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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bond 1062

1062. Unknown Daniels

Children of Unknown and ?:

i. John Daniels, born ~1625 in England.
11/10/1642, John “Daniell” imported to VA by John Harlowe. (S) PB1, P851.
9/27/1648, Whereas it app~eth unto this Court that Jno Daniell hath committed ffornicaçon wth Anne Winter ye Servt of Mr Edmund Scaburgh; … sd Jno Daniell shall (accordinge to Act of Assemblye) satisfye & paye … the Sum~e of eight hundd pownds of tobac ffor ye detrimt. (S) Northampton Co. Court, VA.
John married Elizabeth Williams, sister of Susannah ( 1061).
4/28/1653, John identified as a planter in court.
1/28/1655, John bought 355 acres on Old Plantation Crk on from William Mellinge.
9/30/1656, Jno Daniell witnessed will of Francis Payne in Northampton Co.
10/2/1667, Know all men by these prsents that I Lydia Wilkins of North'ton County in Virginia Spinster, doe Constitute, appoint, & ordayne, Charles Holden … to Answere all such Actions as is Com~enced against me, in the Court held in the sayd County of North'ton by John Daniell planter, …
12/1668, Elizabeth Daniel “wf of John” was age 45 for a deposition in Northampton, VA.
1688, John died; Elizabeth remarried. [See 2122 for more info.]
1702, John’s cattle mark recorded for his neice Susannah Hanby, d/o his sister Mary [and grandneice of his wife Elizabeth].

ii. Mary Daniels ( 531), born ~1660.

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