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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bell 720 & 721

720. John Kimbrough II & 721. Elizabeth Bradley {New Kent Co. VA}

~1660 John born in England, the s/o 1440. John Kimbrough I and 1441. Mary Douglas.
~1663 Sarah/Elizabeth born in VA the d/o 1442. Thomas Bradley and 1443. Elizabeth ?.
1666, John immigrated to MD with his family. See No. 1440.
John is believed to have returned to England to visit relatives and returned.
By 1688, John moved to New Kent Co., VA and made claimes for support to the VA Gen. Assembly. (S) See 1691.
5/12/1691, “Wee Conceive that no allowance for ye future ought ot be made to Jno Kimbrough he being very well able to maintain himself, …”. (S) Leg. Journals of the Council of Col. VA, Waine, P142, Claimes in Ano 1688, New Kent Co.
~1698 in New Kent Co., VA, John married Elizabeth.
10/23/1703, William Winston & John Kimbro 1500 acs King Wm Co. in St. John’s Par in Pamunkey Neck on brs of Mangohick Cr along Littlepage’s & Johnson’s lines.
5/1706, John received 1901 acres for bringing 22 people to the colony. (S) DesJardins’ Report.
1707, Henry Bowe and John Kimbrough Jr. were also among the helpers assigned to Abraham Cook. (S) St. Paul’s Vestry Book.
4/10/1719, At a Vestry held for St. Pauls Parish 8br ye 10 1719, ‘Ordered into precinct for processioning the lands of Mr Edward Garland, Abra. Cook, Thos. Barlo; John Kimbrough, …’
4/18/1719, ‘This within order executed by us whose names are here written, except land between Jno. Harris & John Kimbrough, which …’.
10/10/1719, Abraham Cook and Edward Garland were appointed overseers for the processioning of their precinct, which included the lands of Abraham Cook, William Cook, William Meriwether, John Harris, Edward Garland, Thomas Barlow, John Kimbrough (the former Jr.), John Whatley, and John Harris. (S) St. Paul’s Vestry Book.
5/24/1720, New Kent County Sc. We the Subscribers being Jurors, Impanneled Sworn by Virtue of an Order of the Said Court, made the 12th day of May, Instant called upon the Land of John Harris, Joining on John Kimbro: in the said Order, Mention’d that with the Surveyor and Sheriff of the Said County on the 23rd day of the said month, said Harris & Kimbro purchased of Mr. Edward Garland, being the land in Question, …and do find that Said John Harris wanted Eight acres of land, which was then in the possession of the said John Kimbro, by … Instant made upon John Harriss’s refusal, to procession ye dividnig it between him and John Kimbro; of a certain dividend of Land made over to them. Lying the South Side, of the North Anna, Paumonkey River in the afores’d County by Edw’d Garland in company of Jury & the Sheriff of the County went upon the Said land in the Controversy, in presence of the said Haris & Kimbro, where and when they both agreed that the bounds of the whole Dividned made over to them, Should be measured, and the Dividend is three hundred and twenty acres, ….
Aft. 1750 Sarah/Elizabeth died in VA.

Children of John and Elizabeth:

i. Rebecca Kimbrough, born 8/10/1699, St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent Co., VA.

ii. John Kimbrough III, baptized 12/21/1701, St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent Co., VA.
7/7/1724, Ordered that John Kimbrow be continued Overseer of the said road from the mouth of east north east to the head of Mattapany river towards Germana and that the inhabitants of Pamunky river, and of east north east do help him clear the same.
11/4/1724, John Kimbrow is appointed & continued overseer of the road from Rich Neck to the extent up wards to ye head of Mattapany river and Ordered that the following male tithables on the severall plantations do serve and help him cleare the same Vizt : John Kimbrows, …
~1728, John married Elizabeth Spiller, d/o William Spiller.
11/2/1733, On petition of Charles Barret, ordered that John Kimbro, Sr, George Berry, John Henson and John Harris value building works and improvements on 400 acres belonging to petitioner on north branch of north fork of Little River. (S) New Kent Co. Hanover Road Orders, 1706–1743.
6/22/1740, John “Kembrow”, 800 acres on in 2 patents on the Contrary River.
6/27/1758, John wrote his will.
Bef. 8/12/1765 John died in Louisa Co., VA. (S) Will proved in Louisa Co., VA.
William Kimbrough, born ~1730 in Hanover Co., VA.
He married Sarah Fields.
He died in Louisa Co., VA.

