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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Nicholas de Leyk

624868. Nicholas de Leyk

~1345, Nicholas Leek born in England, younger s/o §§Sir Thomas de Leyk.

1364, Thomas de Leyk, Knight, certified to hold a Knight's Fee in Cotham, of William Deyncourt. (S) Hist. of Nottinghamshire, V1, Throsby, 1790, Cotham. [~4 miles south of Newark.]

3/1369, Due to an outbreak of the plague in London, the royal court was moved to Windsor.

1/20/1377, Nottinghamshire. Thomas de Roos of Hamelak', knight, and Beatrice, his wife, querents, and John de Denham and Maud, his wife, deforciants. ... with the homages and all services of ... John Bozoun' of Skreueton', ... Thomas atte Hall', John atte Hall', ... Nicholas de Leke ... (S) Feet of Fines.

6/21/1377, Richard II succeeded Edward III as King of England.

Family notes:

·         NOT the Nicholas in London (wrote his will in 1361), married to Juliana Calicer (died 1360), wiith son Thomas – 1362 Thomas died without heirs.

·         1332, Lay Subsidy for Lincolnshire: Thomas de Leyk’. (S) Index to 1332 Lay Subsidy Rolls for Lincolnshire.

Child of Nicholas and ?:

i. Thomas Leeke (312434), born ~1360 in England.

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