoverning the King and the Realm; his estates to be confiscated.

7/29/1399, Henry, knt. of Drayton, Northamptonshire, and his associates Sir John Buskey and the Earl of Wiltshire, executed by order of the Duke of Lancaster (Father of Henry Bolingbroke). [IsPM: Hampshire, Wiltshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire, the adjacent march of Wales.]

[––Post Mortem––]

10/21/1399, Grant of Goods of Henry Grene, deceased, to his children, Thomas, John, Henry, Mary, and Philippa. CPRs.

5/26/1400, Writ for IPM of Henry Grene, knight. Henry Grene, knight, son of Henry Grene, knight, held the manor of Grately with the advowson for life by the courtesy of England, in right of Maud, late his wife, with remainder to their children. She held it by inheritance after the death of her father, Thomas Mauduyt, knight. It is held of the earl of Hereford, annual value £10. He died on 29 July 1399. Ralph son of Henry and Maud, the next heir, is aged 22 years and more. Wiltshire: He held for life in right of Maud his wife, heir of Thomas Mauduyt, knight, with remainder to the children of Maud and himself; Warminster, the manor and hundred, annual value £50; Westbury, a manor called ‘Le Mauduytes’, £10; Ditteridge, half the manor, 40s.; all of the king by knight service. Fiddington by Market Lavington, half the manor, 50s., of the bishop of Salisbury. Bedford: … Buckingham: … Gloucester and the Adjacent March of Wales: … the manor of Mathern by the courtesy of England in right of Maud late his wife, who held by inheritance after the death of Thomas Mauduyt, knight, her father. … Essex: … Cambridge: … Huntingdon: … in right of Maud his wife, who held by inheritance after the death of her father Thomas Mauduyt, knight, … Northampton: … (S) CIsPM.

 (S) Magna Carta Ancestry, P350. (S) New England Families, Cutter, 1915, P224. (S) Notes & Queries, V87, 1893, P414. (S) The House of Greene, Halstead, 1685.

Family notes:

·         Henry prominent in Acts I & II of Shakespeare’s ‘Richard II’.

·         Thomas must have died young as John is the heir 1416. (S) CCRs.

·         2nd son John married Margaret Grene, d/o Walter Grene of Bridgenorth, co. Shropshire. John was the heir of his brother Ralph. The male line ended with John’s son Henry. John’s daughter Isabel, married to Sir Richard Vere of Great Adington, was eventual heiress line of John’s family.

·         3rd son Thomas married Ela Malorie, d/o Ankatil. Thomas, of Isham, and Ela were settled with a third of Sudborough Manor by William la Zouche, archbishop of York.

·         Daughter Mary married Sir Jeffrey Luttrell, knight.

Children of Henry and Maud:

i. Ralph Grene, born 1378 in England. [Heir of his mother. (S) CCRs]

Ralph married Catharine Malorie, d/o Ankatil.

7/15/1400, Grant to Ralph Grene, … Henry Grene his father, deceased, … (S) CPRs.

9/6/1400, Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to take the fealty of Ralph, son and heir of Henry Grene, knight, (son of Henry Grene) aud of Maud late his wife, and to cause hun to have full seisin of all the lands which his father held of Richard II in chief both by the courtesy of England after Maud's death, of the right and inheritance of Maud, and in fee tail, the same having been taken into the late king's hand by the forfeiture of the said Henry, Ralph's father, and being now in the king's hand; notwithstanding Henry's forfeiture or the judgment rendered against him, as the king has taken Ralph's homage. (S) CFRs.

Bef. 2/16/1419, Ralph died, Katherine surviving. (S) CCRs.

ii. Eleanor Green (475385), born ~1380 in England.
