542. Capt. Daniel Gaines & 543. Margaret Bernard [Eng, VA]
~1623, Daniel born in England, s/o 1084. Thomas Gaines.
~1630, Margaret born.
1/26/1627, Ralph Rowzee born in Kent, England.
Ralph Rowzee traveled to VA with his siblings Edward & Sarah, and half-brother John Catlett (538).
~1648, Margaret married Ralph.
5/23/1650, Ralph & his half brother John Catlett patented 400 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock river.
6/7/1652, John Catlett and Ralph Rouzee were granted 300 acres of land adjoining their first patent. Among their headrights were listed half-sibilings of John: Sarah Rouzee, Edward Rouzee & Martha Rouzee. [This was the founding of Port Royal, the original charered town in Caroline Co.]
7/1/1655 “Catlett & Rowzey” [his half brother] patented 502 acres. (S) C&P, 1934, PB4, P420.
7/1655–1/1662, Ralph died.
Margaret married Daniel Gaines. “Daniell Gaines requesteth that there be recorded for Sarah Rouzee Daughter of Ralph Rouzee deced six female cattel, … delivered unto Daniell Gaines by John Catlett who hath obliged him the sd Gaines to deliver the above … the sd Catle being the half part of those formerly in copartner-ship between John Catlett and Ralph Rouzee deceased.
1665, Daniel and Nicolas Willard held jointly 1376 acres in “Freshes” of Old Rappannock Co. (S) Encyc. Of VA Bio., 1915, Tyler, P505.
1667, Danield appointed attorney in a deed transfer. (S) C&P, P334.
1671, Daniel a member of the Amherst County Committee.
1673, Daniel mentioned in the will of Elizabeth “Catlett” ( 539): … my Sonne Francis Slaughter all the goods money plate rings and Tobaco mentioned in an Account now in the hands of Mr. Daniel Gaines … [the minor children are also to be left with Daniel.]
1680, Daniel Capt. of the VA Militia.
8/18/1682, Daniel wrote his will. (S) See Family notes.
Bef. 10/2/1684, Daniel died. “It is my will the Children of Colnll John Catlett remaine with my Wife til they come of age.” (S) Old Rappahannock OB, 1683-1686, P45. This Court do order …, Justices, to meet at the house of Capt. Daniel Gaines, late deceased, on the fifteenth instant, then and there to take over the estate of the orphans of Col. John Catlett, desc., out of and from the estate of the said Capt. Daniel Gaines. And that this separation respect by had to the inventory and apprizement of the said Col. Catlett's estate to the end the orphans may in specie (as near as possible) as well as value receive their estate of their decd. father. … As also that the said estate remain in the hands of the relict and Executrix of the above named Capt. Daniel Gains until the next Court so aforesaid where such further processing will be thereon as by that Court shall be thought just and convenient.
Aft. 10/2/1684, Margaret died.
Family notes:
• Will of Daniel Gaines In the name of God Amen, I Daniell Gaines of the Parish of Sittenburne in the County of Rappa: being in good health of body & sound & perfect memory Praise be therefore given to Almighty God ... Impris. ...debts pd...Orphants of Colnll John Catlett deced to be paid out of the negroes and other goods that did belong to the sd Colnll Catlets Estate the Negroes & Goods to be pd as they were appraised to me as may appear by Inventory. Item...Son, Bernard all my land that I now live upon to him & his heires lawfully begotten & that he shall not let sell or mortgage any part or parcell of the same so longe as his two Sisters, Margret & Mary or their heires be alive. It is my will that if all my Children die without heires of their bodyes then my land to fall to my Grandson, John Smyth & to his heires forever Item I give to my Daughter Mary the Mare colt that now sucks on Mare Betty and all her encrease to her & her heires for Ever Item It is my will that the Mare Heyfer & hogs that I have given to my Grandson in Law John Smith be & remaine to his proper use forever Item. It is my Will that the first living Child that my Negro Cate doth bring be given to my Daughter Margarett and to her heires for ever & if it lives to the age of three years to be in lieu of a man Servant, otherwise to be in no stead Item I do give to my Son, Bernard my Silver hilted sword & Belt & my Seale Ring Item I give unto my deare & loveing Wife, Margret, one third of all my Estate in lieu of her Dowre Item. My will is that the other two parts of my Estate be deviced (divided) between my three children, Bernard, Margret and Mary and no part of it be apprised but to be inventoried and delivered in kind Item. It is my will that my Daughter Margaret have a good feather bead & furniture at my death in full of her part of my bedding Item It is my will that my Daughter Mary have the use of so much housing & land as she needs soe long as she continued unmarried Item. It is my will that as soone as it can a man Servant be bought with Tobacco for my Daughter Margaret in part of he porcon Item. It is my will that my Wife, Son Bernard and Daughter Mary keep their shares together for their menteyance doing their best by their Endeavours to Encrease the same as long as my Wife continues Widdow or so land as either of my Children continue unmarried and at the day of Marriage of my Wife or of either of my Children then my Childrens part to be delivered them in kind Item My will is that my two Children Bernard & Mary have as many things apeice out of my Estate as my Daughter Margaret hath had already & the rest to be devided between them equally by my loveing Kinsman, John Catlett & Sons in Law John Smyth and Ralph Rowzey and not to go to Law one with the other Item It is my will that my Estate be inventoryed within ten dayes after my decease Item I give to my deare & loving wife Twenty Shilling to buy her a Mourning Ring to ware for my sake & to my two Daughters each of them a Ring of Ten Shillings price Item It is my will that if I die having no tobacco in my house that my Servants bee & remaine together till they make a good crop of Arenoco Tobacco out of which my Wife having first taken her Thirds then my Son Bernard & Daughter Mary have out of the rest each of them as much as my Daughter Margarett hath already then if any be remaining over & above to be devided equally between them all three Item. It is my will that my Children have their Estate at the death or day of Marriage of my Wife whether they be of age or not Item It is my will the Children of Colnll John Catlett remaine with my Wife til they come of age or not Item I nominate & appont my dear and loveing Wife my sole Executrix of this my last Will and testament. and Guardian to my Children so longe as she lives a Widdow. IN Witness whereof I the sd Daniell Gaines to this my last Will & Testamt do sett my hand & Seale this Eighteeenth of August in the yeare of our Lord One thousand Six hundred Eighty & two. /s/ Daniel Gaines, presence of Wm Murrow, John Catlett [son-in-law], Wm Browne.
Children of Ralph and Margaret:
i. Ralph Rowzee, born ~1649 in VA.
9/28/1716, Ralph wrote his will in Parish of St. Ann’s, Essex Co., VA.
[Ralph and John Catlett III continued the relationship of their fathers; and there are many deeds and records supporting this relationship.]
Ralph Rowzee Jr., born ?
ii. Sarah Rowzee, born ~ 1651 in VA.
Children of Daniel and Margaret:
i. Bernard Gaines, born ~1653 in VA.
11/18/1674, Bernard married Martha Taylor, d/o Col. George Taylor.
1695, Bernard a Justice of Essex Co.
Children: (S) Will of George Taylor.
George Gaines, born ?.
Daniel Gaines, born ?.
He was a Lt. Col. in the Amherst Co. Militia during the Revolutionary War.
ii. Margaret Gaines ( 271), born ~1656 in VA.
iii. Mary Gaines, born ?.
Mary married John Catlett, s/o John ( 538).
[See John for more info.]
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