iii. Mary Kimbrough, baptized 1/30/1703, St. Peter’s Parish, New Kent Co., VA.
Mary married John Wilkens.

iv. Thomas Kimbrough Sr ( 360), born 1707 in New Kent Co., VA.

v. Marmaduke Kimbrough Sr, born ~1710, New Kent Co., VA.
Marmaduke 1st married Ann ?
11/7/1735, Marmaduke “of Hanover Co., VA” sold his land for 5 schillings and 1 ear of Indian corn, 1170 acres on the south side of Morratuck River. (S) Edgecombe Co., NC deeds.
10/24/1739, Marmaduke gave 100 acres to his “little sister” Margaret Harris.
Marmaduke 2nd married Mary Jane Turner, born 4/14/1742 in Edgecombe Co., NC, d/o Roger Turner and Elizabeth Evans.
They moved to Orange Co.
They moved to Shallowford, Rowan Co.
10/22/1768, Marma Duke Kimbrough wrote his will in Rowan Co., NC.
~1769, Marmaduke died in Rowan Co., NC.
Children of Ann:
Maj. John Kimbrough, born ~1754.
He married Hannah Kolb, d/o Abel Kolb.
Child: Elizabeth Kimbrough married Col. Lemuel Benton.
Children of Nancy:
Anna Kimbrough, born 10/27/1761 in Rowan Co., NC.
She married Wyatt Garner, s/o Parrish and Margaret Sturdy.
3/16/1815 Anna died.
George Kimbrough, born 11/4/1764 in Rowan Co., NC.
He married Catherine Young, born 2/2/1763, d/o Edward Young.
5/18/1846 George died.
Goldman Kimbrough, born 6/1/1766 in Rowan Co., NC.
3/18/1792 in Wilkes Co., NC he married Mary Allen.
1835 he died in Walker Co., AL.
Orman Kimbrough, born 1/30/1768 in Shallowford, Rowan Co., NC.
10/13/1795 he married 1st Elizabeth Davie, d/o the Governor of NC.
~1803 in Rowan Co., NC he married 2nd Millie Patillo.
1820 he died in the Salisbury Distr., Surry Co., NC.
Marmaduke Kimbrough Jr, born 11/8/1769 in Shallowford, Rowan Co., NC.
He married Martha E Young.
7/2/1830 he died in NC/TN.

vi. Bradley C Kimbrough, born ~1712, New Kent Co., VA.
Bef. 1753 Bradley married Sarah Thompson, d/o Samuel Thompson of Scotland.
Originally Episcopalians, they joined the Baptist church.
~1795 Bradley died in Rowan Co., NC.
Jesse Kimbrough, born ?.
He died in TN.
Thomas Kimbrough, born ?.
He married Susannah Mabry.
They lived in KY.
Rev. Duke Kimbrough, born in 11/19/1762 in NC.
At 21 he moved to TN.
He married 3rd Eunice Carlock.
9/21/1849, he died in Jefferson Co., TN. [Pastor of Dandridge Bapt. Ch. for 50 years.]
Child: Bradley Kimbrough – source of family genealogy back to John [No. 720]. (S) Sketches of TN’s Pioneer Baptist Preachers, 1919.
Amelia Kimbrough, born ?.
Anna Kimbrough, born ?.
David Kimbrough, born ?.

vii. William Kimbrough, born ~1713, New Kent Co., VA.

viii. Margaret Kimbrough, born ~1715, New Kent Co., VA.
Margaret married Richard Harris.
10/24/1739, older brother Marmaduke gave 100 acres to his “little sister” Margaret Harris.
Margaret died in Granville Co., NC.

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